Chapter 17

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James and I were currently in Dumbledore's office talking.  James and I had decided that we were going to go back to Godric's Hollow and begin cleaning up our old house so we could live in it again.  Harry still had about two weeks to go at school though.  Dumbledore had asked us if we would introduce ourselves to the students, and then to the Ministry of Magic.  That was going to take ages.  One step at a time I guess though.  We were going to leave in the next couple of days so we could fix up the house to a liveable state, at least on the inside, before we went to the Ministry of Magic though.  Tonight, we were going to introduce ourselves to the student.  We'd deal with the Ministry later.



Tonight we were introducing my parents to the rest of the students.  Since they looked so young, we had decided that they were going to dress up in Gryffindor robes and sit with Hermione, Ron, and I at the feast.  At some point during dinner, Dumbledore will introduce them and they will stand up.  Since our clothes would be too small for them, Dumbledore was going to give them a robe to put over their normal clothing since our school uniforms are a bit small for them.

*At Dinner*


Once everyone had gathered for dinner and everyone was seated, I looked over at the Gryffindor table, right at the Potters, briefly.  I then looked out at the students, my eyes gazing over the house tables.
"Now, everyone, before we feast, I have some news for you all.  I am going to introduce you to two people.  You will all find this hard to believe, but we have run all possible tests and they are who they claim to be, and are no danger to you."  Dumbledore stated.  All the students, bar Harry, Hermione, and Ron, looked around at each other in confusion and began whispering between themselves.  "Silence please."  Everyone looked back up at me.  I saw Harry glance at his parents from across the table and smile to himself.   I then looked straight at James and Lily, who were sitting about halfway down the Gryffindor table with Harry, Hermione, and Ron.  "James, Lily, would you stand up please."  I asked with a smile.  I saw them link hands before they stood up.  All eyes in the room immediately fixed on the two of them. "Everyone, meet James and Lily Potter."  I finished.  There was a collective gasp from all the students and they all began talking amongst themselves.
"Silence!"  I called.  All voices went silent. 

*After dinner*


James and I had spoken to several people around us at the table as well as a few Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students, who were all lovely.  I miss being back here, I truly do.  Hogwarts will always be special to me and I am so glad I got to be back here for a few months.  Dumbledore has told us that this would be our last night at Hogwarts though, he said that we should head home tomorrow.  Even though I am sad to leave Harry so soon after finding him again, I know that James and I will see him in a week anyway.  I am so glad I met his friends though.  I will be forever grateful to Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.

*The Next Day*

James and I were about to apparate to our old house to start cleaning it up to make it liveable before Harry arrived back.  We had said our goodbyes to our friends, staff, students, Harry, Ron, and Hermione, so we picked up our things and made our way to the Shrieking Shack in order to be able to apparate back to Godric's Hollow, to the home we had waiting for us.


This is going to be the last chapter for this story.  Sorry it ended so suddenly, but I have kind lost motivation to write it and I have been neglecting it a lot more than I should.  I think I rounded it off well though, but I hope the ending pleased you all. Thank you to all of you who read it and I hope you enjoyed it.

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