What It Takes (Elfman)

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"Elfman?" You asked, as you stared up at you tall, loving boyfriend.

"Yes?" His smiled lit up your heart. It always did.

"What does it take to love?" It was a question that had been on your mind for the past month, since the day that you guys started dating. One that you wanted the answer to, but never had the courage to ask. Yet one, that burned inside, one that needed the answer to quench the thirst, to put out the fire.

He looked away, confused. "Well, you see." He looked down at you, a smiles on his face. "It really doesn't take much to love."

"So...does it take a real man?" You smiled as you used his saying.


A feeling of utter shock over came you. "So, if it doesn't take a real man to love, then what does it take?"

He grabbed you hand and made you walk with him. "Okay, listen. It takes a real man to say what is on your mind."

"Just like I did."

Even though you were not a man, he still agreed with you.

"Yes. It also takes a real man to protect those that they care about."

On and on he went about "real man this" and "real man that". But he never got to what it took to love.

At that time, you guys had made it back to Elfman's place. Which had recently became your Semi-home as well.

You tugged from him, which made him look at you, confusion plastered on his face. "What is it?"

"What is what?" He asked.

"All this time, you've told me that it takes a real man to do ALL sort of things. But never once did you tell me what it took to love."

"Honey." He spoke in a caring and loving voice. A voice that he had shown only you. One that no one had ever heard him speak in, due to the fact that he only hen you two were alone.

"What?" You backed away, ready to leave.

"Stop." He pushed up against the wall, kissing you with such intensity, that it even startled him.

After a few seconds, he pulled away, leaving both of you out of breathe.

"Wh-why did you do that?" You asked.

"To show you."

"To show me what?

He smiled. "What it took."

You just looked at him, wondering what it was he was talking about. "What do you mean?"

"You see, it takes only one thing to love."

"And what is that?"

He pulled you into his arms, lifting you up and laying you on the bed. As he leaned over, he said the answer you had been looking for.

"It takes on love itself to love. You see, I love you."

"And I love you."

With that, you let yourself be taken. By his body, his kisses, and LOVE itself.

His love.

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