Chapter 15

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"Why are you so happy mija?" My mom ask while I eat breakfast this fine morn. "Well there is food in front of me!" I reply grinning down at my waffles. 

"Yes but this is different. Is it a boy?" I can hear the smirk in her voice. I don't even have to look up. I'm afraid if I do she'll see right through me. "Something like that." I quickly say not wanting to completely lie to my own mother. 

"Ah I knew it! I told your father!" She walks forward. "Well, I'm done got to go. Love you!" I shove the last bite in my mouth then run like hell. 


This weekend flew by way too fast. It's like I hit the pillow Friday night and woke up just an hour ago. It's takes all my remaining energy to get out of bed. After getting ready I throw myself in a chair at the kitchen table. My siblings look wide eyed and bushy tailed. How do they do it?

"Eat Lauren!" Taylor pushes the plate of toast to me. I stick my tongue out at her and grab a piece. "Remember Laur. School all week. No ditching and you'll get your car back." My mothers voice cuts through me. "Yea, yea." I say through a mouthful. "I'm serious." She says more louder. "Can I at least have my phone back?" I throw puppy dog eyes at her. I can't really go anywhere without a car anyway but I can go places on my phone! 


Ally has been real big with the small talk over the weekend. I seen this conversation coming and I admit I thought of tucking and rolling out the car. 

"Mila?" Her voice pulls me back. "Huh?" I play with my phone pretending I didn't hear her. "I asked about you and Lauren. If your not comfortable talking about it, just tell me. I'll drop it." Her eyes avoid mines. 

I can't shut Ally out like this. She trusted me with the Troy thing. But I don't know how she will react. Would she tell the other girls?

I sigh loudly. It's now or never. "There isn't anything going on but I do like her. Like 'like' her." I wait for her back lash. 

"I knew it!" Her squeal startles me. "Wha...?" I begin but she starts talking so fast. "I knew it the second I seen the way ya'll interacted. She looks at you like you personally put the stars in the sky. It's so adorable Mila! She told me..." Ally stops.

"She told you what..?" I ask leaning into her. "Nothing. Forget what I said. Do you see yourself in a relationship with her? Because I don't want you to get hurt." 

A cold chill comes over me and now I am confused. "Why? Did she say something about me?" 


"Ally." I return her tone.

"I asked her but I know she avoided answering me truthful." She finally breaths out. 

"What did she say?!" I ask more sternly. "Like I just said. She wasn't being honest." 

The rest of the car ride was quiet. I don't know if it was because I just confessed to liking another girl or that I practically spit venom at her. I have to make this right. Ally has been the only one here for me since the girls got in relationships.

"Ally, I'm sorry." I pout. "It's okay. I understand." She shoots me a smile before turning back to the road. 

"I just don't know how all this works. I was confused and now I'm sure but if she isn't into me like that then it's more confusing. Please don't hate me Ally, I know how religious you..."

"Camila. Dont's ever say I'd hate you. Nothing you do will ever make me hate you. Not even who you fall in love with." Her hand reaches out and pats mines. 

"But you..." I'm cut off again.

"But nothing Mila. If there is one thing I learned about God, it's that you shouldn't judge others. Mathew 7 has to be my favorite bible verse. Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." She recites the verse she was talking about. I feel like I'm about to cry. Ally is so understanding. She is truly an angel. 

I jump up and hug her. "Whoa we're in a moving vehicle!" She laughs out loud. "Sorry, it's just I thought this whole thing would be negative." I sigh in relief. "It's all good! I'm happy if your happy!" Ally's smile is warmer than ever. 


I must confess. School has got a lot more interesting than last year. And that reason is heading my way right now. Wearing tight light denim skinny jeans, a purple button up with a matching bow. Her eyes finally meet mine and a smile spreads on her face. I'm lost in all the beauty that is her face. 

"Should I give you two a minute or?" Ally steps in front of my amazing view. I scowl at her but quickly smile. "Good morning Lauren!" She cheers taking a seat in front of me. "Morning." I lay my head down on the desk.

"Tired?" Camila ask as she sits next to me. "Yes." I yawn. "Well wake up!" She pokes my side. I jump up and poke her back. She laughs scooting away from me. I grab her chair pulling her back. She leans away laughing. A little too far because the next thing I see is her falling out of the chair. I can't control my laughter and neither can she. Even Ally is holding in her own. We are in the library after all. Maybe Ally didn't mention our conversation on Friday night to Camila after all.

"Ladies!" The librarian comes over. Her face is fiery red. The vein on forehead looks like it's about to pop any minute. I try to pull myself together but Camila is still squirming on the floor. "If you can't contain yourselves I will have to ask you all to leave!" 

We finally stop laughing and settle on low snickers. Camila makes her way back into her chair. Ally starts on her school work. I pull out my ear phones. 

"You got your phone back?" She whispers. I nod flashing it as I pull up my music. "Now we can text!" She bites her tongue with a wink. It looked adorable. 

I grab the notebook I wrote her number down in and program it into my phone. I snap a photo of me crossing my eyes while sticking my tongue out. I send it to the gorgeous girl next to me.


A new message flashes on my screen as I scroll through tumblr. I click and Lauren's face takes over my screen. I let out a low laugh not wanting to get the librarian mad again. 

Sneaking a glance to see if Lauren is paying attention, and she's not, I quickly take a picture of myself. I make a gasping face then send it to her. Then I turn back to admire the view. She has on a grey tshirt that has a little pocket on the upper left side. Her black skinny jeans and boots of course. But no beanie today.

I watch from the corner of my eye as her brows raise up. She looks over at me then back at her phone. A smirk appears on her face. 

The rest of the day we send each other ridiculous looking pictures of ourselves. The kind you would send through snap chat. I save every single one. She's a looker and I can't deny that she is indeed a huge turn on. 


Having Camila in a majority of my classes has been a huge motivator to get my ass in class. Just the thought of seeing her drags me out of bed in the morning. My mom has actually backed off me too. Now she even looks me in the eye when we talk. I guess things are looking up. If only my dad would hurry and get home then everything would be perfect.


My mom wont get off my back about the whole ''me liking a boy'' thing. It's getting annoying. Every time she ask about him I quickly change the subject. I try to act nonchalant about it all. Even my little sister has took to making fun of me for staring at my phone so cheesy whenever Lauren text me. It's cute from her but not my mother. 

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