Chapter 11

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To focused on my phone and the song blaring through my headphones, I notice too late that two figures are above me. I flinch. "Oh my god. You guys scared the crap out of me!" 

Ally roars in laughter while Camila smiles next to her. "Thought you'd like some company and what's better then the most coolest girls in school?" The short one flashes a grin with a wink. Bow tie shakes her head in embarrassment. "It's fine. You guys don't have too." I reply folding my legs in. "Nonsense!" Ally chimes then sits next to me. Camila hesitates then sits next to her. What is even going on. I'm grateful Ally helped me pull my shit together but she doesn't have to pity me.

"So what are doing?" She ask with that same cheery tone. "Uh, just on tumblr." I say back flashing my phone. "Awesome sauce! I have one too, you should follow me!" She pulls her phone out. "You should follow Mila too, she has some cool pictures."

"I already I am." I look over at her from behind Ally. She's looking too. "Oh really?" She breaks our eye lock by sitting back. "Yep." Camila finally nods. "Mila?" I question the name. It sounds funny. "Yea it's her nick name. Cute right?" Ally pinches her cheek. "Yea." I reply but not about the name. The person in general is cute. 

Once Camila looks occupied with her phone and not paying attention, Ally turns to me. "You feeling okay now?" "Yea, thank you." I whisper back. The first time in a while I sincerely mean  'thank you'. "Well hers my number in case you need anything. Don't hesitate." She hands me a small pink piece of paper then starts telling me about how excited she is for tomorrows pep rally.


Some how with Ally being next to Lauren I feel a hint of jealously. I should of sat before her. They talk for awhile but I stay quiet. All I want to know right now is why Ally took an interest in her all of a sudden. 

I pretend tumblr is more interesting but I am listening to their conversation very closely. I feel like such a creep but It's weird seeing them interact. 

All of a sudden I hear Ally talking in a hushed tone. I strain to hear her and barely make out what she's saying. She asked if Laurens ok and gave her number in case she needs her. Okay... What did I miss?

Ally goes on a rant about the whole pep rally thing. Lauren keeps nodding her head like she's paying attention but I know she's not. She keeps glancing over at me. I look back at her. I'm over looking away from her. Those would be wasted moments. I want to take in every glance and stare. Them green eyes have became my favorite things. 

"Right Mila?" Ally pulls from the depths of the green orbs. "Huh?" I rip my eyes from Lauren's to Ally. "I said Lauren should come to the pep rally tomorrow." "Oh. Yea!" This time I turn to Lauren. "You should come. The football game is later, you should come to that too." I flash her a smile. I hope it will make her say yes.

She looks from me and Ally. We're both grinning hoping for a positive response. "Okay. I guess." A small smile creeps up. "Yay!" Ally cheers. I internally shriek. 

This should be fun.


Science was lame but now it's time for gym which means time to see Camila. I dodge people as I make my way downstairs and to the gym. I'm scanning the sea of my student body when an arm collides with my chest. The force smacks my boob. I defensively push the arm away. "Sorry!" A guy turns to face me. "Watch what you're doing asshole!" I yell while throwing my arm across my chest. 

A small hand reaches out and grabs my arm. "You okay?" Camila ask. Wait what's bow tie doing here. Before I have time to rack my brain around what's in front of me the guy talks again. But to Camila this time. "Hey I said sorry. She's fine. Let's go talk over there." He takes her hand to pull her away. She lets go of my arm while mouthing the word 'Sorry'.

Oh wow.

I turn and walk right back the direction I came from. Gym seems out of the question now. If that wasn't embarrassing I don't know what is. Plus I still didn't bring my gym clothes. Coach won't care anyway. 


I was standing right by the corner of gym hoping to intercept Lauren. But of course reality doesn't work like that. Austin appears first.

"Hey! Didn't see you at lunch today." He pouts. Nothing. I can't help but think of Lauren making that face. She'd look soo cute. "Oh I sat somewhere else. Sorry." I finally say after my mind comes back from wondering. "Well tomorrow you have to come sit with me and my friends. I wont take no for an answer." Austin smiles. Still nothing. "I'll think about it." Frankly I'd rather sit under that old tree for the rest of my senior year. "You should tell future Camila to say yes!" He laughs. "Furture Camila is indecisive." I try to joke back. He thinks it funny because he throws his hands back laughing. He ends of slamming his arm into someone walking by.

Lauren calls him an asshole. I can't help but smile. Her brows furrow and her lips are more pouty. Not sad pouty but mad pouty. I quickly grab her arm and ask if she's okay. Her expression goes from mad to relaxed to complete confusion. Austin says something then I'm being dragged away from her. Before I realize this I turn to Austin. "We can talk later. I have to get to class." I pull my hand from him and turn to find Lauren. 

The halls are emptying fast but I don't see her. I rush to the gym locker room in hopes of seeing her. I walk down the side looking down every aisle. 

No green eyes. Crap. I hope she didn't get mad.

I see Dinah and walk over to her. "Hey where you been?" She ask as soon as I get to my locker. "Oh you know, here and there." I wink teasing her. "Oh you mean with Austin? I saw you two talking!" She returns the wink and licks her lips. "It was nothing. Stop!" I smack her arm. "Ow! You guys would be soo cute together!" She coos as she waits for me. I roll my eyes laughing. She's too much sometimes.


I came to the computer lab. No teacher will question someone doing computer work. I only got caught earlier because I was walking in the lunch room to get a soda. 

After a good tumblr session the bell goes off. Finally I'm free! I ditch my pretend work and head outside. I start walking in the direction of the car lot. 

Crap I forgot I don't have my car. I change directions and see Camila walking my way. She's not alone though. She has even more girls with her. They're all wearing shorts and tank tops so I assume they're her cheer leader pals.

Ally waves first. I wave back. 

Camila waves next. I just send her a small wave. I can't even with her right now. How is she going to stare at me all day and ask me to go to a football game then turn around and be all friendly with some guy. I don't know why it's bugging me so much. Okay I do know but now that I think about it, it doesn't seem fair to her. I look up again just as she passes me and I poke her stomach. She grabs my hand and turns facing me. She walks backwards then lets my hand go. Her smile is amazing. 


Coach let us walk the gym again since a lot of kids didn't bring their gym clothes. This will make practice tonight soo much easier since I didn't waste energy here. 

Dinah talks about her plans with Siope tomorrow after the game. I nod like I'm listening but I just want to see if Lauren is ok. Her green eyes looked so hurt. I hope she doesn't have the wrong idea. 

Once the bell rings Dinah and I wait for the other girls to change so we can walk over to the field. After everyone is ready we head out.

Everyone is in their own conversations while my mind is still on Lauren. I'll talk to her on tumblr tonight. God why is this eating away at me. 

I see Ally wave from beside me. I look up to see Lauren heading for us. I wave to her. All my hope in her not being upset is weighing on this wave. She quickly waves looking down. My stomach drops. I drop my gaze from her. 

As she nears us I pretend I'm immense in the convos around me. I see her closing in from the corner of my eye then I feel her finger poke my exposed mid drift. I quickly grab her hand and I spin to face her but still walk backwards. Her wave made my tummy drop but this action made it do flips. As we inch away from each other the warmth from her hand is gone. But the fire in my stomach from that touch and that smile is still present. I turn and join the girls again. No one seemed to even notice. 

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