Chapter 16

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"There's Lupin and you two." Hermione said as Lupin yelled "Immobulus."
"Now we wait." Lily said.
"Now we wait." Hermione repeated. With that, we all sat down to wait.


We had been talking for a while whilst we waited for everyone to come out. Hermione had been telling us stories of their (Harry, Ron & her) adventures over the past couple of years as well as what she knew of Harry's home life. She also told us what the wizarding world believed of Sirius. I had a multitude of emotions running around in my head, but I couldn't voice my opinion or thoughts because, before I could even form a sentence, Lily caught our attention and told us that everyone was emerging from the tunnel under the Whomping Willow.
"Here we come." Lily said. We all stood up and waited for the scene in front of us to play out. We watched as Remus turned into a werewolf and Sirius and I went after him. The three of us ran then followed the forest to the lake where Sirius and I had appeared after we had fought with Remus. Sirius was now human, and barely conscious, lying by the lake. I was kneeling down next to him trying to make sure he was ok when we both looked up and saw the Dementors above us. Before we knew it, one by one, the Dementors were sucking the life out of past-Sirius and past-me. I looked over at Lily and nodded. She nodded back and walked out so she had a clear vision of both of us. She then pulled out her wand.
"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" She called. A doe erupted from her wand and paused before letting off pulses of bright, white, translucent light seemingly coming from it. As the pulses continued, the Dementors began to flee. Once all the Dementors were gone, the light faded away so that all that was left was a light on the tip of Lily's wand, which quickly faded. As the light faded away, past-me lost consciousness.
"What did you just do?" Hermione demanded when Lily came back to where they were hiding.
"I saved their lives, that's what I just did." Lily snapped.
"I said we-" Hermione began, but Lily cut her off.
"Couldn't be seen. I know. I know how time turners work, and I know what all the laws and rules surrounding them are. You may be the brightest witch of your age, but I was the brightest of mine." Lily stated. I raised an eyebrow at the two.
"I hate to interrupt but I think we should hide." I said. Both of them looked at me. "Someone's coming." I told them.

*After past-Sirius and past-James have been taken away*

"Now, Sirius will most likely be up in the Tower by now, so James, Hermione, you take Buckbeak and fly up to rescue Sirius, I'll make my way back to the hospital wing and wait for you there. Sound good?" Lily suggested. "Oh, and tell Sirius I love him and I'll see him soon ok?" I added. James nodded at this, a smile on his face. Hermione opened her mouth to say something but Lily got there first. "Don't worry, I'll remain hidden. The three of us will then walk in together when you get there." She added.
"Sounds good." Hermione replied. I nodded and we went our separate ways.
Lily ran off to go to the hospital wing and Hermione and I bowed to Buckbeak. He bowed back and we then climbed onto his back before taking off and heading up to the dark tower.

Buckbeak landed on the landing of the Dark tower and Hermione jumped off, running to the cell.
"Alohamora." Hermione said, pointing her want at the lock to the cell. The door swung open with a creak and Sirius got up and rushed out of it.
"James? Hermione? What are you doing here?" He asked in shock
"Rescuing you of course." Hermione exclaimed.
"Honestly Sirius, you can't be that thick. I thought that was Wormtail's job." I said teasingly. "Get on, there's not much time." I added. Sirius and I helped Hermione up and Sirius followed quickly. After that, Buckbeak took off and we flew to the top of the West Tower. Once we got there, Hermione and I jumped off onto the landing.
"Thank you. Both of you." He said.
"It wasn't just us. Lily drove the Dementors away." I said, reminding him of the previous events.
"We will see each other again soon Prongs." He told me with a smile.
"See you soon Padfoot." I replied with a grin.
"Oh, and Hermione." Sirius said, we both looked at him. "You really are the brightest witch of your age." He complimented her. She smiled.
"Off with you then you dog." I said teasingly. He grinned.
With one last smile, Sirius squeezed Buckbeak's sides with his heels and they both flew off into the night. With that, we both sprinted off down the stairs towards the Hospital Wing.

*Meeting up with Lily at the Hospital Wing*

We met up with Lily outside the Hospital Wing and waited until the last chime of the clock before we opened the doors and walked in.
"How did you get there?" Ron asked in shock. "We were talking to you there." He pointed to a spot on the floor in front of him. He then turned to us again "and now you are there." He finished.
"What's he talking about James?" Hermione asked looking at me. I looked back at her with a cheeky smile.
"No idea. Honestly, Ron, how can someone be in two places at once?" I asked. Lily and Hermione burst out laughing at my comment. Both Harry and Ron looked confused, but both let it slide.

*The Next Day*


Dumbledore had requested James and I in his office because he wanted to ask us something. We knocked on the door and it immediately opened.
"Yes?" James and I asked together.
"I was wondering if it would be alright for you to reveal yourselves to the students?" Dumbledore asked, getting straight to the point. James and I looked at each other and shrugged.
"Sure." I replied.
"We will also have to deal with the Ministry of Magic soon." Dumbledore pointed out. I knew this would come out eventually.
"That's going to be a nightmare." James stated.
"To say the least." I added.
"Also, I have sent a letter to the Dursleys outlining what has happened and saying that Harry will not be living with them but with his parents from now on. It also contained a photo of all of you on Christmas. I hope that is alright." Dumbledore told us. I smiled.
"That's going to be a shock when they find out." I said without even thinking.

*4 Privet Drive*


Vernon had already gone to work, taking Dudley with him to school. For some reason, I found myself thinking about Lily. It had been years since I thought about her, but no matter how much I tried not to, I couldn't get her out of my head. I sifted through the mail after I picked it up and noticed one letter in particular. It looked exactly like Lily and Harry's Hogwarts letters, but this one was addressed
I sat down the table and opened it cautiously.

Dear Mrs Dursley,

My name is Albus Dumbledore. I have some news for you that you will find hard to believe, so you may want to sit down if you haven't already. Your sister, Lily, and her husband James have returned from the dead. It is unknown as to how or why, but it is the truth. We have run all the necessary tests to prove their identities, and it is really them. You should also note, that beginning this summer, Harry will now be living with his parents.
If you wish for further proof, attached is a photo of the three of them taken on the Christmas Day of this year, 1993.

Kind Regards,
Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Order of Merlin (first class), Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot.

I could not believe what I had just read. Lily could not be alive, it just wasn't possible. I am no witch, but I knew that even in the wizarding world, no spell could reawaken the dead. Yet, somehow Lily and James had managed it. I slid the photo out and as said, it was Lily and James – exactly how they looked 12 years ago, with Harry – exactly how he looked when he went off to school this year. The picture was moving and they were all smiling and hugging each other. I couldn't believe it. On the outside, I always pretended that I hated Harry, and that I couldn't stand my sister or her husband. Deep down, I didn't. I disliked treating Harry so poorly, but I knew I had to because of Vernon. Vernon never told me where his hatred towards magic stemmed from, but it had gotten to the stage where I didn't even bother to think about it anymore.

I remember when Marge came over the day Harry left, and he got angry and basically turned her into a balloon, she honestly deserved it for what she said. I was so uncomfortable when she said "if there's something wrong with the bitch then there's something wrong with the pup." I don't think she understood that it wasn't just Harry's mother she was insulting, it was also my sister as well. I knew I shouldn't tell Vernon or Dudley, as they would think I am absolutely crazy, so I made a promise to myself that I was not going to. However, what was I going to tell them about Harry not being with us anymore? I had to think of something, and it had to be fast since Harry was due to be home with us in a little over a week.

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