Chapter 07

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I wake up to a horrendous sound coming from under my pillow. I feel around for my phone to shut it up but only succeed in dropping it on the floor. So I leave it...

"Mom says it's time to get up." I feel my sisters little hand move the hair from my face. I smile through my sleep. Why can't she wake me up every day instead of that woman. 

"Laur come on." She softly nudges me this time. I groan but sit up. After scooping up my phone to check the time I realize she should be getting ready. "Are you going to school?" "No. Mom said I can stay if I don't feel good." Her smile warms my heart. "Well enjoy your day off. I have to get ready for another day in hell." I ruffle her hair getting up.


After the whole usual routine in the morning I find myself already waiting outside for Ally. I some how rushed getting ready. My mom had my clothes ready and since I didn't have to wear my hair up I left it down and wavy.

Still waiting on my porch I pull out my head phones and play whatever song randomly. 

Just as the next verse to Little Things by One Direction comes on I hear Ally's horn. I look up and see them all waving. Aw I love seeing their faces so early everyday! 


This day like yesterday and every school day just like the past 3 years, drug on. It was like time was at a stand still. 

I decided early in study hall that today was a good day to ditch. I'm debating whether it had to do with bow tie or not. 

Her and her short friend Ally sat on the other side of the library. I faintly, I mean very very faintly kind of hoped they'd sit with me again. Not for conversation just so I wouldn't look like such a loner. The thing Chris told me yesterday is still hanging in the air and it's making me want to prove him wrong.

When the bell finally rings I press through the bodies keeping me from my escape. 

I know the whole rule of either being the first one or last one out so you don't get caught in human traffic but I did.

I try standing on my tip toes to see what the hold up is when another body practically tries to walk through me. 

My first instinct is to push back who ever is in my personal space but something stops me. 

A black bow tie. Then those brown eyes look at me apologetic. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention!" Camila grabs my arm with both hands. 

"It's fine." My voice goes deeper then usual. Her friend says something then she turns back to me. A smile that actually makes my heart flutter fills her face. "See you." Camila gives my arm a gentle squeeze.

Just like that she disappears with the rest of the crowd. I'm left standing alone.

Wow she looked even more stunning today. No cheer uniform to discredit her social standing. She had on skinny jeans. They hugged her ass that she so freely shook yesterday, perfectly. Her red sweater was sprinkled with black stars. 

As the bells rings I'm snapped back to reality. I feel like a deer caught in head lights. I hear someone laugh from behind me. 

I turn to see that the laugh wasn't directed at me but I still send that blonde girl a scowl. She quickly turns away.

After sitting in my car for a good minute I decide to just go to the mall. I've been meaning to look for new shoes. I'll come back to meet Chris like I didn't even leave.


"Do you think He'll talk to you again today?" Normani ask as we do our first science assignment. "I don't know?" I reply honestly. I hope not.

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