Chapter 1

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I woke up in a box. It was pitch black and I couldn't see a thing. What the hell? I pushed against the top of the box to find that it would not move. It seemed like it was nailed down or something was holding it down. How the hell do I get out of here? As it turned out, I was holding my wand, so I decided to cast a spell to blast open the top of the box so I could get out. As soon as I did, something very heavy fell on me. Dirt?
"Protego!" I thought, putting a shielding charm up to get most of it off me. I looked around and noticed that it looked like I was buried or underground somewhere. I stood up, the shield charm still up, and pushed the dirt off myself. Once I was at the surface, the rest of the dirt slid down the shield and settled on the ground. I got out of my grave and decided I needed to do something with the remaining dirt.
"Wingardium Leviosa." I said, pointing my wand at the remaining dirt. It began levitating and I lazily put it back on top of my coffin.
I looked around and noticed that I was in a graveyard. What the hell? How and why in the name of Merlin am I here? Where are Harry and Lily? LILY AND HARRY! Did they get away? My eyes widened at the thought of my wife and son. Memories of that night came back to me: me telling Lily to take Harry and run, Voldemort killing me. Wait, if he killed me, how am I alive? I then climbed up to get back on the ground. I looked at the gravestone behind me.

                 In loving memory of

James Potter                     Lily Potter

        BORN                                 BORN

27 March 1960               30 January 1960

           DIED                                DIED
31 October 1981           31 October 1981

The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death

Wait, so Lily and I both died that night? What happened to Harry? Is he alive? Did Voldemort kill him? A thousand questions were running through my mind in this moment. So many that it took me by complete shock when I heard an explosion next to me. I almost fell back in my grave. Merlin, that sounds very strange. I looked over to see that Lily's grave was open as well.
"L-Lily?" I asked softly. Just then, a saw red hair emerge from the grave. The head tilted up and I was faced with the face of my beautiful wife.
"James?" She asked in disbelief. I immediately got up and helped her out of her grave. It still sounds weird saying that. "What happened?" She asked. I explained to her everything that had happened and what I remembered.
"Harry. Where's Harry? WHERE'S HARRY?!" She cried, getting more agitated and worried by the second. I pulled her into my arms and began to soothe her.
"I have no idea my love. We will find him though. I promise." I promised her, trying to calm her.
"The last thing I remember is talking to Harry and telling him that I loved him, before pleading with Voldemort not to kill him. Voldemort gave me a warning to step aside, but I didn't and then he killed me. That's all I remember up until now." She revealed.

Once we had figured out that we were in Godric's Hollow, the first place we went to was our house. What we saw was horrible. It looked like a bomb had gone off inside it, but the entire place looked like it had been untouched for years. As we got closer, a plaque appeared.

"On this spot, on the night of 31 October 1981, Lily and James Potter lost their lives. Their son, Harry, remains the only wizard ever to have survived the Killing Curse. This house, invisible to Muggles, has been left in its ruined state as a monument to the Potters and as a reminder of the violence that tore apart their family."

Both our eyes widened. Harry survived? He's alive? Where was he now? What had happened to him? He should be with Sirius right now. If we can find Sirius, we will probably be able to find Harry.
"Lily, we need to find Harry. What date is it?" I asked.
"I have no idea." She replied. I looked next door and saw a newspaper lying on the ground. It looked new. I went over and looked at the date on it. Friday, 5th November 1993. My face paled. We've been dead for 12 years. "James? What is it? What's wrong?" She asked
"Lily, we've been dead for 12 years." I said in a shaken voice.
"What? How are we alive again?" She asked in disbelief.
"I don't know, but we need to find our son. According to the date here, he should be at Hogwarts right now. We could apparate to the Shrieking Shack and then make our way towards the castle from there? We need to talk to Dumbledore. He'd be the only one who would believe us in this current situation." I suggested.
"James, do think about this for a moment. Even though I am absolutely dying to see our son, how is he going to react when he sees his parents, who have come back from the dead after 12 years of being dead? Especially since we look exactly the same as the night we died. In fact, how is anyone going to react? No spell can reawaken the dead and somehow we managed it. Also, it seems like the entire wizarding world knows our story and believes us to be dead." She replied. She did have a very good point.
"I know Lily, and I agree, but we do need to talk to Dumbledore. Hogwarts is probably the best place for us at the moment. We can't be wandering around like everything is normal. Everyone thinks we are dead." I replied. Lily nodded and we held hands and apparated to the Shrieking Shack.


Once we had gone through the tunnel from the Shrieking Shack to the Whomping Willow, I had an idea. I turned to James.
"Can you still transform? I have an idea that will get us there quicker once we get through the passage." I asked him. James smirked at me, knowing exactly what my idea was. He nodded and transformed into a beautiful red stag. Once he transformed back, we walked through the passage that went from the Shrieking Shack and came out to the Whomping Willow. Once we were out of the passage, we took a moment to look up at the castle, smiling at the memories we both had there. A few minutes later, James transformed into a stag once more. Once he did, I mounted him and he galloped up towards the castle. We got to the edge of the Forbidden Forest and James changed back. Since it was night, we had a good chance of not being seen. There was no one in the hallways so either they were all having dinner or in their dorms by now. We needed to get to the Headmaster's office. Quickly.

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