Do You Know Who I Am?

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(inspired by Iris The Goo Goo Dolls). 

Hi. I'm Isabel and I recently turned 13. I go by many other things such as Fizz, Fizzy , Fizzy-Bomb and The Crazy Phan and a few others. But, like every other human, there is more to me then a name and age.

I like to think I'm a nice human, who cares, and I hope that's how I come across as. I'm the one who can't help as much as I would like to when helping in dangerous/depressing situations. I'm the one who will freeze up when told I have to speak out loud in front of more then 2 people. I'm the one with Social Anxiety. 

I'm the overly-obsessed phangirl of Dan and Phil (aka Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil). I know so many irrelevant facts about them, such as the fact that Dan has an existential crisis for hours (days) every 3/4 weeks/1 month, or that Phil got bitten by a squirrel in Florida. I can't help learn these things, I just do. 

I'm the one with so many secrets, my thoughts could literally have a book about everything. 
Some things I'm super private about, some things I try to explain but get badly judged by people who I love (friends), and some I'm half open about. When I said I was badly judged, I mean I wasn't understood or believed, so after 2 or 3 times of mentioning it, I just dropped it. I can't face being judged even more. 

But I don't like keeping secrets, because I don't like knowing the people I love (friends) don't know as much as they think I do (sorry). I'd like to keep these secrets private from the internet for a while though, until I'm completely sure about them. Weirdly, the one that I actually told my friends is the one I believe in less. I guess though because it was the first one I 'realised', even though the other one I kinda knew for a while. I just didn't know it was possible until around a year or something ago.

I get mad at myself over the smallest things, like when I freeze up from Social Anxiety, but also bigger things such as keeping an argument or telling something I promised not to tell (Sorry).

So yeah, for now, that's me. Awkward, unsocial little old me. Phan obsesses and shy. Hidden secrets still hidden (sort of). But that's only a tiny fraction of me. That's what this whole 'book' is, little parts of me, joined together for the whole world, of like 10 people or something, to see. There are probably going to be more of these "Do You Know Who I am?" to come, so prepare. For now though, bye.

Vote, comment whatever, and tell me suggestions in the comments below. Bye!!

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