Chapter 08

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Chapter 08


"Do you know what song you want to sing?" Ally ask from behind me. We're in choir class. The teacher just assigned our first assignment. Normani and Ally sit on the love seat while Dinah and I sit on the floor with our backs to it. We have to choose a song to sing as a solo for next Friday. 

"Maybe Demi, it seems fitting since her concert is the next day." I throw my head back looking up to the short girl for a change. "True! I was thinking something old school though." She claps her hands together. "I want to sing beyonce." Dinah leans over to us. "Me too!" Normani all but jumps off the couch. Ally and I watch them fan girl over Queen B for awhile. "You guys are crazy!" I cover my mouth from laughing so much.

Today has been sluggish. I consider the fact that it's because Lauren didn't come to school again but I've quickly dismissed that. Sort of.

Or it's the fact that Austin is supposed to come to talk to me. Which ever it is, neither makes sense. 


By the time I see the first glow of morning I realize school is a no go for me today. Of course my mom would come in hooting and hollering.

"Lauren! Get up now."

"I was up all night with a killer stomach ache." I confess turning over in my bed. "Are you lying to stay home because I let Taylor stay home yesterday?" Her tone goes lower. "No." I simply reply. I'm not in the mood for her right now. "Fine. Just today Laur." She knows I'm not faking otherwise I would of argued to no extent.

She leaves me alone.


"You should sing skyscraper." Mani tells me. Her class is upstairs as well so we walk together. "I was thinking that." I agree. "So has Austin talked to you?" She grins widely. "Nope." I shake my head. "That'll change!" This time she makes her serious face. I begin to plead but she's already down the hall.

I take my seat in history and again I'm hit with the absence of the girl in the beanie. Maybe she's still sick. 

Two work sheets (and a lecture about the teachers ex wife) later the bell finally rings.

After finding the girls I make my way toward them. Hopefully I can get a pizza before they run out. "Camila!" A voice comes from behind me. I swing around fully expecting Austin. It is. "Hey!" I smile and wave slightly. "You should come sit with me?" He has a nice smile. "Or you can come sit outside with me?" I flash a bigger smile and raise my brows in hope. I really don't want to be alone with him and his friends. "Yea, sounds good." He nods in approval. I motion my head for him to follow. As we get closer to the girls their faces are so obvious. They try to hide their giant smiles and winks. I throw them a look before turning around signaling them to get it together.

Austin greets them all but he already knows Arin and Siope. I can't help but think this is a scene right out of high school musical. "What's funny?" Ally ask from my side. "Nothing. I'll tell you later." I bump her shoulder softly.

Finally outside in our now usual spot, Austin insisted on sitting an inch away from me. I try to do the whole stretch and move slightly away but he just scooted closer again. 

"Why'd you get pizza?" He breaks the silence. "I love pizza." I shrug going in for another bite. "Most girls don't. They eat salads and stuff." I think a minute about how to respond to that. "Well not me." Is all I can fish out to not offend him. I'm not like most girls is what I'm quickly realizing.

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