Chapter 5

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Suddenly, the boy and girl who had walked in with the others walked over to us.  Ron and Hermione if I remember correctly.
"Mum, Dad, these are my best friends."  Harry introduced them both to James and I.
"Hello Mr and Mrs Potter, my name's Ron Weasley."  The red-head introduced himself.
"And I'm Hermione Granger."  The girl introduced herself.
"It's lovely to meet you both.  Please, call me Lily."  I replied, shaking their hands.
"Mr Potter was my father's name.  Call me James."  James added with a grin.  I smiled at him.  Both Ron and Hermione smiled at us.
"You look so young!"  Ron said.  I laughed.
"Ron!"  Hermione scolded, hitting him on the arm.
"It's alright Hermione.  James and I did die at 21."  I mentioned.  "I don't think we've aged since then."  I said smiling.  They both laughed.
We talked for a while longer before Remus came up to me and hugged me tightly.  I hugged him back just as tight.
"I missed you and Lily."  He said softly.
"I missed you too Remus."  I replied.


Even though we have tested them and everything, it is still unbelievable that James and Lily are alive again.  I lost each and every one of my best friends in one way or another because of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, and having at least one of them back is more than I could ever ask for.  I wonder how James is going to react when he finds out that Sirius was sent to Azkaban after he and Lily were murdered?  I bet he is going to freak.  Or even how Sirius has escaped from Azkaban and is on his way to Hogwarts.  If Dumbledore has told him, he has probably already figured out how Sirius did it, as I have.  I watched Lily and James hugging Harry and a smiled formed on my face.  I am so happy that Harry has his parents back, even though it has been 12 years.  I walked over to Ron and Hermione, who currently had massive smiles on their faces. 
"It's beautiful isn't it?  To see Harry so happy, finally reunited with his mother and father."  Hermione commented.
"Yeah.  It's amazing to see Harry so happy.  I am glad he doesn't have to live with his aunt and uncle anymore."  Ron added.
"Even though I know it to be true, I still cannot believe that James and Lily have returned.  I don't think I've ever seen Harry so happy in the whole time I have known him."  McGonagall said, all of us nodded at this, smiling as we looked at him.
"What are you going to tell the rest of the staff, Professor?"  Hermione asked McGonagall.
"The truth."  McGonagall said simply.  "We tell them that James and Lily Potter are alive.  James, Lily, you need to come with us for them to believe it."  She added.  She then thought of something.  "Do you want to see Professor Snape first, and then we'll tell the rest of the staff?"  She asked.
"Severus is here?"  Lily asked in shock.  James mirrored her expression, but I knew it was for a different reason.
"Professor Snape?  Don't tell me that ol' git teaches here now."  James said in a disbelieving voice.  I had to hold back a laugh at this.  Classic James.  Harry, and Ron, on the other hand, burst out laughing.  Hermione just rolled her eyes.
"James!"  Lily snapped.  James raised his hands in surrender.
"We can go and see him before we tell the rest of the staff if you like.  I suggest you all come with us so that he doesn't try to kill us as soon as he sees us."  James suggested.  The first sentence was just to Lily, and then the latter to the rest of us.  We all nodded.
I saw something in James' eyes just then.  Not many would have noticed it as it was there and gone in a matter of seconds, but I had known him for years and it didn't pass me up.  He was nervous.  Nervous of how Snape might react to seeing him and Lily again.  I know he believes that Snape blames him for Lily's death, and no matter how confident he acts, I am sure that there is a hidden fear of Snape somewhere inside him.
"So, what is Professor Snape like as a teacher?"  James asked Harry.  Harry, Ron, and Hermione simultaneously cringed.  All of us stopped.
"What is it?"  Lily asked in concern.
"Tell us."  James said.
"Professor Snape is very cold, patronizing, and snarky.  He's also highly sarcastic, and not in a good way.  He seems to have some form of vendetta towards Gryffindor for some reason, taking every opportunity he can to take points off Gryffindor.  He also seems to have a personal grudge against Harry."  Ron stated.  Lily looked absolutely shocked.  James only looked surprised at the "grudge against Harry" part.  (A/N: Remember, this is Prisoner of Azkaban, and Snape is not revealed as a double agent/misunderstood hero yet, Dumbledore is the only one who knows.)
"Mr Weasley!  That's not a very nice thing to say.  Professor Snape is a Hogwarts teacher, you should treat him with respect."  McGonagall scolded him.
"Sorry Professor."  Ron mumbled.
"That goes for you as well Mr Potter."  She said, referring to James.  James rolled his eyes at this.
"Hey!  I didn't say anything!"  James complained.  I smiled at this.  Lily looked at him and raised her eyebrows.
"You were thinking it."  Lily stated.  James paused for a moment.
"True."  He replied.  Everyone began laughing at that.  God, it was so good to have him and Lily back.

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