Chapter 3

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I was looking at the Marauder's Map and I saw something very strange.  According to Fred and George, this map doesn't lie about who is here and where they are.  I was up late having a look at the Marauder's map when I saw something very strange.  Names of two people I knew to be dead in Dumbledore's office.

Lily Potter.
James Potter.

The map must be broken.  There is no way that it could possibly be correct.  I put it out of my mind and kept looking.  A few minutes later, another name of someone I know to be dead came up.  He was walking past the Charms classroom.

Peter Pettigrew. 

Now I was even more confused.  Does this map actually work?  Why is it showing dead people?  Suddenly, Ron woke up.
"Spi-Spiders, they want me to tap dance, I don't wanna tap dance!"  Ron exclaimed.
"You tell those spiders Ron."  I said.
"Ok, I'll tell 'em, I'll tell..."  He nodded before he fell back asleep and started snoring.  I then decided to go and check it out.  I know I shouldn't be out of bed, but I couldn't resist.  I slipped out of bed, putting my shoes on in the process.  I walked down the stairs and out of the common room, making my way towards where I saw Pettigrew's name.  I couldn't get into Dumbledore's office at this hour, so I'd check that out tomorrow.

I walked towards the location that the map showed the location of Pettigrew, but still nothing.  I stopped in front of the Room of Doom.  I know I shouldn't have been doing this.  I saw Pettigrew getting ever closer, and I was looking around for him.  No one was there.  Even when the map said he was right next to me, no one was there.  Then, I saw Professor Snape coming this way.  I was about to get caught. 
"Mischief Managed."  I said, pointing to the map.  "Nox."  I added, putting the light of my wand out.  A second later, a light appeared, illuminating both my face and the face of Professor Snape.  I prepared myself for a lecture that I knew was going to come.  "Potter."  He stated.  He then launched into a lecture about how I didn't listen to anyone about their concern for my safety.  It sounded as if he was trying to get me annoyed enough so that I would tell the truth as to what I was actually doing out this late.  It wasn't going to work.  Then, however, he said something that got me angry, but I didn't show it.
"How extraordinarily like your father you are, Potter."  Snape said, his eyes glinting.  "He, too, was exceedingly arrogant.  A small amount of talent on the Quidditch Pitch made him think he was cut out above the rest of us, too.  Strutting around the castle with his friends and admirers...resemblance between you is uncanny."  He sneered.
"My Dad didn't strut."  I replied sassily.  "And nor do I."  I added.  "Now, if you don't mind, I would appreciate it if you lowered your wand."  I said, trying not to sound too sassy.  He did as I asked, glaring at me as he did so.
"Turn out your pockets."  He said suddenly.  "Now."  He added.  I did so to reveal the blank parchment, which had held the map moments before.  "What's this?"  He asked.
"Spare bit of parchment."  I stated.  He glared at me.
"Really?  Open it."  He ordered.  I did as he asked.  He then pointed his wand at it.  "Reveal your secrets."  Snape said, pointing to the paper, which he did not know was a map.  Writing suddenly appeared on its smooth surface.  "Read it."  Snape ordered.
"Mr Moony presents his compliments to Professor Snape, and begs him to keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business."  I read off the map, Snape was in shock, but writing continued to form on the pages so I continued to read them.  "Mr Prongs agrees with Mr Moony, and would like to add that Professor Snape is an ugly git."  I continued.  This would have been hilarious if the situation had not been so serious.
"Mr Padfoot would like to register his astonishment that an idiot like that ever became a Professor."
"Mr Wormtail bids Professor Snape a good day, and advises him to wash his hair, the slimeball."
"Why you insolent little-"
"Professor."  I heard the voice of Professor Lupin.  Snape turned around quickly to face Professor Lupin.
"Well, well, Lupin.  Our for a little walk in the moonlight are we?"  He asked.
"Harry.  Are you alright?"  Professor Lupin asked me, ignoring Professor Snape's previous comment.
"That remains to be seen."   Professor Snape stated.  He then snatched the piece of parchment from my hands.  "I have just confiscated a rather curious artifact form Mr Potter.  Take a look Lupin, it's supposed to be your area of expertise, clearly it's full of dark magic."  He stated, giving the 'parchment' to Lupin, who inspected it.
"Oh, I seriously doubt it Severus, it looks to me as if it's merely a parchment designed to insult anyone who tries to read it.  I suspect it's a Zonco's product."  Professor Lupin replied, chuckling slightly.  Professor Snape reached for it, but Professor Lupin pulled it away.  "Nevertheless, I should investigate any hidden qualities it may possess, it is as you say my area of expertise."  Professor Lupin stated, folding up the map as he did so.  He then turned to me.  "Harry, would you join me please?"  Professor Lupin requested.  He then turned to Professor Snape.  "Professor, good night."  He bid Professor Snape goodnight and then led me back to his office.  The walk back to Professor Lupin's office was eerily quiet.

Once we got back to his office, Professor Lupin began to speak.
"Come in.  Now I haven't the faintest idea how this map came to be into your possession, and frankly, I am astounded that you didn't hand it in."  Professor Lupin said.  "Did it never occur to you that this in the hands of Sirius Black is a map to you?"  He asked.  I shook my head.
"No Sir."  I whispered.
"Now your father never set much store by the rules either, but he and your mother gave their lives to save yours.  Gambling on their sacrifice by wandering around the castle, unprotected, with a killer on the loose seems like a pretty poor way to repay them."  Professor Lupin replied.  "Now I will not cover for you again, do you understand me Harry?"  I said seriously.
"Yes Sir."  I replied.
"I want you to return to your dormitory and stay there.  And don't take any detours.  If you do, I shall know."  Professor Lupin said, tapping the map.  He obviously knew what is was and how it worked.  Wait...How?  I nodded and headed towards the exit, but paused before I got there.
"Professor, just so you know, I don't think that map always works."  I said.
"What do you mean?"  He asked curiously.
"Earlier on it showed three people in the castle.  Three people I know to be dead."  I replied.
"Oh really? Who might those be?"  He asked skeptically. 
"My parents, and Peter Pettigrew."  I replied honestly.
"That's not possible."  Professor Lupin said in disbelief.
"It's just what I saw.  Goodnight Professor."  I replied, before making my way back to my dorm. 


That's not possible.  As Harry walked out of the room, I was left to my own thoughts.  How in the hell is that possible? All three of them have been dead for the past 12 years.  The map never lies, and yet it is showing people who are long dead.  I went to James and Lily's funerals.  I saw their bodies.  How is this possible?

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