Chapter 7

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"Snape, we honestly don't know.  This is the issue here.  The Ministry of Magic isn't going to take this lightly.  There are going to be inquests, more tests, and a lot of paperwork."  James stated.
"Obviously."  Severus stated, rolling his eyes.


"Let me speak to Severus alone please?"  Lily requested.  Dumbledore nodded and everyone walked out of the room.  Lily turned to me.  "What happened to you Sev?  When did you become like this?  You were not like this when I knew you."  She asked.  I didn't say anything.  I couldn't think of anything to say actually.  She was right and we both knew it.  She then narrowed her eyes at me.  "And why do you bully my son?  Is it because you still have some schoolboy grudge against James, so you take it out on my son?"  She added.  "That is pathetic.  Do you blame James for our friendship ending?  If you recall, as I do, James was not the person who ended our friendship Severus.  You were."  She finished.  The last two words hit me hard.
"I know that Lily.  I have been living with that knowledge ever since it happened.  But it was because of Potter and his gang that I got so angry and embarrassed."  I tried to defend myself, but I knew she would have none of it.
"Don't try to deflect blame onto James, Severus.  It wasn't just you calling me a Mudblood that ruined our friendship, it was also you practicing Dark Magic, specifically when I told you not to, along with the friends you kept.  You are bitter about the fact that I married James.  I know you are.  But you cannot do anything about it.  I love him, I have a son with him, and I am never going to leave him.  You had your chance, and you were the one who screwed up."  Lily said, her green eyes dark with anger.  Lily then spun around and walked out of my office, obviously making her way back to James and the others.  I looked down at the papers I still had to mark and I knew that she was right.  She was right about everything.


Stormed out of the room.  I could tell that everyone could see the angry look on my face.  James walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder.
"Lily?  Sweetheart?  Are you alright?"  James asked in a soothing tone.
"He tried to deflect blame for our friendship ending onto you!"  I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in frustration.
"Lily, calm down.  It was partially my fault, but he had no right to call you that horrible word."  James said, rubbing my arms in a vain attempt to try to calm me down.
"Mum and Professor Snape were friends?"  Harry asked in disbelief.
"A long, long time ago.  But he did something that I never forgave him for."  I revealed.
"What did he do?"  Harry asked cautiously, on the verge of wanting to know and not.
"In a fit of embarrassment and rage when Sirius and I were teasing him, Snape called your mother a mudblood when all she was doing was trying to defend him."  James told Harry.  Harry's face morphed from curiosity and caution to one of pure horror and shock.  I could tell that even though he hated and feared Severus, he still never thought he would call someone a mudblood.
"No he didn't."  Harry exclaimed, a horrified look on his face.
"Yes, he did."  I replied.  "I told him to get stuffed and stop bullying Harry and the rest of Gryffindor, well, not in those exact words, but still."  I stated.
"Go Mum!"  Harry exclaimed with a smile.  "I think you are probably the only person who would tell him that without a month's detention and points taken off your house."  He added smirking.  I noticed that he looked even more like his father at his age with that smirk on his face and the twinkle in his eyes.
"Thanks honey."  I smiled.  "Also, Dumbledore, thank you for letting us stay in Hogwarts until such time as we get everything sorted out."  I thanked him.
"It's quite alright Lily.  I am just glad you are back and Harry finally has a loving family."  Dumbledore replied with a smile.


Ron and I were walking back to the Gryffindor common room.
"I am so glad that Harry has his parents back.  I don't think I have ever seen him this happy before."  I commented.
"I know.  It's great to see."  Ron replied.  "James and Lily are also really nice people.  It still shocks me how much Harry looks like James though."  He added.
"Yeah, it is weird.  Although, I think we should refrain from talking about James and Lily until Dumbledore gives us the ok."  I suggested.
"I agree so keep it quiet for now."  Ron replied.  Just then, we got to the Fat Lady.
"Fortuna Major."  I said to her, a smile on my face.  She smiled back and the door to the Gryffindor common room opened.


Hermione and I walked into the Gryffindor common room to see Ginny sitting in front of the fire reading a book.
"Hi Ginny."  Hermione greeted her with a smile.
"Hi Hermione, Ron."  She greeted us.  "Where's Harry?"  She asked, knowing that it was uncommon that the three of us weren't together at any given time.
"He's with Dumbledore.  He said he needed to talk to Harry."  I said, not exactly telling the truth, but not lying either.  She nodded, accepting our explanation.


I was so happy to have my parents back.  I felt happier than I have ever been and it is all thanks to them.

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