Chapter 01

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"Dammit Lauren we aren't going through this again this year! You're a senior now. Take some responsibility." My mom bitches as she pulls my dark green curtains open to reveal the blinding sun. I yank my covers over my face only to feel the coldness as my smother pulls them off. It's the first day of senior year and I am already one hundred percent done. 


The alarm on my iphone is going off. I reach over and shut it up. I yawn as I stretch. Today is the first day of school! Senior year! I have to make the best of it. They say this will be the best year of my life. I plan on it! I jump out of bed and head to the bathroom. My heart is beating so fast it feels like it's going to jump out of my chest.


"Lauren please." She says softly sitting on the edge of my bed. "Okay, I'm up." I hate when she gets soft on me. I drag myself to my bathroom. Turning the faucet on and splashing water on my face. It sends chills down my body. Uh this is such an ungodly hour. After the usual routine of hair, teeth and make up are established I go to my closet.


After a quick shower I dry my hair and pull it up and out of my face. I attach my red bow to the elastic and step back from the mirror to admire it. My brown eyes stare back as I give myself a wink. I turn then skip down the hall back to my room. 


I throw on some black ripped skinny jeans and a white plain tee shirt. I lace up my boots then grab my leather jacket. Wait. I forgot my beanie. I grab the first one I see and run down stairs. It's the one with a little lightning bolt on the right side.


My mom laid out my uniform last night so I'm ready in no time. Red and white are our school colors but I prefer pink. I grab my gym bag and backpack then head out to the kitchen.


I see my mom eyeing me from my peripheral vision but choose to ignore it. I know she's judging my clothes of choice. Arguing this early will just ruin my mood even more. I grab my keys and start for the door.


"Buenos dias mija!" Mom greets me with waiting pancakes. "Good morning! You know the way to my heart mom!" I grin at my mom then the plate. I scarf down the delicious flap jacks then check the time. The girls should be coming any minute.


"Dont's forget Chris." My moms voice comes from behind me. Right. I forgot my little brother starts high school this year. "Well tell him I'll be waiting in my car. My grey cutlass supreme. I spent all summer with my dad working on it and she's finally ready to bless these streets. 


Sure enough I hear the honk of Ally's car outside. "Bye mom! Thanks for the pancakes! Love you." I yell as I run out. I hear her faint I love you as I close the door.


I slide in and grip the wheel. This is the only thing I have ever felt so attached to. I start the engine and hear her purr. Chills instantly go up and down my legs and arms. Is this what love feels like?


The girls wave and whistle. "Dang Mila! Looking good in that skirt!" Normai jokes from the passenger seat. I wave her off and blush. I get in the back seat next to Dinah. "Stop being so bashful!" Mani jokes again. "I'm not! We're all wearing the same thing!" I laugh.


"Hey ugly." My brother greets me as he slides into the passenger seat. "Hey, respect or get out." I nod to the side walk. "Shut up." He replies clicking his seat belt into place. I just laugh. He's been down since his little girlfriend dumped him last week. I told him it's because she wants the new high school boys. His face was  priceless.


Ally turns to face us all. "Ready for senior year girls?" "Hell yea!" Dinah cheers before quickly covering her mouth. We all giggle looking at Ally's reaction. She's so religious I don't think hell is in her vocabulary. She just sighs and starts talking about the upcoming pep rally.  


I turn on the radio full blast before we take off. Lana Del Rey takes over the noise of the engine.


"This is my song!" Normani cuts off Ally and the radio is blaring Rihanna's new song Why Not. Dinah and I share a laugh because Ally looks annoyed already.


Fifteen minutes later and we arrive at John F. Kennedy High School. Home of the Mountain Lions. What the two have do together is beyond me. 


I completely zone out. I am stuck in the book I've been reading. It's soo good. If only I can find someone who loves me so much they'd walk across the world for me like these characters do. 


I pull into an empty spot and Chris jumps out. I stay listening to music until the first bell rings. Just like every day last year. 


"Mila!" I'm ripped from my books universe. I look up to see who's calling me. "Are you going to get out of the car?" Dinah looks down at me from outside. Great I didn't even notice we arrived. I flash a goofy smile and grab my stuff. 


I watch all my peers walk past into the building. Jocks, preps, gangsters, and the cheerleaders. Of course they'd be wearing their uniforms on the first day of school. I shake my head in disgust when I see one of them looking at me. She has her long brown hair up in a pony tail. Typical cheerleader hair do. Except this girl has a bow tie attached to her pony. None of the other girls do. Odd.


The air feels cool. Weird for a Miami morning. Students rush past us to get into school. We stay standing in front of Ally's car. I look around and notice a girl sitting alone in her car. She has on a beanie. I bet she's warm. I only have on a short skirt and sleeveless shirt. I get chills thinking about the coldness. 


They eventually continue on as the bell rings. I get out and head inside myself.


The bells rings and we make our way for the front doors. I take a deep breath and we join the sea of students as enter our senior year.

Of A Contrary Kind (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now