Chapter 10

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I'm the first to bolt out of the door when the bells ring. I don't want to face any of them. The realization of everything that just happened an finally sets in. 

Camila smiled at me. She talked to me. I sat by her. She held my hand. I sang with her. I sang.

I dive into the closet restroom and enter a stall. To say I was overwhelmed is an understatement. I take in deep breaths. Anything to calm my nerves. I can feel my heart pounding like I ran a million miles just now. My breaths come in gasp now. I feel like a fish out of water, as cliche as that sounds. Maybe I need air. Yes I need air. I swing the stall open determined to get outdoors.

"Whoa! Hey!" I know who it is with out looking up. She always wears white sneakers. Bow ties' short friend. Right now I need air so I can't stop to have a jolly chat. So I try to step around her. 

"Hey? Wait, what's wrong?" She grabs my shoulders. I can't even breath so to say words right now is not in the question. I just shake my head repeatedly. "Lauren?!" She pulls me closer as I try to step away. 

"P-p-pease?" I finally look up and plead for her to go away. Her eyes soften. "Lauren talk to me?" She pleads back. I try everything in my power to remove myself from her. My blood is boiling. My lungs are aching for relief. She tightens her grip on me.

Reaching my breaking point, there is no where to go so I drop to my knees. Finally out of her firm grip, I tuck my head on my knees. I grab my head to block it all out. 

The short cheer leader kneels beside me. She throws both arms around me rubbing my back. I slowly start feeling her connect more and more. When my hearing comes back I hear her comforting words. "It's okay Lauren. You're okay Lauren."

The fire in my calms. The cool sensation of relief flows through me like a light stream. I can finally breath. This is so embarrassing.

I peek up at the girl and she brushes the hair out of my face. "You okay?" A smile forms on her face. I nod. She helps me stand then ushers me to the sink. She test the water then wets a paper towel. I did't even know I was sweating so much. After she gentle wipes my face she hugs me. I return it.

Stepping back her face has a questioning look. I clear my throat. "I don't know. I guess I was over stimulated." She smiles again. "It's okay, we all have those moments. When I had my first cheer competition I freaked out for like two hours. So you're the true warrior here." She winks. This time I smile. 

For such a small person her compassion is huge. So huge I feel it. I wouldn't want anyone to walk on me having a panic attack but I'm glad it was her. I feel in debt to her.

"We should get to class before we get in trouble!" She picks up my bag for me. "Yea. Hey don't tell anyone please?" I ask rather than demand. "Promise!" She sticks her pinkie out. The gesture brings out a laugh from me. I shake her pinkie then we walk out together.


Lauren left the choir room so fast I don't see her in the crowded hall. She has nothing to be embarrassed about. She did amazing! 

Waiting in history, I watch the doorway like a hawk. Where did she go? I have soo many questions. 

The final bell rings signalling you're late if you come in after. Still no sign of Lauren. I lose hope after five minutes go by. It's like I'll never be able to talk to her one on one.

Mr. Wayne goes over today's assignment when the door opens. In walks Lauren. "Do you have a pass?" He ask stopping his lecture. "Nope." She replies walking straight toward me but not looking up. "Then you're late." He says sarcastically. "Yep." Lauren finally sits. "Check your attitude at the door next time." He stares her down. She finally looks at me. She raises an eyebrow like saying 'is this guy for real?' I just shrug. Mr. Wayne continues.

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