Chapter 9

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Well that was an adventure to say the least.  It was strange to watch both the teaching and non-teaching staff's reactions to my parents being alive.  I've never seen them quite like that before.  Honestly, it was quite strange seeing them all speechless.  However, I think they reacted quite well to the news. 

"Well that was interesting."  I said to Ron.

"Most definitely.  I've never seen them like this."  He replied, a smirk on his face.

"Anyway, Harry has the Quidditch Final tomorrow so he, at least, should get some sleep.  Say goodnight to your parents Harry, we need to go back to our dorm."  Hermione stated.  I nodded before walking over to my parents.

"Mum, Dad.  Hermione, Ron, and I are going back to our dorm because I have the Quidditch Final tomorrow.  Will you be there?"  I asked, already knowing what the answer would be.  Both of them grinned.

"Most definitely."  Mum stated immediately. 

"Absolutely."  Dad added, beaming.

"Even though you may not see us, we will be there."  She stated.  "Ok sweetheart, you know where we are if you need us."  Mum said, before kissing me on the forehead.

"Goodnight Harry."  Dad added, before giving me a hug.  I smiled at both of them before turning around and walking back to my dorm with my two best friends.

*Time Skip - In the Gryffindor Common room*


There were smiles on all our faces, not just because Harry had his parents back, but because Hagrid seemed so happy when he saw James and Lily.  All of us love seeing him happy.  He deserves it, especially after what is going to happen to Buckbeak.  I really feel for him.  I would hate if anything happened to Scabbers.  I mean, Hagrid has had some weird and dangerous pets in the past, but Buckbeak is tame compared to something like that giant spider, Aragog, or his three-headed dog, Fluffy.  Well, maybe not tame exactly, but that's beside the point. 

"When did Hagrid say that Buckbeak was to be executed?"  I asked Hermione cautiously.

"Well, the appeal is tomorrow so let's just hope he doesn't choke or anything.  If he sticks to his story, there is no way that they should execute Buckbeak."  Hermione stated, although that last bit sounded like she was trying to convince herself of that statement rather Harry and I.

"Let's just hope."  I replied.

*The Next Day*


I was getting ready for the Quidditch Final against Slytherin.  We were working extra hard this year to win the Quidditch Cup as it was Oliver Wood's final year and it was one of his life goals for some reason.  Once I was finally dressed in my uniform, I grabbed my Firebolt, which I had put under my bed, which I had only used once so far, in the game against Ravenclaw, but I loved using it.  Even though I knew it was most likely from Sirius Black, knowing that he is not the one who betrayed my parents and he wasn't trying to kill me, makes me even more excited to use it again.  Even though I will miss my old Nimbus 2000, which has served me well over the past two and a half years, I love my Firebolt.  I knew this match was going to be special though.  Not just because it was the Quidditch Fincal, but because my parents are going to be watching me, and no matter what the outcome, I know they will be proud of me. 

Ron and I then went down to the common room to meet Hermione before heading down to breakfast.  I knew that my parents would most likely be in the Teacher's box, but I didn't really care where they were, just that they were going to be there.  It felt like my first game of my first year all over again.  I think Ron noticed this because I caught him smiling at me.

"I don't think I've ever seen you so excited for a Quidditch match."  He commented, a smile on his face as we were walking towards the Great Hall for breakfast.

"I think you know why I am so excited."  I replied, not specifying exactly what I meant because there were other people around, but he already knew.

"Yes, I know, and I'm excited for you, but you should tone it down just a little or people will start to get suspicious."  Ron suggested.  I looked at him, nodding as we got to Great Hall.  Hermione was waiting outside for us, as she had something to do this morning, which "we would find out soon", and the three of us walked in together.


I was so excited for today.  I was going to see my son play Quidditch for the first time and I couldn't be more excited.  I looked over at James and he was practically glowing with excitement and happiness.  I have seen that look exactly four times.  The first when I finally agreed to date him, the second, when I said yes to him asking me to marry him, the third was at our wedding, and the fourth was when Harry was born.  I knew how much he loved Quidditch and how good he was at it so I knew how excited was for this game.  Once James and I were dressed, we ate some of the food that the house elves had brought us for breakfast.

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