Chapter 06

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Waiting in my car for Chris, I fidget with the radio. I rarely listen to it but I decide to set the stations anyway.

Finally my little brother gets into the seat next to me. He actually looks better then this morning. Caked with a cheesy smirk. "Whats up?" I ask starting my baby. "Nothing." He tries to lie. 

"Did you see up some girls skirt or something." I tease backing out. "No." He says flatly. 

"It was a joke, You're grinning like the joker, I just.." "Everything is a joke to you. By the way I asked people about you today. No one knew you. Do you even have friends?"

I can tell he's tries to be subtle about it but that did hurt. Yea I don't hang with anyone at school or outside of school. But it's because I choose not to. I don't want to get attached to anyone. After my friend Bea moved last year I admit I've been a loner. 

Besides I'll never see these morons anymore after I graduate anyway. It's not worth the time or effort.

"Does it really matter?" I finally say back. 


My phone vibrates in my lap and see it's my mom. She's probably checking if I waited for Chris. 

"Yea?" I speak into the phone. "Will you pick up Taylor, she isn't feeling well and doesn't want to walk." She knows I won't say no to my little sister. "Sure." I hang up.

We pull up around the corner of the middle school. It's a few blocks from my house. Taylor would normally walk so she has to be feeling pretty down to ask for a ride.

I shoot her a text letting her know where I'm at. 

Soon I see her walking toward us with her head down. Yep somethings definitely wrong.

She slides into the back seat. As soon as I pull away from the curb I look back at her quickly. "What's wrong Tay?"

"I just don't feel good." She says softly. "Did you eat something bad?" I continue questioning. "I don't know." I hear her soft reply.

I look in the rear view mirror and see her sink into the seat. Poor thing. "Mom will give you something." I try to help. She just nods.


"Do you think you're ok to practice today?" Normani stops to ask me before I head into the girls locker room to change from my uniform. She's the cheer captain after all. Dinah must of told her about my accident in gym. "Yea I'm fine Mani." I throw her two thumbs. "Ok just let me know if you need a break." She shoots me a smile. I nod and continue walking. 

After we're all done stretching out, we run around the track a couple times. I run beside Ally and Dinah. The other girls are scattered either behind or ahead of us. 

"Yo she took a giant ball to the head!" Dinah shouts for the hundredth time. Everyone hears and laughs. "ChonChoooo!" I whine. She's been hating on me since the locker room. "Relax I'm just playing with you!" Her tongue shoots out at me. I return the gesture. 

We leave and go back to the field when the guys take the track. Normani calls out some cheers and we do them as told. Mainly football game routines since the game is Friday.

I look up at the guys running round and round and notice one taller guy is wearing a knitted cap. My thoughts go straight to the girl with the black beanie. 

Her long brown hair, her perfectly fitted leather jacket, her long legs that end in those worn boots...

"Camila!" Mani's voice pulls me back to reality. I look around and see everyone's eyes on me. "What?" I ask harshly. "Do you want to stay in unison with us? You're all over the place." She replies. "Are feeling ok?" Dinah ask this time. "She's thinking about Austin!" Someone shouts from behind me.

"No, I'm fine guys. Really!" I try to assure them but I know I'm failing. They'll either keep thinking I have a concussion or I'm obsessing over Austin. 

Mani nods in approval then shouts. "From the top!"


After my mom concludes that Taylor has food poisoning she sends her to lay down then she helps me awkwardly get all the faded blue ink off my hands. Chris went over his friends and Dad comes home Thursday. So now I'm stuck watching TV with just my her.

"Can we watch Netflix?" I ask even knowing she'll say no. "I don't care." She tosses me the remote. Whoa what? 

She must of seen the wideness of my eyes because she speaks up. "Don't look so surprised. You act like I never let you do anything."

"Because you don't." I mumble low enough so she don't hear. But she does. "You always have to have the last word don't you." With that she leaves the room and I'm alone.

She's always been confrontational with me. Well not always just after I came out in middle school. I was in eighth grade when I realized I liked girls more than guys. It was all new to me and there was this girl I really liked. Stupid little me thought I can confine in my mother but she lashed out at me. Calling me every name under the sun and then basically saying she only has one daughter now. 

We didn't talk for a while after that. My dad was the one who made us act civil. He said he was tired of it and wanted his family back. I guess with him being the only one who understood and accepted me I don't want to let him down. My mom too I guess since she don't want to lose her husband. 

Ever since that we just been whatever with each other.

I finally find what I want to watch and hit play. American Horror Story baby!


I don't know why I keep thinking about Lauren. It's weird. I don't even know her.

After practice Dinah and Normani get rides home from their boyfriends. So that leaves me with Ally. 

We hop in her little Prius and drive off. I put on the radio and it's Ed Sheeran. I grin out the window letting the song vibe through my veins.

Suddenly I hear the volume going lower. I look over to see Ally lowering it. I pout then she clears her throat.

"Spill it." She looks to me then back to the road. I knew this was coming. Ally is the only one who can read me like a book. After Mani and Dinah got boyfriends, Ally and I got closer. I knew all her secrets and she knows mines. 

But I can't tell her this.

"Spill what?" I act innocent. "Oh come on, Is it the whole Austin thing?" She urges on. So I lie. "Yes." I act relieved. "I knew it! You're never the type to act like this. I bet after ya'll talk for a while those butterflies will settle." I shake my head up and down. I don't want to keep lying to her so I lean forward again and turn the radio back up.

"Milaaa!" My little sisters voice comes booming into my room. She just now got home from school. "Hey cutie!" I greet her back. 

"School was soo cool! How was yours?" She sits next to me on the floor. I was getting all my school papers together. "It was?! Mines was great!" I coo back at her tapping her little nose with my finger tip. "Awesome!" She giggles. 

"Dinner is ready mija." My dad peaks his head into the room. "Kay I'll be right there." I smile at him. "Vamos Sofia." He notices the little one now. "Okay papi!" She runs off after him. I finish stuffing my back pack then head to the kitchen.

We eat while Sofi gushes all about her first day of school. I tell them about choir and getting hit with the basketball. I was laughing but they weren't. They were more concerned. After assuring them over and over I'm fine they finally drop it. 

Finally they let me talk again so I ask to go to the Demi Lovato concert with the girls. They agree.

After I proceed to help Sofi with her homework. It's funny I'm in high school and didn't have any but my elementary school sister did. 

In between I reply to the numerous text I received from the girls about the whole Austin thing.

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