Chapter 12

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The three of us waited until we heard the front door close before we ran out of Hagrid's hut, down the stairs and ducked behind the pumpkin patch where Buckbeak was.  I was still holding Scabbers tightly in my hand so as I couldn't lose him or he wouldn't run off...again.  Hermione threw the invisibility cloak over us and we ran up the hill to the top of the stairs.  Once we got there, the three of us looked down on the far off scene.  We all saw everyone come out of Hagrid's hut and stand around the pumpkin patch.  The Executioner then raised his blade in what seemed like slow motion, and then brought it down with lightning speed.  Dozens of crows then began flying and, even from where we were, we could hear them cawing.  I felt Hermione's arms go around me, and she began to cry into my shoulder.

"Oh no."  I whispered, taking in the tragic sight.  It didn't stay that way for long though because a few moments later, I felt a pain on my finger which only one thing could be the cause of.  Scabbers bit me!  "Ow!"  I exclaimed, jerking my hand back and, in turn, dropping Scabbers.  He started to run away.  "Scabbers!"  I called after him.  I ran after him, trying to catch him with Harry and Hermione chasing after me.


Hermione and I ran after Ron as he chased his rat in an attempt to catch it.  After a few minutes, Ron threw himself on the ground, grabbing the rat at the same time.  Hermione began speaking.
"Harry, you do realize what tree this is."  She said.  I looked up to see that it was the Whomping Willow.
"That's not good."  I said lowly.  I'm pretty sure Hermione heard me though.  "Ron!  Run!"  I called.  He looked up at me and his face turned pale as a sheet.  With one hand holding Scabbers, he raised his other arm and pointed shakily behind us
"HARRY!  HERMIONE!  RUN!"  He called.  We then turned behind us to see a black dog running towards us.  Before I could even reach for my wand, it leapt over Hermione and I, don't ask me how, and ran straight for Ron.  Before any of us could do anything, it had Ron by the leg and was dragging him towards the Whomping Willow.  With one hand holding Scabbers, and the other reached out in front of him towards us, he began calling our names, distress clearly present in his voice.
"HARRY!  HERMIONE!"  He called, before the dog dragged him into what looked like an entrance to a tunnel under the Whomping Willow. 
"Ron!"  We both called.  Hermione and I were about to follow after him when a huge branch came out of nowhere, smacking us both in the stomach and sending us flying backwards.  We then began dodging the branches in an attempt to get to the entrance under the tree.  After a few minutes of doing so, we finally made it.  We dusted ourselves off as we had practically dived into the hole under the tree.  We both took out our wands to provide some light in this darkness.
"Lumos."  We said in unison, the tips of our wands illuminating into a bright light.
"Where do you suppose this goes?"  Hermione asked as we began walking. 
"It's marked on the Marauder's Map, but Fred and George say no one's ever gone into it.  I have a hunch as it looks like it ends up near Hogsmeade, I just hope I'm wrong."  I replied. 
We began to follow the tunnel, which seemed to go on forever.  After a while, the tunnel began to rise and soon after, took a sharp turn and came to a stop.  The tunnel ended with a very old looking door. It seemed to be made of wood, which seemed to be degrading. It was open slightly, illuminating the end of the tunnel with dim light.  I looked back at Hermione, who looked very frightened, but ushered me to continue nonetheless.  We both put our wands out as we could now see, but made no move to put them away.  I opened the door and both of us walked gingerly inside.  We ten entered a room.  It was completely deserted.  The second door in the room, which was to our right, lay open, leading to a shadowy hallway, the windows were boarded up, and every piece of furniture in the room looked like it had been smashed.
"We're in the Shrieking Shack."  Hermione whispered.  I knew it.
I looked off to the side and saw a wooden chair, which had been torn apart, and a leg and been ripped off.  We lip up our wands once again and made our way upstairs, following the shiny path in the hallway, amongst all the dust, made but someone being dragged.  It stopped outside a room.  Hermione and I put out our wands and entered the room.   Dust covered the room like a sheet.  I didn't pay much attention to anything else regarding my surroundings, as I saw Ron in the corner of the room, clutching his leg, which was stuck out at a strange angle and clearly broken.
"Ron?  Are you ok?"  Hermione asked, concern written all over her face.
"Where's the dog?"  I asked urgently, hoping the dog was gone for now.
​​​​​​​"Harry!  It's a trap!  He's the dog...he's an Animagus!"  Ron exclaimed, pointing to the other side of the room.

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