Chapter 18

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Hugging Lauren goodbye was the worse. Not because of the hug or anything just the thought of leaving her was too much. I wanted to stay and chat all night but sadly I knew my parents were probably worrying. 

I skip through the door on cloud nine. The only lights on are coming from the living room. I try to sneak by to go bask in this feeling alone in my room but someone calls my name.

"Mija?" My mom calls me again. 

I sigh and enter the room. "Yea?"

"Feel better?" She asked, concern all over her face.

"Much! I just needed to stretch my leg out." I lie. I feel so crumby lying but Lauren's smell on my shirt quickly lifts me back up. She nods. I see my dad staring me down but I turn away.

I may of or may not of squealed into my pillow. It seriously feels like a Disney movie right now. Except my prince charming isn't a prince at all.


I don't even have time to let what happened sink in. My parents are all over my ass about taking my car without asking.

"It was an emergency." I say for the hundredth time.

"You don't even know anyone for there to be an emergency, Lauren." My mom rolls her eyes.

"I'm sure Lauren has a logical reason." My dad tries to stick up for me.

I just watch them converse. This is so stupid. They were going to give me my car back anyway.

"Well, I'm going to bed." I jump off the counter top walking to the door.

"Where did you go Lauren?" My mother tries again.

"To rob a bank." I shrug then head to my room. She's hot and cold with me and it's starting to piss me off more then when she was just cold.


The girls came over early to get ready for the concert at my place. I haven't had the chance to tell Ally anything that happened last night. I just told her I have to tell her something important but not with the other girls around. A wide grin took over her face. I think she knows what happened, or has an idea.

We dance around listening to music while doing our hair and make up. They gush over their boyfriends and what they plan on doing after the concert. Once Austin comes into the conversation everything goes sour. 

"So Mila what are you and Austin going to do after the concert?" Dinah winks.

"Uh nothing." I look at her confused. What does she expect? For us to go elope?

"Oh come on the way he looks at you, you know he's going to want to take you somewhere nice and private." This time Normani bats her eyelashes.

"I don't even know him like that. You guys are crazy." I roll my eyes. They need to get mentally checked if they think Austin is going anywhere near me like that.

Thankfully Ally changes the subjects. Which quickly turns on her as Troy is mentioned. God I love Mani and Dinah but they are worse then guys when it comes to us talking about the male species. 

I save Ally from them by mentioning she should go grab something to eat before we go. They all agree and soon we're out the door.


Most Saturdays mornings I'd be punching everyone for having me awake but today is an exception. My dad promised the beach so here I am first one awake and waiting. Even though we have to drag the rest of the fam this time.

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