Chapter 2

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I was in my office pacing.  I knew something had happened.  Something big.  I had felt a huge wave of power, but I didn't know where from.  Suddenly, I heard a loud knock on my office door.  Who would be here so late? 
"Come in."  I called, getting up from my desk.  The door opened revealing a man and a woman.  I was in shock.  These two had been dead for 12 years, how are they here? 
"Death Eaters!  How did you get in and how dare you impersonate Lily and James Potter!"  I exclaimed, raising my wand at them.  James stood in front of Lily in an attempt to protect her.
"No, Albus, listen, it is us!"  James exclaimed.  "We can prove it to you."  He added.  I glared at him, not lowering my wand.  "How?"  I asked.  Without a word, James transformed into a large stag in the middle of my office.  Even someone drinking polyjuice potion would not be able to transform into that person's animagus form.  That's when I knew they weren't lying.
"It is us."  Lily said as James transformed back to normal.
"How?  You died?"  I asked in shock.  No spell can reawaken the dead, so how are they even here?
"We have no idea.  We woke up in our coffins earlier tonight, managing to get out of them.  Once we figured out we were in Godric's Hollow, we went straight back to our house, finding it destroyed.  We saw the plaque and we know that Harry survived.  He's at Hogwarts, correct?"  James replied.
"Yes, he is at Hogwarts.  He should be in bed right now, but knowing him, he is probably awake and doing something."  I replied, a slight smirk on my face. 
"Even though I want to see him right this second with all my heart, I know that we should at least wait until morning."  James said rationally.  Lily looked sad, but nodded, as she also knew that this was a good idea.
"What's he like?"  Lily asked longingly, wanting to know as much about her son as possible.
"He is the perfect combination of you both.  If he and James were to stand next to each other they would look like twins, except Harry has your eyes Lily.  He has James' talent for trouble, but also is a very kind and caring person.  He's incredibly brave and will risk his own wellbeing to make sure that others, especially those he cares about, are safe."  I described to them.  "He is in Gryffindor House, and is also an amazing Quidditch player.  He has been Seeker on the Gryffindor team since his first year.  He's a natural on a broom."  I told them.  James was grinning and Lily had a loving smile on her face.
"He sounds amazing."  Lily said in wonder, longing to meet her son.
"He is, especially with the environment he grew up in."  I replied.  I probably shouldn't have said that.
"What do you mean?  Sirius couldn't have been that bad."  James exclaimed.
"He wasn't with Sirius."  I revealed.  Both James and Lily looked shocked.
"Excuse me?  We gave specific instructions that if anything happened to us, Harry was to go to Sirius!"  James exclaimed, clearly horrified.
"Who did he grow up with?"  Lily asked, narrowing her eyes at me.  By the look on her face, I think she had an idea but hoped she was wrong.
"The Dursleys."  I answered, prepared for the screaming I was about to receive.
"What?!  Why would you ever consider sending him there?!  Weren't we specific enough in our Wills that Harry was not to go the Dursleys under any circumstances!"  Lily exclaimed. 
"Sirius was in Azkaban and they were the only family he had left.  He can tell you what his life was like growing up."  I explained.
"Wait, WHAT?!  Why was Sirius in Azkaban?"  James asked in both confusion and shock.
"He was sentenced without a trial to life imprisonment in Azkaban for betraying you both to You-Know-Who, and murdering Peter Pettigrew and twelve Muggles.  He escaped a few weeks ago and I am sure he is heading to Hogwarts.  Everyone is under the impression that he is, and always has been, a big supporter of You-Know-Who and that he is coming after Harry in order to kill him."  I told them grimly.  Both of them looked absolutely shocked.  However, the shock quickly faded and it was replaced by anger.
"It was Pettigrew!  He was our secret keeper and the only one who knew of our location.  Sirius is innocent!  Sirius would not do something like that."  James growled.  Lily looked furious at this, more furious than I had ever seen her.
"You should know though, Sirius escaped from Azkaban a few weeks ago though.  No one knows how he did it."  I added.
"I have an idea."  James said quietly.  I looked at him, knowing immediately what his idea was.  Both Lily and I nodded, knowing exactly what he meant.
"Plus, if Sirius did kill Pettigrew, he deserved it for betraying us."  James snapped, a frown forming on his face.
"I agree."  Lily said with a similar tone and expression.
"Well, it is getting pretty late, so I suggest we all head to bed.  Would it be alright with you if you slept in here for tonight?  We do not want anyone to find out that you two are alive just yet.  That would be...complicated.  We will deal with all of this in the morning."  I suggested.  Both of them nodded.
"I think that is a very good idea.  Anywhere you have for us is fine."  Lily replied.
I conjured up a bed for them on the floor that they could sleep on.
"I will meet you back up here in the morning and we can discuss this further."  I stated.  They both nodded and we all headed to bed.

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