Chapter 8

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Ron, Harry, and I were currently with Harry's parents in Dumbledore's office just talking and getting to know them.  James even said that it was wonderful to meet the two people who were the main source of Harry's happiness over the past 12 years, even if we have only known each other for three.  I had found out yesterday though, that Hagrid had lost his case for Buckbeak and Buckbeak had now been sentenced to death.  I hadn't told them as of yet because I didn't want to ruin Harry's happiness.  I needed to though,

"Hermione?"  I heard Lily's voice ask.  My head snapped up and I looked at her.  "You seem troubled.  What is it?"  She asked in a motherly tone.

"Hagrid sent me a note earlier.  He lost his case.  Buckbeak is to be executed.  The Ministry has allowed him to come back to Hogwarts though."  I said, directing my statement at Harry and Ron.  Everyone, including James and Lily – who didn't even know the full story, looked absolutely shocked.

"He is?"  Harry asked shakily.  I nodded at this.  Ron and Harry embraced me in a hug.

"What happened?  Who is Buckbeak?"  Lily asked curiously.

"Buckbeak is Hagrid's pet Hippogriff.  In one of our lessons for Care of Magical Creatures, which Hagrid is now teaching, he showed us Buckbeak and taught us about Hippogriffs.  Malfoy offended Buckbeak, which he was warned not to do, and Buckbeak attacked him.  He told his father and, long story short, Buckbeak is to be executed because, according to Malfoy's father, Buckbeak is a dangerous creature who would kill you as soon as he looked at you."  I explained, a sad expression on my face.  Everyone was now looking very sad.

"Malfoy, as in Lucius Malfoy?"  Lily clarified.

"His son Draco."  Ron replied.

"Got it."  James said.

"He sounds awful to me."  Lily stated.

"He is.  He's a real Daddy's boy as well.  He always says 'My Father Will Hear About This' whenever something doesn't go his way."  Ron stated.  Harry and James laughed at this.

"So he can't even stand up for himself?  He has to get Daddy to do it for him?"  James confirmed, raising an eyebrow.  Harry, Ron, and I nodded.  James rolled his eyes.  "That's pathetic really."  He stated offhandedly.  His eyes then lit up with a cheeky spark, similar to that of the Weasley twins.

"James?  What are you doing?"  Lily asked, obviously knowing that look.

"You want to get back at him, correct?"  James asked the three of us, basically ignoring Lily.

"More than anything."  Ron said, his face turning angry.

"Ok.  We're not gonna use violence, but here's what we'll do..." James began, a smirk on his face.  "We'll save Buckbeak.  That way, you will not get in trouble, and even if he tells his father, Lucius will not believe him because people are not supposed to come back from the dead."  He suggested. 

"But how will you save him?"  Ron asked.

"That's what we need to figure out.  But we will think of something.  I know we will."  Lily stated, a look of determination on her face.

"We should probably warn the teachers first though."  I suggested.  All of them nodded in response to this.

"Agreed.  Could you go and find Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore?"  Lily asked.  "They know so they should organise this."  We all nodded.  "All of you should go because as much as we want to spend time with Harry, it'll be suspicious if you and Ron started to be seen without him seeing as, according to Harry, you are always together."  She added.

"I agree."

"Don't worry darling, we aren't going to disappear.  I promise."  Lily said, giving Harry a kiss on the cheek.  The three of us then made our way from Dumbledore's office to find Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore.

*A few hours later*


It was time to tell all the staff about the Potters' resurrection.  I am not completely sure as to what the reactions would be, but I know that we need to tell them.  The three Potters, Mr Weasley, and Miss Granger were there as well since

*All the staff gathered together*

All the staff were gathered together in Dumbledore's office, James and Lily standing behind the doors with Dumbledore.

"Minerva, what is this about?"  Pomona asked.

"This is going to sound impossible, and I thought it was as well.  But there has been an impossible turn of events.  However, Remus and Severus can tell you that these two people are who they say they are."  I explained.

"What do you mean Minerva?"  Filius asked.

"Albus, you may bring them in now."  I called to Dumbledore.  Dumbledore then entered the room with all three Potters, Miss Granger, and Mr Weasley.  All the staff around me gasped.  They must have noticed that James and Lily had not aged a day since they graduated Hogwarts.

"James?  Lily?"  Hagrid asked a look of disbelief but hope on his face.  In fact, all the staff, bar Severus, Remus, Albus, and I were in shock.

"But, how is this possible?"  Filius asked in shock. 

"That's what we don't know.  The last thing I remember is telling Lily to take Harry and run before the door was blasted open.  I then saw a bright green light, then nothing until I woke up in my coffin a few days ago."  James stated.

"Impossible."  Poppy breathed in awe, but we all heard her.

"Exactly, no one would know that information because we were the only ones there that night, and Harry would have been too young to remember any of it."  Lily replied.  Both James and Harry nodded in agreement.  Without saying anything, Hagrid barged through the crowd of Professors and non-teaching staff and enveloped both James and Lily in a huge hug.

"Who else knows?"  Irma asked curiously.

"No one apart from Dumbledore, Remus, Severus, Harry, Ron, Hermione and myself."  I replied.

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