Chapter 14

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We pull up at Starbucks and the line is soo long so Ally suggest we get down. But the line inside is just as long. "What are you getting?" Ally ask Lauren. "Uhm I don't know. You?" She replies looking over the menu board. "You really only have two choices, coffee or no coffee?" I chime in. "True." She nods. "Hot or cold too." Ally points out. "Also true." Lauren nods again. 

"Ally!" A voice shouts from a group of guys who just walked in. Lauren and I turn to Ally who looks like she's just seen a ghost. "Ally?" I nudge her back to earth. "That's Troy." She finally says turning her head away. "Oh my gosh! Go talk to him!" I push her forward. "What? No. I cant." She whispers. "What why not?" I ask. "I c..." Too late Troy was already a foot away from us.

"Hey!" Ally greets him. "How are you?" He puts his hand out. "I'm good, thank you. How are you?" She takes his hand. Lauren and I just watch the exchange. Ally literally just sang the the freaking national anthem in front of a huge crowd but now she's nervous. 

"Who are your friends?" He ask looking to us. "Oh this is my best friend Camila and my new friend Lauren." We're introduced and we shake his hand. "You look nice...  I mean you look pretty." Troy looks embarrassed. Ally blushes. I can tell Lauren's trying to conceal her laugh so she moves behind me ducking her head. 

Troy and Ally continue their conversation and I turn to Lauren. "What's so funny?" I ask confused. "Nothing." She smirks. I smack her arm. "Nothing, It's adorable." She looks over my shoulder making an awe face. "Stop it you'll embarrass her more." I step in front of her view. "I remember when I was shy with the person I like." We step forward in line. "With who?" I raise a brow. "Huh?" She looks back to the menu board. Clearly trying to avoid my question. "You said..."

"Oh my gosh! Your eyes are gorgeous!" A blonde girl standing in line in front of us tells Lauren. "Uh thanks." Lauren takes a step back. The blonde steps forward. "Are they real? I mean like are you wearing contacts?" "Yea they're pretty real." She nods. "Sexy. I'm Olivia." The blonde bites her lip. What the fuck? Is she flirting with her.

Before I can tell my brain no, I do it. "I'm Camila." I grab Lauren's arm in mine putting my hand out for the blonde. She eyes us and it slowly clicks in her head. "Oh. I'm sorry I didn't know." The blonde starts to back away to her place in line. 

Once she's turned away Lauren turns to me. "What was that? What is this?" She points to our arms. "I didn't like her talking to you like that." I try to keep my voice even. "Oh okay." Lauren replies. She removes her arm from mine then snakes it around my waist. Her hand lingers lightly on my hip. "What's this?" I mock her previous question. "I don't like the way every guy in here is looking at you." A small smile creeps on her lips. 

As much as I like the warm sensation her touch is giving me, I don't know how Ally will react. I spin out of her embrace. Not as graceful as I hoped because I almost spin into the giant dude beside me. Lauren just laughs. "Shut up!" I playful shove her.

We finally get our drinks and Ally is back from talking to Troy. Since it's so crowded inside we sit outside. I sit next to Lauren and Ally sits on my other side. Troy makes another appearance so I asked him to join us and he quickly agreed. I just love to see Ally squirm.

We engage in conversation bout the game, what Troy's been up to and all that jazz. Lauren and I kick each other under the table as we see Ally blush over and over again. It is adorable like Lauren joked.

Troy is about to leave so I speak up for Ally. "Hey, we're all going to the Demi Lovato concert next Saturday. You should come?" He looks to Ally then finally answers. "If it's okay with you?" "Yea it's fine!" She grins. They say their goodbyes and I turn to Lauren. 

"You should come to." I rest my chin on my hand. Lauren mirrors my position. "Come where?" "To the Demi Lovato concert." I reply. "I'll try." Her eyes are staring right into mines. I can get lost in those emerald gems all day. "You always say that." I scowl at her. "Well I don't have my car and my mom isn't exactly my best friend." She scowls back. I can't help but laugh.

"Come on ladies, it's getting late." Ally breaks through our moment. We get up and follow her anyway. I hop in front this time and Lauren gets in the back. I scroll through the songs she just got for me. I'll have to listen to them later. 

"Since Lauren's house is closer to mines, I'll drop you off first Camila." Ally informs me. I nod even though I dread Ally and Lauren being alone to talk about heavens know what.


Camila hugged Ally goodbye from the passenger seat. When I got out to get in front she hugged me a bit longer. "Bye Lo." she finally says pulling away. I wave and get back into the car.

We drive off and Ally speaks first. "So, spill it." "Spill what?" I dance around the question. I don't want to throw Camila under the bus. "Is there something going on between you two? I know this is super intrusive but she hasn't told me anything." Her eyes look hurt. "Uh there's nothing really." Frankly I don't even know how she feels. This can be a game to her for all I know.

Ally stays quiet until we pull in front of my house. "Thank you." I go to open the door but her small hand pulls me back. "Do you like her like that?" I'm not sure how to answer that. She'll tell her if I confess that I do. Or I can use it to my advantage and have her help me. I glance anywhere but at her. The little "What Would Jesus Do?" sign dangling from her rear view mirror catches my eye. "Yea, she's cool." I nod. I don't know if she would of gave me a god hates fags speech or something. She looks me over one more time before nodding back.

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