Chapter 7: Makeover

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Just a quick note: the pictures are not mine, they all go to their owners. Thank you!

We were meant to be
Chapter 7
Katie's PoV

"Katie!" Caleb yelled.

"What?" I replied.

"You're too fast!" He grabbed my hand and held it.

"You're too slow," I mumbled.

"Oh so you want to be tickled, huh?"

"NOOO" I ran. Not this again.

Well he caught me. Then he tickled me.

"No stopppp!" I laughed.

He finally stopped, and I gasped for air. By this time I was on the ground.

I looked around, then I saw Annie.

"ANNIE!" I screamed and ran to her. It has been sooo long!

"KATIE!" She screamed and hugged me.

"We haven't talked in ages!" I said, letting go of the hug.

"I know right! Who's that guy?" She asked, looking behind me.

I looked at the direction she's facing, and smiled.

"He's Caleb." I answered.

"Katie's Boyfriend." He added.

"NO WAY!" She half yelled. What is he up to today?!


" 'Yes I do.' She said when I asked her if she likes me." he teased. Imma punch him right in the face.

"No telling lies Katie, or else your nose becomes long!" He added and pinched my nose.

"Oh gosh, there's soooo many ants!" she fake scratched.

"Shut up!"

"I'm kidding. I better get going, and Katie when's your acquaintance party?" Annie asked.

"Uhm Friday. Monday to Thursday, we don't have any classes because they're preparing." I answered.

"Great. Well see you on Friday!"

I smiled, then she ran off. I then turned to Caleb, who was smirking, then I hit him on the arm.


"For telling her that you're my "boyfriend" even though we aren't together. But I wish we were.." I explained, and covered my mouth. I hope he didn't hear it.

"Oh. Well you wish we were right?" he smirked. Oh no.


"Yes." I whispered, barely inaudible.


I woke up to the alarm clock screaming.

"KATIE! ANNIE'S HERE!" Brennan yelled. Yep, that's the alarm clock alright.


I ran to the bathroom to take a bath. I dressed into jeans and a shirt then went downstairs. They were laughing.

"YOOOOO!" I yelled to get their attention.

"Katie!" Brennan half yelled.

"Hey Annie, what are WE going to do today?" I asked, emphasizing the "we".

"Let's go to the mall." She smiled. She stood up and said bye to Brennan. Heh, she came here because we're going to the mall, not to see Brennan.

We used Annie's car to get there, and as we arrived, she dragged me to a store full of dresses.

"Huh? Why are we here?" I asked.

"To buy the dress you need for your date-- Wait -- Party."

"I don--" Well too late. She dragged me to a rack of dresses. She pulled out a pink dress.

"This is kinda pretty," She said.

"Uhm no.. I don't like pink, remember?"


Then she pulled out a blue dress.


"Uhm.. Nope."

She placed the dress back.

"Wait, what's Caleb's Favorite Color?"

"...Purple?" I wasn't sure,because it was his favorite a few years back. I don't know if it still is.

Then she pulled out a purple dress, with a ribbon, and it isn't a tube one. (A/n: lets pretend it has straps)

"Perfect.." I whispered.

She paid for it, and now we went to a shoe store. She just bought purple high heels to match the dress.

"Here." She gave the bags to me.

"Next up, contacts."

So we went to buy contacts, and then we went to a parlor kinda shop thingy (I'm not good with stores).

First they did my hair, then makeup, then they helped me wear the dress Annie bought.

I went to look at the mirror when I was all done.

"Woah." Annie said, shocked.

I was speechless. Is this even me?

"You look perfect."


"Let's go. Your prince charming is waiting." She smiled and dragged me to the car.

We arrived at home 15 minutes later, and I went inside. I went to my room to put my phone, wallet and other important stuff in my small bag, then I went downstairs.

To see that Caleb was already there.

"You Know-- oh there's Katie!" Brennan exclaimed. Annie was beside him.

I slowly went down the stairs, and Caleb looked shocked.

"No, she isn't Katie.. Is she?"

I hit him on the arm.

"Nope it's Katie."

I did it again.

"OKAY OKAY STOP HITTING" Caleb half yelled. Brennan and Annie laughed, Caleb was rubbing his arm, while I, was about to burst out laughing.

"Okay you two, go! SHOOO!" Annie said, making us leave.

And we did so.

"Y'ALL DATE, OKAY?" I shouted, making sure they heard.

"OKAY--ow!" Brennan said. He got hit by Annie.

We both laughed while going in his car. Oh, so I'm the only one who doesn't have a car then.

We arrived, and there were fewer people than I have expected. I guess we were early.

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