Chapter 8

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I stumbled out of the doorway, barely catching myself before falling.

'Woah, easy there tiger.' said a voice in my head. Wait that didn't sound like Cami.

'Adriana? Is that you?'

'Told you I would probably be present permanently since the spiritual side of you opened.'

'Guess you were right.' I internally marvled at the fact that I could hear her now.

'Get used to it kid.'

'Who said anything about kid, we're literally the exact same age.'

'Yeah, but I had a lot more time to think about things.'


Throughout our entire mental conversation, I failed to notice that Dr. Miller was staring at me wide eyed. My smile faltered as his amazed expression turned into one of wonder and fascination.

"How-how did this happen. It's impossible, you would have to have two completely different personalities." He was now shuffling through his papers, looking for any semblance that this could be a possibility.

'I take it back, dont tell anyone in this place the truth. Just let them think that this is the first time it has happened.' Adriana was pleading with me. I could hear the desperate note in her voice. 'I just, I have a really bad feeling about them Em.'

'Okay I won't say anything. They better let us out of here though. I'm not staying overnight, I don't even know how long we were in there, it could have been hours. I want to go see my friends.'

'Okay, I can't promise anything, obviously, but just try it.'

"I-I don't know, I guess it hasn't happened before, I was hoping it would have happened before so I won't be a freak." I did my best to sound innocent and ignorant.

"No Ms. Harllow, this has never happened before. I legally can't keep you here, so if I may, could we take some tests to see if there are any abnormalities?"

I hesitated not sure what to do, until I heard another voice in my head.

'You can take the tests, as long as they're not cranial scans. They could see the brain activity of Adriana thinking along side you.' This was another new voice, it was slightly deeper than Adriana or Cami, indicating that the most probable culprit was Cameron.

'I'll do my best to stay away from brain scans Cam.' My statement was a finalized one, because it was hard to keep up my mental conversations along with talking to Dr. Miller. "I mean, I guess. Can they be quick though, I have to work tonight?" The last part was true, my shift was tonight and my friends were planning on showing up to see me. Boy are they going to be beyond surprised.

"Of course, just going to take some blood, saliva, a skin scraping, and urine samples. We don't have any scanners on hand at this location, isn't much use for them usually."

I nodded slowly, wondering why they needed a urine sample. Did they think what I was eating affected whether I have two companions or not? Then again I am not a doctor so I don't know what it could tell him, though, I was not completely convinced this 'Doctor' knew what he was doing, but I reluctantly followed down more twisting hallways anyway. Cami and Cameron followed behind me observantly looking around where we were walking. Meanwhile I, once again, lost my way and would never be able to find my way back.

'It's okay Emmie, I've been memorizing the way. I know how to get back to the room we were in, but not the way out of the building.' Thank God Cami was here.

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