Chapter 1

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"Time to go girls!" My mother yelled from downstairs. Here's what's happening:my mother is dragging me, Hannah my 12 year old sister, and Syrena my 18 year old sister to the ancient little town that isn't on any maps called Swan Cove for the whole summer! I'm going there because I am being forced to. So much for baseball, soccer championships, and my chances with Luke Montgomery. This is officially the worst summer ever! I trudged down the steps with my two duffle bags and suitcase. I threw them into the trunk of the car. I hopped in the very back and started blaring Hamilton in my earbuds. I'm a soccer player, theatre geek, and artist. My long brown hair hung in my face and I stared out the window as we left my driveway. My dad drove the car and my mom was on her phone. Hannah was reading and Syrena was studying for college. I was in the back drawing. I'm the only one with brown hair in my family. Personally, it looks like I'm not even related to them.
Bzzt bzzt
Hey where r u I went to ur house and u weren't there

Oh surprise vacation


This tiny ancient town called Swan Cove :(

Too bad ur gonna miss the pool party how long will u be gone

The whole summer :(

I got to go



My friend Briar and I had the best summer planned until my mom and dad screwed it up. If they ruin my summer I ruin theirs. I sat in the back staring out the window. How long has it been. Five hours?
"Ooh girls were here!" My mother exclaimed. I hopped out of the car and walked to the beach house. It was pretty big to be honest. I walked in and it had a flatscreen and cool stuff. Maybe this vacation won't be so bad.
"Here's $20 for each of ya. Go explore." My mother handed Syrena, Hannah, and I a bill and we walked out.
"I'm going to the dance store. Bye." Yelled Hannah as she ran down the street.
"Gymnastics here I come. I've heard they have a championship going on right now. So long."
"Book store I guess." I walked into town. I walked on the beach and saw a tail. A peach and navy blue tail. Two tails! They were huge like the size of my legs. Wait I remembered this place had mermaid spottings. You don't think? No. Well? No. I'll just go into town. I ran into the town as my Dutch braid swished behind me. I crashed into something.
"Sorry! I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention!"
"It's alright I didn't like this drink anyway." The girl smiled and picked up the empty cup.
"My name is Ariella Jenkins. I'm called Ariel for short."
"My name is Heidi Plinoth."
"Ariel at least i-who's that?"
"Oh yeah that's my boyfriend Daniel."
"I'm Heidi."
"You're not from around here are you?"
"How'd you know."
"Because I'm the mayors son. I know everyone. How long are you vacationing."
"The whole summer. I was dragged here and left behind all my plans. I really don't want to be here."
"Here want to go to my house?" Asked Ariel.
"Sure." I texted my mom and put my phone in my jean shorts pocket. We walked to an old house and went inside.

This is a spinoff of the Swan Cove series. The fourth book. I recommend reading the first three. I'm working on the third and posting three stories at once. Hope you like it.

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