Chapter 11

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*A week later*


For the past week, pretty much everyone, apart from the Slytherins, has been celebrating Gryffindor's victory of the Quidditch Cup.  Harry has been absolutely ecstatic all week.  Ron has told me it is wonderful to see Harry like that as he hasn't in a while.  Even the weather seemed to be celebrating, as it has been cloudless and sunny for the past week.  Lily and I were helping Harry, Ron, and Hermione study for their exams. 


Harry's parents were helping Harry, Ron, and I study for our exams.  Since they had been through the same thing, we might as well use their knowledge.  Plus, the more people, the better.  We were sitting in an area of the grounds that Harry, Ron, and I usually use when we don't want people to know where we are.  It's like a hidden garden.  Anyway, suddenly, Hedwig flew up to us, dropped a note off, and flew away again.  I picked it up and noticed it was from Hagrid.  How?  I'd know that messy handwriting anywhere.  Last I heard, Hagrid was currently in London at an appeal for Buckbeak's death sentence.  I opened it and my face crumpled at what I read.
"Hermione?  What is it?"  I heard Ron ask, obviously concerned by the look on my face.
"It's from Hagrid."  I said, passing it to him.  He took it and read it aloud.

Lost appeal. They're going to execute at sunset.  Nothing you can do.  Don't come down.  I don't want you to see it.


Everyone's faces fell at this.
"You're gonna go anyway aren't you?"  James asked suddenly.  We all looked up at him.
"How do you know?"  I asked.
"Because he was just like you guys when he was at school.  He and Sirius were a whirlwind of trouble.  Remus was like you Hermione, the rational but highly intelligent one who tries to avoid trouble and breaking the rules but would do anything for his friends."  Lily explained.
"How do you know all that about me?"  I asked, slightly shocked at her description.  It was pretty much perfect.
"Through observation, and getting to know you."  She replied simply.
"Fair enough, and thank you."  I said with a smile.  She nodded at this.
"But yes Dad, you're right."  Harry added.
"What's your plan?"  James asked.
"Well, to get out unnoticed, we would need to get the Invisibility cloak, which is currently under the one-eyed witch.  But, if Snape sees me anywhere near there again, I'll be in serious trouble."  He stated.

"I could go get it."  James suggested.  "I'm not a student, I can't get in trouble."  He added, a twinkle of mischief in his eye and a smirk on his face.  Lily sighed.  I could tell that she knew that no matter what we said, he was most likely going to do it anyway.  So like Harry.
"Are you sure?"  Ron asked.
"He's going to do it no matter what you say so I wouldn't even bother asking."  Lily said in defeat.  Everyone looked at her then back at James.  He laughed.
"She's not lying."  He said with a smirk.  "I know how much you want to be with Hagrid right now, and I doubt that you'd be able to without it."  He added.  All of us smiled as we began packing up our textbooks and notes.

*Going down to Hagrid's hut - After James got the cloak*

James and Lily stayed up at the castle as they stated that they were going to meet Remus to catch up so it was just Harry, Ron, and I. 
"I can't believe they're going to kill Buckbeak, it's just too horrible."  I said, my tone a mix between anger and heartbreak.  We got to the archway leading down to the steps we would go down to get to Hagrid's hut only to see a certain Slytherin who had made this entire situation possible.  Malfoy.
"It just got worse."  Ron said.  A look of rage crossed my face and I marched down to him.  He turned around as he heard us.
"Ah, come to see the show!"  He said, a camera around his neck.
"You.  You foul, loathsome, evil little COCKROACH!"  I screamed, getting my wand out and pointing it at his neck.  
"Hermione, no!  He's not worth it."  Ron said, trying to calm me down.  After a few moments of Malfoy looking scared, almost as if he were expecting me to do something, I lowered my wand slowly.  I began to turn around to face Harry and Ron, before spinning around suddenly and punching him in the face.  He made a noise of pain before he and his minions began running away.
"That felt good."  I said definitively.  Both boys were smiling at me.
"Not good.  Brilliant!"  Ron complimented me.  I smiled at him before we all turned around and continued down the steps to Hagrid's hut. 

As we walked past Hagrid's pumpkin patch, we saw Buckbeak sitting down, tied to one of the poles.  I felt so sorry for him I wanted to cry.  I knew I couldn't though.  We knocked on Hagrid's door and he opened it.
"What're you doin' here, an' how'd you sneak outta the castle?"  He asked in shock.
"We wanted to visit you before..." Ron said.
"Ok.  Come in.  I'll make you some tea.  You can't stay long though."  Hagrid said.  The three of us nodded and entered his hut.  Harry walked over to the window to look out at Buckbeak.  Hagrid then came to stand beside him.
"Oh look at him, he loves the smell of the trees when the wind blows through them."  Hagrid said almost to no one.
"Why can't we just set him free?"  Harry asked.
"They'd know it was me.  Then Dumbledore'd get into trouble.  He's coming down y'know Dumbledore.  Says he wants to be here when they...when it happens.  Great man Dumbledore, great man."  Hagrid told us.
"We'll stay with you too Hagrid."  I said seriously.  He looked horrified.
"You'll do no such thing!  You think I want you seeing something like that?  No, you just drink your tea and be off."  He told us.  Then it looked like a thought came to mind.  "Oh, but before you do, Ron."  He said, walking over and grabbing something from inside a little box.  It turned out to be a rat, more specifically, Ron's rat.
"Scabbers!  You're alive!"  He exclaimed with a smile, going over to take him from Hagrid.
"You oughtta take better care of your pets Ron."  Hagrid told him in a half-scolding tone.
"I think that means you owe someone an apology."  I snapped, glaring at Ron.  He looked at me.
"Right, next time I see Crookshanks, I'll let him know."  He sassed back.
"I meant me!"  I growled.  Suddenly, a vase shattered.  All of us flipped around to look at it.
"Blimey!  What was that?"  Hagrid asked.
"Ow!"  Harry exclaimed and turned around.  He then rubbed the back of his head and turned around.  "Hagrid!"  Harry said in slight fear.  Hagrid gasped as he saw three people coming towards his hut.
​​​​​​​"It's nearly dark!  You shouldn't be here.  If someone catches you out of the castle at this time of night, you'll be in trouble, big trouble.  Particularly you Harry."  He told us.  There was a knock at the door.  "Be with you in a moment!"  Hagrid called, throwing a cover over the thing that was by his door.  "Quick!"  He stated, ushering us out the back door.

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