Ghost of New Years Past & Present-P!ss Off!

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All Rights go to J.K.R  as usualC...

Who else would I give the rights to?

Chapter Eight

Ghost of New Years Past and Present-P!ss Off!

            Aria had always liked New Years. It was a fresh start, a night were you could have a sip of your parents champagne and run up and down the street with sparklers. You could kiss your boyfriend at the stroke of midnight and forget about the best friend you had sex with only two months before.

At least, that’s what Aria was trying to do. Her guests would be arriving in an hour with their families and potluck dishes. She was tired and sad and all she wanted to do was climb into bed and cry.

She smoothed her black dress and stared into the mirror, remembering last years black clothes, last years New Years, sighing as she did.



            The Great Hall was decorated for a party, and a party was exactly what was happening. It looked as if it was snowing, but it never touched the ground.  Everyone wore their own variation of ‘formal wear’ and danced and ate and had a great time-after all, it was New Years Eve. 


Aria and James sat together at the edge of the party with their best friends Erica Chang and Matt Finnigan (who sat so close Aria didn’t know where Erica ended and Matt began), watching the party unfold.


“So Aria,” Erica began, a dangerous glint in her eyes “Who are you going to kiss at midnight?” as usual, Erica had brought up the one thing Aria didn’t want to talk about.


She shrugged “Does no one ring a bell? He’s in Ravenclaw, a really nice lad.”


“Oh yeah,” James rolled his eyes “I heard he was a real player. Better watch out Arie, or he may actually try and slip his hand up that pretty top of yours.”


Erica frowned and shook her head so her glossy black locks bounced “You two are hopeless.”


“We know,” they laughed together as someone yelled ‘two minuets to midnight!’ and blew a really loud horn.


“Excuse me guys,” Matt grinned “But I have to take my beautiful girl somewhere great to kiss her into the New Year.” Erica giggled as he pulled her up, put his arm around her and disappeared into the crowd.


“C’mon,” James said, taking Aria’s hand “I don’t want to stick around to watch everyone kiss each other.” Aria sighed in relief; she didn’t particularly want to watch all her classmates kiss their loved ones at Midnight. It made her to sad.


They sat on the floor outside the great hall, backs against the wall, shoulder to shoulder. James ran his fingers through his red hair a few times then turned to her and smiled the smile that had always made Aria feel happy.

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