Chapter 17

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I forgot about the girls asking Austin to come to the concert with us. I do remember asking Lauren to come. I stare up at the empty stairwell. 

"Camila?" Austin's voice pulls me back. 

"What was that about?" His eyebrow lifts. 

"What was what?" I ask. I swear if he has something rude to say about her too!

"Nothing. So tomorrow?" His smile returns. 

"Oh yea, yea." I force a smile in return. I can't tell him no after everyone already asked. I doubt Lauren will go now.

I make my way to history to see Lauren sitting in her spot. At least she came to class. I take my seat next to her. She still hasn't looked up. 

"Lauren..." I try but the teacher walks in talking. "Okay class next week we have our first group assignment. Partner up in groups of two's, three's or four's."

"Be my partner?" She finally looks at me. A small smile forming. 

"You're not mad?" I ask. 

"No. I have a date with my dad tomorrow anyway." She shrugs. 

"Oh okay." What then why did she even agree to come? Why did she get mad and storm off? 

We get our assignment which is to cover a historical tragedy. She's still being quite. Even when we don't have permission to talk she talks my ear off and now that we're allowed to converse nothing leaves her mouth.

"What should we do?" I ask breaking the silence. "It don't matter." She looks indifferent. Not only about this project but about the whole situation. 

"Lauren stop. The girls invited him before we even started talking. If I can go back in time, I'd only ask you to go." I tell her lowly enough for just us to hear. Everyone is occupied with their groups but I don't want to risk it.

"It's not even like that. I just get annoyed by him. He stares at you like your a piece of meat he's about to chow down on. Just thinking about you being with him tomorrow makes me want to flatten Demi's tour bus tires so she doesn't make it here."

As cute as she looks right now getting worked up, I can't help but crack up. I can actually see her sneaking around a tour bus and slashing a tire or two. I try so hard to contain myself but the image just keeps popping up in my head.


Everyone including myself are staring at Camila. She's laughing hysterically. Even the teacher has stopped his work at his desk to stare. I poke her arm. She's slumped over trying to catch her breath in between laughs. I poke her again. She pushes my hand away finally calming down.

"People are staring." I inform her of her audience. "S.. s... sorry." She finally gets out. Her gasp are calming down and people are turning back to their own work. The people who continue to stare, I shoot them a dirty look. They turn away.

"What was so funny?" I ask as she wipes her eyes.

"You!" She giggles.

"Me?" I'm not sure why, what I said wasn't very nice.

"Yes! Can you imagine actually flattning the tires to Demi Lovato's tour bus!" She laughs more again. At least she she's not laughing at my discomfort over Austin.

I give in and join her laughing. I probably would slash someone's tires.


We couldn't agree on a topic for the project but I think it was the lack of communication about the whole Austin thing. It's hard seeing eye to eye when there's a giant elephant in the room. We have to talk about it but everyone has been around. Ally sits with us at lunch. Then we have a diff rent class. Dinah keeps me from her in gym. I have practice right after. This sucks. I don't want her to be mad anymore. We may not be a couple but I want her to know I can be trusted with Austin.

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