Chapter 6

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I was sitting in my office marking tests.  I had just marked that of Hermione Granger, and no matter how much I disliked her, I couldn't deny that she was an exceptionally gifted witch.  I assume the reason I didn't like her was not because she was so intelligent, no, it was because she reminded me of Lily.  Not in looks, but in other ways.  Like the loyalty she shows her friends and the fact that she would stand up for them and protect them as best she could no matter what, and the fact that, even though she is a Gryffindor - also like Lily - she is extremely intelligent.  I always felt sad when I thought of Lily.  We had been friends since we were children, but our friendship had ended when I called her that word, that unforgivable word that no muggle-born should ever be called.  I never forgave myself for it and I never will.

She was my best friend and the woman I loved, and in a fit of anger and embarrassment, whilst Potter and his gang were teasing me, I called her the most unforgivable word you could possible call a witch or wizard who is muggle-born.  A Mudblood.  I called Lily a mudblood when all she was trying to do was stand up for me and defend me.  No matter how much I tried to apologize, she never accepted my apology.  It was one of the things that ultimately destroyed our friendship.  The other two being her love for Potter, and the fact that I started to dabble in Dark Magic, which Lily never approved of.  I have regretted it ever since.

A knock on the door broke me out of the trance I had somehow found myself in.
"Come in."  I said, my voice sounding highly monotonous.  The door opened and I was faced with Professor Dumbledore, along with Harry Potter.  I raised an eyebrow, my expression still stony.  "Can I help you?"  I asked, my voice cold.
"Yes, Severus, actually, you can."  Dumbledore stated.  My expression remained unchanged, and he knew I was waiting for him to continue.  "There are two people I want you to meet.  However, it is a bit of a delicate situation.  They are not supposed to be here in that they are both supposed to be dead.  We, Professor McGonagall, Professor Lupin, Harry, and I, have done all the necessary tests and we know that it is actually them."  He said, a smile on his face.
"Get to the point Headmaster."  I said in a borderline annoyed tone.
"I need to take your wand for a moment so that you won't harm them.  Well, one in particular."  He added.  My eyes narrowed at him and I cautiously handing my wand to him.  I waited for his next move.  "You can come in now."   He called to someone I couldn't see.  Suddenly two people walked in.  Two people I knew to be dead.  I saw their bodies, felt her cold body in my arms as I cried for my lost love that night.  Now, bright eyed and very, very much alive, were James and Lily Potter.  My expression turned from that of cold annoyance to absolute shock in a matter of seconds. 
"Lily?"  I asked as I gazed upon my childhood friend.
"Yes Severus, we are here."  She replied, smiling at me.
"How?"  I asked them both.  Everyone knew that no spell or enchantment could raise the dead.  If that were possible, multiple people would have done it already, including me.
"We don't know."  She replied.
"Snape?"  James asked.  I turned to him and looked at him, my face unreadable.  "I wanted to say that I'm sorry for how Sirius and I treated you in school."  James said.  I was shocked.  James Potter, the boy who teased me relentlessly at school and basically made my school years hell, was apologizing to me.  "You don't have to forgive me, in fact, I don't expect you to.  I can't even begin to imagine how much you must hate me, and I don't blame you.  The way we treated you at school was horrible.  But I am sorry none the less."  He said. 
"You're right, I do hate you.  But, because Lily loves you so much, it might be possible for me to forgive you eventually.  However, it will not be overnight.  Black on the other hand, will never gain my forgiveness for betraying the both of you to the Dark Lord."  I stated.  Both James and Lily suddenly had dark and angry looks on their faces.  What did I say?
"Sirius never laid a hand on us, nor did he betray us."  Lily stated angrily. 
"It was Pettigrew, the dirty rat sold us to Voldemort."  James snarled.  Everyone flinched at his name.  "Now we find out that Sirius went to Azkaban without a trial for a crime he didn't commit!"  He exclaimed.  I was shocked at this.  Pettigrew was their secret keeper?  Pettigrew betrayed them.  Everyone, myself included, had always believed it to be Black.  No matter how much I still hated Potter and Black, Pettigrew had moved to my "number 1 hated person".  I felt annoyance that Black had killed him because now I longed to do it.
"Wormtail?  He betrayed you?  But didn't Black kill him?"  I clarified, one of my eyebrows raised.
"No.  I thought so too until Harry mentioned seeing Wormtail on the Marauders Map.  The map never lies and that's what gave me further proof that these are actually James and Lily."  Lupin responded, indicating to the Potters.  My face remained stony, but I believed what they were saying.
"Who else knows?  That you have returned."  I asked Lily and James.
"Only Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Professor Lupin, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and you."  Lily replied.
"And how do you think the rest of the staff and students, in fact the rest of the wizarding world, are going to react to having two people who have been dead for 12 years suddenly come back to life?"  I asked.  "You have to also note that there isn't a wizard alive today doesn't know your story.  How you both sacrificed your lives for Harry and how he defeated the Dark Lord."  I added.

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