Chapter 20

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"Mom?" I call out to her. I've been looking everywhere for her for the past 10 minutes. "Mooom?!"

On the drive home from school I was hit with the realization that Camila will be coming over tomorrow. My room looks like a hurricane hit it. The least I can do is clean it up a bit.

Suddenly I hear a faint "Over here?" coming from the garage. Making my way over I see why I couldn't hear her. She's has both the washer and dryer going. 

"Mom, where are some trash bags?" 

She carries a laundry basket as she exits the garage walking past me. "Trash bags for what?" 

"I need something to stuff the body in." I reply with a serious face.

Her face drops. "Lauren." I start laughing. "Under the sink. What do you need one for?" she shakes her head.

"Um.. I'm going to clean my room."

"Wait. What?" she practically drops the basket.

I say nothing but go to retrieve the trash bag. She doesn't need to know. 

"What are you looking for now?" my mom ask as I look at the various cleaning products lined up under the sink.

"Nothing. What would I use for dusting?"

"Dusting? Who are you and where is my daughter?"

"Funny. I'm serious."

"Try pledge. Now tell me why your cleaning?"

I stand and say. "I just feel like it okay?" Then walk out of the kitchen. I know she's probably trying to come up with impossible scenarios in her head. That's fine by me. Let her mind wonder.

Walking into my room, I take in the sight before my eye's. I'm already completely 'done' before I even start. I have clothes thrown every. Trash to but luckily not food, my mom would kill me and stuff me in this trash bag if I brought food up to my room. Random stuff just here and there. 

I close my door then plug my phone into my radio. I should play something upbeat so I can get started.


After telling Lauren bye and heading over to practice, I notice Normani seemed distant. It's not like her to be so quiet.

"Mani what's up?" I ask, flopping down next to her on the grass.

She helps me stretch out before replying. "Arin broke up with me."

"What? Why? I mean, I'm sorry." I pull her in for a big hug. They've been dating for a while. At the concert they looked happy.

"It's okay. And thanks. I'm better off with out him any way."

"Yea, he's missing out on a very beautiful, amazing, lovely, gorgeous-"

"Mila!" Normani laughs out. "I get it. I'm fab."

"And flawless!" I add.

Soon Dinah and Ally are right by our side. They too cheer up Mani and remind her how amazing she is. She eventually perks up and we begin practice. 

After a ruthless run through of a few routines we're finally finished. I haven't sweated this much since, well ever! I think Normani took her frustration out on us. But it's fine we need the work out.

Ally drove me home and I dragged my sore body into the shower. Once I'm squeaky clean my mom softly laughs and says. "You signed up for this, Mija." I laugh too because it's true. It was my decision to join the squad with the girls. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2014 ⏰

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