Chapter 15

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James, Lily, and I ran towards Hagrid's hut, making sure that no one would see us.  We got to the archway before the steps down to Hagrid's hut without any problems, but had to stop when we saw past Ron, Harry, and me talking to Malfoy.  I saw myself punch Malfoy and I smirked.
"Good punch."  James complimented me.
"Thanks."  I replied, smiling at him.  I turned around to see Malfoy running towards us.  My eyes widened.  "Malfoy's coming.  Move!"  I said in a rushed whisper.  The three of us ran to hide behind a wall so we wouldn't be seen.
"Not a word to anyone!  Understood?  I'm gonna get that jumped up mudblood.  Mark my words."  I heard Malfoy say.  By this point, I had gotten used to him calling me a mudblood so I just rolled my eyes, but as I looked back at Lily, I saw a fire in her eyes that looked like it could cause Malfoy to burst into flames.  I then looked at James to see a similar look.  Without saying another word, I peeked around the arch to see that past Ron, Harry, and me were already making their way down the steps.
"Ok, we're clear.  Let's go."  I said, indicating for Lily and James to follow me.


I paused as I caught a glimpse of three figures running through the archway to, what looked like, hide on the other side, away from us: two girls and a boy.  One of the girls, from the looks of it, looked exactly like Granger, and all I could tell of the other was that she had long, red hair.  The boy looked almost exactly like Potter, glasses and all, but he was dressed differently.  What is going on? 


We waited until past Harry, Hermione, and Ron had entered Hagrid's hut, watching from a distance as they went inside.  Once they did, the three of us rush down the stairs to hide behind the pumpkin patch.  After a few minutes Hermione spoke up.
"Fudge is coming." She said, looking back.  I followed her gaze to see Dumbledore, the executioner, and Fudge coming towards us.  She then looked back to Hagrid's hut and frowned. "We aren't leaving.  Why aren't we leaving?"  She asked herself.  She then picked up a rock and threw it at the open window.  She then crouched down so she was hiding.
"Are you mad?!"  I whisper yelled.  Hermione paid me no mind and threw yet another rock at the open window, this time, hitting Harry on the back of the head.
"Come on, we're coming out the back door. Go."  Hermione urged.  The three of us ran to hide behind the trees.  Once the trio had run off, Hermione stepped out slightly to make sure that they were gone before signalling us to come with her.  I walked over to Buckbeak, who was sitting down in between the pumpkins.  He looked up at me and I bowed deeply.  He mimicked my action and put his head back down.  I undid his chains and began pulling but he didn't even budge.
"Come on Buckbeak."  I said quietly.  "Come on, we're going to help you."  I said.  He didn't move
"Keep trying."  Lily encouraged, barely a whisper.
"I'm trying."  I replied quietly.  I then turned my attention back to Buckbeak, trying to coax him into coming with us, but he kept refusing to move.  That was until Hermione came to stand next to me holding a dead ferret.
"Come on Buckbeak.  Come and get the nice dead ferret."  She said.  Buckbeak stood up and she threw it to him.  He caught it, ate it, and began walking towards us wanting more.  She then took a second ferret and did the same thing.  Suddenly, the door to Hagrid's hut opened, and all of us, including Buckbeak, froze as the execution party emerged.  I noticed that they weren't looking at us though.  It seemed as though Dumbledore was stalling them as long as possible.
"Come on Buckbeak."  Hermione coaxed, holding out another dead ferret.  He followed us, his beak snapping at the dead ferret.
"But where is it?"  Fudge asked.  "I saw the beast just now."  His voice slightly rose.  "Not a moment ago!"  He exclaimed.
"How extraordinary."  Dumbledore said, a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Buckbeak."  Hagrid said disapprovingly, a frown on his face.
"Oh come now Dumbledore.  Someone's obviously set released it!"  Fudge said, throwing an accusing gaze at Hagrid.
"I didn't."  Hagrid defended.
"I don't think the Minister is suggesting that you had anything to do with this Hagrid.  After all, how could you?  You've been with us all the time."  Dumbledore said in a manner of fact tone.
"Well, right."  Hagrid agreed.
"Well...well, we must search the grounds."  Fudge demanded.
"Search the skies if you must Minister.  Meanwhile, I'd like a nice cup of tea, or a large brandy."  Dumbledore said, beginning to walk back into Hagrid's hut.  He then turned to the executioner.  "Oh, executioner, your services are no longer required."  He added with a slightly mocking smile.  "Thank you."  He said, before turning around and following Hagrid into his hut.
We waited until everyone was gone before we began running through the forest, Hermione throwing what was left of the dead ferrets occasionally to Buckbeak, who was now running after us.  We got deep within the forest and Hermione threw Buckbeak the last ferret.  She then kept running.
"Now what?"  I asked.
"Now we save Sirius."  Hermione said, leading us to the Whomping Willow.
"How?"  Lily asked.  "'Judging by the time now, he's not going to be up in the cell for a few hour."  She pointed out.
"I would suggest flying up on Buckbeak, but I don't know if he would take all three, then four when we free Sirius, of us.  We'll figure something out."  She replied honestly.  "Let's just go to the Whomping Willow for now."  She suggested, before we took off running through the forest.

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