Bonus Chapter

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When Petunia told Vernon and Dudley that Harry was no longer going to be living with them, she received a tidal wave of questions.  She didn't know how to explain it so she eventually opted for the truth.  Neither of them believed her at first, but after seeing the picture that Dumbledore had sent her, as well as her reading the letter to them, they reluctantly began to believe her. 

So here she was, at the train station, a month later, about to see her sister, and her brother-in-law for the first time in at least 15 years, and her nephew over a year after she last said goodbye to him.  Petunia Dursley was not one to get nervous or lose her cool easily, her pride was too strong for that.  She had a hard, mostly cold, exterior (except when it came to her son).  However, the one thing she had never told anyone, is that she always regretted how she treated her sister, her nephew, and she never really got to know James either.  For the first time in her life, she felt nervous about something.   She waited at the platform as the train pulled up and passengers began filing out and going to collect their luggage.

Lily, James, and Harry all walked over to Petunia, kind smiles on their faces, but, she could tell that there was tension between them and just by looking at Harry, she could tell that he was nervous about this meeting.

"Lily, James, Harry."  She greeted them.  There was a slight pang of guilt in her heart about how bluntly she was speaking to them, but it went away before it could linger.

"Petunia."  Lily greeted Petunia brightly.  Lily had honestly missed her sister, even before she died.  She could not say the same for her whale of a husband, but, even though they had never been close, Petunia was still her sister.

"Petunia, it is nice to see you."  James greeted her politely.  She could see the resemblance between Harry and James.  The only difference between them was that Harry had Lily's green eyes, and James had hazel eyes.

"Shall we?"  Petunia asked.  The Potters nodded and followed Petunia out of the train station and towards her car. 

*Later – arriving at 4 Privet Drive*

Petunia had organised the house so that Harry would sleep in his old room, and that Lily and James would sleep in the guest room.  They were only staying a few days, but she knew that this was going to be tough for all of them.  She was still wary of Lily and James, since they had come back from the dead and neither knew how or why, but she was doing to attempt to be civil nonetheless.  She unlocked the door and

"Harry, you will be in your old room, and your parents will be in the guest room.  If you could show them where it is while I prepare some afternoon tea I would appreciate it.  Come downstairs once you put your things away.  Vernon and Dudley should be home soon."  She said in a tone that was all too familiar to Harry, but she had never said that she would appreciate Harry doing something.  It was always a "do this Harry, do that Harry", he was used to her making demands, rather than requests.  It unnerved him slightly, but he assumed that she was putting on a show because his parents were here.  Both Lily and James knew how the Dursleys had treated Harry and none of them were too keen on this visit, but Harry had some things that were still here anyway, so they thought why not.

"Yes Aunt Petunia."  He responded, as he had done so many times before.  He then showed his parents upstairs and towards the room they would be staying in.


Harry showed his parents to their room and then went to his after explaining where his room was in relation to the guest room.  He walked into his bedroom for what might be his last visit to this house.  He looked around, remembering when he moved into this room from the cupboard under the stairs.  It was like living in luxury.  He had an actual bed instead of a hard, old mattress, a wardrobe where he could put, and hang up, his clothes and they wouldn't constantly be crumpled and stuffed into the edge of the tiny space under the stairs he once called his home.

He remembered when he was locked in here and Vernon put multiple locks on the door as well as bars on his window, which was now fixed.  He decided that he wasn't going to unpack, just leave what he brought with him in his suitcase.  He then left his old room and went in search of his parents.  He stopped outside their door as he began speaking.

"Are you sure this was a good idea Lily?"  He heard his father ask.

"I don't like it either James, but Harry needed to get the last of his things so why not visit with him.  It's only for three days."  Lily said honestly.

"A lot can happen in three days Lily, and you know how they treated Harry."  James replied.

"I know.  I know what they did, and there is no way I am forgiving or excusing that, but the three of us can do this.  If Harry managed twelve years, we can manage three days."  Lily said.  The room went silent after than and Harry decided it would be a good time to knock.  He did so and heard his mother call "Come in!"  He entered the room and saw his parents sitting side-by-side on the double bed of the guest room.

"You guys ready to come downstairs?"  Harry asked, a smirk on his face.  His parents narrowed their eyes at him, cautious at the expression on his face.

"Honestly, I'd prefer to stay up here."  James said in a monotone voice.

"Oh, but you haven't even met Vernon or Dudley yet."  Harry replied, his voice basically dripping with sarcasm.  Lily and James looked at each other, surprised at Harry's tone.  Neither of them were particularly looking forward to meeting their brother-in-law and nephew.

*Meeting Vernon and Dudley*

The three Potters were sitting in the lounge room talking whilst Petunia was in the kitchen preparing something to eat when they heard the front door unlock and open. A few seconds later, Dudley and Vernon appeared in the kitchen.

"Harry!"  Dudley exclaimed with a smile.  Harry frowned slightly.  His cousin had never smiled at him like that.  Why was he starting now?  He must have been putting on a show for his parents, there was no other explanation.  But all of them, especially his uncle, hated anything to do with magic, well, Dudley didn't know any better because that was how he was raised.  He followed by example, like all children do, and he had had pretty poor examples to follow.  Harry saw Vernon look his parents like they were some sort of disease, like he had looked at Harry for the last 12 years of his life.

"Vernon, Dudley, meet my sister, Lily, and her husband, James.  Harry's parents."  Petunia introduced them in a civil manner. 

*Three Days Later*

Lily would tell you she was going to miss her sister, she would tell you that she couldn't wait to see them again, but in all honesty, she could not wait to get out of that house.  Of course, she would never say anything negative to their faces, but she, Harry, and James were going to talk about this when they got home.

"Well, it was lovely to see you again Petunia."  Lily said in a kind voice, her son and husband standing behind her.

"You as well Lily."  Petunia replied.  It was obvious that the kindness was faked.  They still didn't get along, and Lily doubted they ever would.

Vernon was nothing but downright rude to them throughout their entire stay.  According to Harry, Vernon was always like that, and he treated Harry no differently that he usually would.  Both Lily and James were horrified at this statement.  Dudley was an annoyance if there ever was one, and the Potters were all counting the minutes until they were able to get back home.  It would be an understatement to say that at the end of the three days, James, Lily, and Harry were not relieved.  The three Potters gathered up all their things and went to the back garden, where they were going to apparate back home.

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