Chapter 14

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*Skip to when they are in the tunnel*


I never trusted Peter to begin with; there was something about him that I didn't like.  Honestly though, I wish Sirius had killed him, but if that wasn't going to happen, I'd rather he was given to the Dementors.  Remus had tied Peter up and he was watching him like a hawk.  We had all agreed that if he transformed, we would kill him, not caring what the consequences were.  We just emerged from the tunnel under the Whomping Willow when something happened.  I looked across at Remus, whose entire body had gone stiff.  He then started shaking violently, and I knew exactly what was happening, and by the looks on their faces, so did James and Sirius.  What none of us noticed though, is that Peter got away whilst we were focused on Remus.

"Lily, you take Ron, Harry, and Hermione back to the castle as fast as you can.  Sirius and I will deal with Remus."  James said quickly.  I nodded and Hermione, Harry, and I helped Ron up so we could help him back to the castle.  James transformed into a stag and dashed after Remus and Sirius.


"Lily, you take Ron, Harry, and Hermione back to the castle as fast as you can.  Sirius and I will deal with Remus."  I said quickly.  Lily nodded and did as I asked.  I transformed into a stag and dashed after Remus and Sirius.  I finally caught up to the three of them, and saw Remus and Sirius fighting.  This took me back to Hogwarts days where I would help Remus each month with his transformation. 

*A little while later*

After some fighting, Remus had run off somewhere in the Dark Forrest, so I decided to follow Sirius, who had been hurt in the fight.  I transformed back into a human to see Sirius lying by a lake, human, and barely conscious.  He opened his eyes and gasped in terror at what he saw.  I followed his gaze and saw something that chilled me to the bone.  I looked up to see hundreds of Dementors flying in circles above us.  I turned to the one spell that I knew would protect us.  I thought of the moment that Lily Evans became Lily Potter. 

However, before I could even get out my wand, a Dementor came towards us and began sucking the life out of each of us one at a time.  They just kept coming.  However, through my blurred vision, I saw a patronus in the form of a Doe appear on the other side of the lake.  My eyes widened.

"Lily."  I whispered.  Suddenly, light seemed to emit from the doe in waves across the lake, driving the Dementors away.  Once the light faded away, I lost consciousness. 



Harry and Hermione were sitting with Ron whilst I was sitting by James, who was currently unconscious.

"We need to save Sirius."

"I know, but how?"  Harry asked.  Suddenly, I heard James' voice from next to me.

"I saw you."  He said.  My head snapped down to face him, relief spreading through my body at his open eyes.

"What?"  I asked.

"I saw you down at the lake.  You made the Dementors go away."  James said, his voice sounding cryptic.  I decided not to argue with him and just let it slide.  He then sat up.  "Wait, where is everyone?  Where's Sirius?"  I asked.

"They captured him, and any minute now the Dementors are going to perform the kiss."  I told him.  His eyes widened.  Suddenly, the door opened and Dumbledore walked in.

"Headmaster, you've got to stop them, they've got the wrong man!"

"It's true Sir, Sirius is innocent."

"It's Pettigrew who did it."  James piped up.

"I believed Sirius had killed him."  Dumbledore said, a slightly confused look on his face.

"So did everyone else, but Pettigrew staged the whole thing, as well as betraying us.  He then hid as a rat, as Ron's rat more specifically."  I explained.

"Please, Sir, you have to believe us."  Hermione begged.

"I do believe you, but I doubt the word of three thirteen year old wizards, and two people who are supposed to be dead will convince anyone else, and I have no power to convince others, nor overrule the Minister for Magic."  Dumbledore said rationally.

"Then what do we do?"  James asked.

"What we need is more time."  Dumbledore said, looking directly at Hermione.

"But we don't have-" Hermione said before realization came to her face and her eyes widened.

"Now listen closely."  Dumbledore said to her in a low but crystal clear voice.  "Sirius Black is locked in the top-most cell of the dark tower."  He told us.  "You know the law Miss Granger.  You must not be seen, and you would do well to return before this last chime."  He told her.  "Remember, you must not be seen.  If you succeed tonight, more than one innocent life can be saved.  Three turns should do it I think."  He told Hermione.  She nodded.  "Good luck."  He said before walking out and shutting the door behind him.

"Harry, you stay with Ron.  Lily, James, could you come here please?"  Hermione asked us.  We walked over to her and she got us to stand in a tight circle.  She pulled a thin, golden, chain out from under her robes and put it round the three of our necks.  I looked and saw something that I never thought I would see up close.

"Is that-is that a time turner?"  I asked in shock.  Hermione nodded before turning the hourglass three times.  As soon as she took her hand away, the hourglass began spinning.  Everything around us seemed to spin and go backwards.

As soon as time stopped again, she took it from around our necks and put it back underneath her robes.  We all looked towards the clock to see what time it was.

"7:30.  Where were you at 7:30?"  James asked.

"Going to Hagrid's."  Hermione answered definitively.  "Come on, and we can't be seen."

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