Chapter 4

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*The Next Morning*


James and I had both woken up quite early and were now waiting for Professor Dumbledore to arrive back in his office. 
"You know, this reminds me of our time at Hogwarts.  The number of times you had been sent here is insane."  I said to James.  He chuckled.
"You're not wrong."  He replied.  Before either of us could say anything else, the door opened.  Both of us looked towards the door to see Professor Dumbledore, holding some clothes.
"Good morning.  I brought you some clothes to wear."  He stated, handing the clothes to us.  "Now, my suggestion is reintroducing you slowly.  I mean, you have both been dead for 12 years.  The first people to know will be Harry, his two best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, Professor Lupin and Professor McGonagall."  Dumbledore told us. 
"Wait, Remus is here?"  James asked, a twinkle in his eyes and a smile forming on his face.
"Yes.  He teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts."  Dumbledore told us.  James chuckled and I smiled.  That had always been one of Remus' favorite classes.  "I shall send for all of them."  Dumbledore stated, before he left his office.

*10 Minutes Later*

James and I were waiting anxiously until Dumbledore got back with everyone.  We heard voices outside the door.
"We're in trouble again."  I heard a male voice whine.
"Don't be so pessimistic Ron!  Dumbledore just said he needed to talk to us!"  A female voice replied.
"Ron's got a point Hermione.  Whenever we are all here together, we are in some form of trouble."  Another young male voice stated.
"Not you too Harry!"  The girl-Hermione complained.  James and I looked at each other. 
"I doubt any of you are in trouble.  Dumbledore just requested for you to wait outside his office until he gets back."  I heard an older male voice explain.  Hold on, is that...?
"Calm yourselves.  None of you are in trouble.  You are here because I need to talk to you all.  But first, I need to give me all your wands."  I heard Dumbledore say.
"Why?"  Hermione asked.
"You'll see."  Dumbledore said.  After a moment, the door swung open to reveal a young red-headed boy with freckles and blue eyes, a girl with bushy brown hair and brown eyes, a young boy with jet black hair who looked almost identical to James except he had green eyes, one of our oldest friends – Remus Lupin, and one of our old teachers – Professor McGonagall.  All of them looked shocked for a moment before hell broke loose.
"DEATH EATERS!"  McGonagall screamed.
"How DARE you take the form of my parents?!"  Harry exclaimed.  All three of them were demanding their wands back so they could attack us.
The other two students – Ron and Hermione – were too shocked to say anything right now.  James and I looked at each other and we stood up.  I nodded to him.  Immediately, James transformed into his animagus form of a stag.  Everyone fell silent.  They all knew that even with polyjuice potion, a wizard could not take the animagus form that the wizard was trying to impersonate.  Then again, it was impossible to come back from the dead, but we somehow managed it.  James then transformed back.
"Mum?  Dad?"  Harry asked in a small voice, his eyes sparkled with wonder.
"Yes darling it is us."  I replied with a warm smile.
"But, how?"  Remus asked.  Both James and I looked at him.
"We have no idea."  James replied.  Before anyone could say anything else, Harry ran to me and embraced me in a hug.  James then joined the hug from behind Harry.  Our family is finally whole again.
"I missed you so much."  Harry said to us.
"We missed you too honey."  I replied.
"Would you be prepared to take some Veritaserum?  I don't doubt you, but just to be sure."  Dumbledore asked.
"That's fine."  I said.  We drank the potion he gave us then, he began asking us questions.
"Full name."  Dumbledore asked.
"Lily Jane Potter."  I replied.
"James Fleamont Potter." James replied.
(A/N:  No middle names were given for Lily or James in the series, all I know for Lily's is that it begins with a 'J', and I've put James' father's name as his middle name since Harry has James as his middle name)
"Date of Birth."  Dumbledore said.
"30 January 1960."  I replied.
"27 March 1960."  James replied.
"Hogwarts House."  Dumbledore said.
"Gryffindor."  We both replied at the same time.  We looked at each other and smiled.
"Best friends."  Dumbledore asked.
"Previously Severus Snape, is now Sirius Black and Remus Lupin."  I replied.
"Sirius Black and Remus Lupin."  James said confidently.
"James, your animagus form and nickname."
"Stag, and my nickname is Prongs."  James replied confidently.
"Person who betrayed you all."  Dumbledore said.
"Peter Pettigrew."  We both said at the same time, venom in our voices and looks of anger on our faces.  Everyone was looking at us closely as we were answering and it surprised all of them at the amount of venom and anger we showed at that last question. 
"If it wasn't for him, Voldemort never would have found us.  If it wasn't for him, we would have been able to see Harry grow up, Sirius wouldn't have gone to Azkaban, and Harry wouldn't have grown up with the my pathetic excuse of a sister and her whale of a husband."  I said, the venom still present in my voice.  Everyone, except for James, was shocked at how I was speaking.  I shook my head to clear my thoughts from him.  "Regardless, we are here now and we are here to stay."  I added.  Remus still looked a little sceptical.
"Outsiders may know facts, but there is more than that.  Life is made up of more than that.  It is made up of moments, you can't possibly know all of them."  Remus added.  Everyone looked at him.  "James.  What was the reason you chose to become an unregistered animagus?"  He asked.
"The reason was to help you go through your transformations each month as you are much less likely to attack animals than you are humans and we didn't want you to have to go through it alone.  We decided to remain unregistered due to the fact that we didn't want to spill your secret.  It took Sirius, Peter, and I three years to find out exactly how to do it, and another two to perfect the process, but by fifth year, we could change at will.  I turned into a stag, Sirius into a dog, and Peter into a rat."  James replied honestly.  Remus nodded at this, obviously satisfied at the answer.  He then turned to me.  "Lily, when did you find out I was a werewolf and what was your reaction when we told you?"  He asked.
"Seventh year, I wondered where my boyfriend and his friends went each month of a full moon and why he was so exhausted the next day.  I had a theory, but I didn't know for sure.  I decided just to go and ask you.  My reaction was understanding of why you all kept it a secret, and I promised you that you could trust me not to tell anyone.  I also asked if there was anything I could do to help."  I replied. He nodded again, satisfied with the answer.
"Ok, we believe you."  Remus said suddenly, remembering all these moments.  He then met James in a hug.  I smiled at this.  I looked over at Harry, who was in shock.  I immediately went over to hug him.  As soon as I had my arms around him, he hugged me back just as tightly.
"I missed you Mum."  He stated, burying his head in the crook of my neck.
"I missed you too darling."  I replied lovingly.  Tears brimmed in my eyes as I hugged my baby.  "I am so sorry that you had to grow up with the Dursleys."  I said softly, my eyes sad.
"It's alright Mum.  You're here now."  He replied with a smile.
"Yes we are, and we always will be."  I promised him.  I pulled away and looked at him lovingly. 
"Thank you."  He stated.  I looked at him curiously.
"For what?"  I asked, not quite sure what he meant.
"Giving your life for me."  He replied.  "If you didn't stand in the way and refuse to step aside, I wouldn't be alive, and You-Know-Who would still be actively terrorizing the world."  He added.
"I would do it a thousand times over as long as you were safe."  I said, bringing him into another hug.  This time, I felt James' arms around us as well.  The three of us finally reunited once more.

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