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The next morning when I got up there was another note on the table,
" I'm going away for a day and I should be back sometime tomorrow, maybe, text me if you need me ."


I got my breakfast and got Bridger up for school. I put on some clothes and headed out for the bus.

When I got to the bus stop early so I could drop Bridger off. Michael came up and sat on the bench beside me. Bridger got on the bus and the bus drove away. "Hey drew." Michael said without any stuttering which was actually very suprising considering he always stutters. "Hello Mr.7 O'clock is your curfew!" He laughed. "And hello to you Miss blushes at questions!" He laughed and I sat there. "Dang it, he noticed."  I smiled. "Are u ok?" He ask. "Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm ok. Maybe we can hang out at my house tonight." He smiled.

The day went by quickly and before I knew it, it was that evening. At 5 he came over and we ate pizza. Bridger brought his friend over so they were in his room playing with nerf guns and video games. "Wanna watch a movie?" I ask. "Sure." I walked over to the movie case and got out one of Bridgers movies," there's an alien in the attic" and one of my dads," amnesia" and one of mine," my sisters a vampire!" And I ask him which one he wanted to see. He pointed to the one that was my dads,"amnesia." I put it in and turned off the lights to get the "full effect".

At one part it scared me so I jumped. Michael held me in his arms. I looked up at him and smiled.

When the movie was almost over he ask me a question about my powers. I answered it and we went on with everything and then he ask," can u like see how my mom died in her room!?" I looked at him and thought what if it's something big and scary and he would have to deal with that." Please drew!? It would mean the world to me!" I shook my head yes and we walked to his house. "My dads gone for tonight. I'll take u to my moms room."

He took my up the stairs to a door that was painted light purple. He opened it and all of a sudden so much came flooding into my brain. I saw so much stuff flashing in my head. I closed my eyes and held my head. "Michael, go out. I have to concentrate." He walked out and closed the door. A few moments later I stood up and looked around. I saw a faint white outline of a woman standing there. Her hair was black and it stood out to me. So did her eyes she had light bluish greenish grayish eyes. They were beautiful

  "U were in my dream." "Indeed I was." It spoke back to me. I thought I may have been hallucinating for a minute but then I said," so your Michaels mom?" I ask. "Why certainly. How is my little boy?" I looked down and back up at her. "U mean u can't see him?" "No... He took that away from me. His father. He captured me in this room and I can't see or do anything out of here." "I'm so sorry but his father has been abusing him..." "" She held her head with her hands," I knew I should've stayed." I walked closer to her," so- I'm drew short for drew-Atticus. I live with my dad and my brother. My mom is dead or gone... And I- I love Michael. He wants me to ask u how u died?" "Oh no- he mustn't know. He's my pure innocent baby. He- can't know." "But could u tell me? I mean he has to know sometime... Your his mother and he don't even know how u died." "Miss drew. When I had Michael, I knew he was special, in a good way. I knew I loved him and he would do great things. One night when Michael was 2 months his father ask me to take him somewhere, he said he had to get something. He had to "make it right." We drove right on the outskirts of town. We pulled up to a building, it was moldy and gross. He told me to come in with him. He put Michael in his car seat while we went in. He pushed me onto a bench and a woman came up, she looked to be the same age as me... He gave her some money. She beat me and put me in a cold,dark, wet, nasty room. She looked at me and said,"last words?" I looked up. "God please keep my little boy." It was one last shot...only 1 shot... But it's ok now! He has u!

I started crying. I told Michael to Come in so she could see him. "My beautiful little boy!" She ran over to hug and kiss him but she couldn't,she was just a ghost. "Michael she's trying to kiss u." She frowned and backed up,"Now go! Thankyou tell him I love him!" I fell on my hands and knees sobbing. I felt the room go cold. I crawled out. "She said she loves u." He hugged me. "What did she say?" Then i remembered, in my dream, she was in a car on her way to... Her death...

Thankyou guys so much for 199 reads!!! It means so much to know that people actually care and want to read more!!! I love u guys so much and I wish I could actually see u and personally tell u thankyou but unfortunately I can't... Maybe one day! Love u guys XOXO MOO!!!

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