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anthrophobia: a form of social phobia; the fear of people in crowded situations, can also leave the person uncomfortable when being around just one person

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anthrophobia: a form of social phobia; the fear of people in crowded situations, can also leave the person uncomfortable when being around just one person.

>>>>> month seven <<<<<


what she didn't know was she was all his mind could focus on ever since she moved in. and luke wasn't sure what pissed him off more, the fact that he couldn't forget about her or that he didn't want to.



luna's head spun and her heart was beating a thousand miles a minute and she swore she could feel each sound everyone around her made, causing her teeth to grind against the steady thump in her skull.

luke's gaze stayed on luna's back despite each step she took away from him until she had pushed through the entrance doors of the god forsaken school building.

not even a call from death got her away from this hell. honestly, who needs a diploma when there's a ticking time bomb in your head?

the floors were a horrible dingy white and the registration office was rather small compared to the rest of the structure.

luna stood at the counter for a good five minutes examining various photos pinned to a bulletin board. one kid in particular stood out amongst the others; michael clifford. a boy with messy green hair and an eyebrow piercing who is under one week suspension for skipping class. whole lot of good it does to punish someone for not coming to school by suspending them from the very place they never show up to. nevertheless, she's seen him enter luke's house dozens of times in the past week.

creepy that she's kept an eye on luke's house since meeting him? maybe, but it gets pretty lonely being an only child, especially when your father is pretty much never home due to his work schedule and your mum spends all her time locked in her study blocking out the world. not to mention imminent death. things have changed drastically between luna and her parents and she's not entirely certain what else she's done to cause such a riff in their already chaotic lives.

her attention is snapped back by the slam of the office door and a very enthusiastic man who greets her by name. she pays attention to him chatter for a good five minutes, listening long enough to find her first class and tuning out the rest of his mini lecture.

growing tired of waiting for him to finish she makes up a need to find the restroom, dying to escape the drab office. nodding quickly the man -who said his name three seconds ago but luna has already let it slip away- lead her partly down the hall pointing toward the end where a set of bathrooms were.

luna thanks him before moving through the jammed hallway, her black boots scuffing the tile squares adding more filthy black streaks to the already drab floors. checking over her shoulder luna quickly escapes down a foreign corridor, running smack into a firm body. instantly she knows who it is, as if this is some sort of cliché fairytale she looks up finding luke staring down at her, half smile plastered on his angelic face.

"lost?" he mumbles, reaching for the slip of paper containing her schedule. his tall, lanky body towers over her and for the first time luna realized how tall luke really is. she walked with him to his car and she had seen him from afar but his height compared to hers was truly laughable. she was no taller that five foot and he was over six feet at least, and luna couldn't help but wonder if that made her more appealing to him. she also wondered if he would have preferred her curvier frame; thanks to medication her body changed, becoming much thinner than it once was.

luna may have struggled slightly with the thickness of her body but she never wanted to be this thin, not really.

his breathtakingly blue eyes continue to scan the page bringing luna's head back from the clouds; dimples become prominent in luke's cheeks causing luna's heart rate to quicken which does nothing but increase the ache in her skull. "we have first hour together." luke confirms unable to hide his delight.

"walk me?" luna grins, snatching the paper from luke's grasp, despite knowing she'd be able to find the room on her own just fine. luke beamed, hooking his arm through hers, over the moon that she actually wanted his guidance instead of struggling to find the classroom herself. luna double takes over her shoulder, glad to be lead away from the crowd forming behind her and luke, confused as to why it appeared in the first place.

wishing she could leave her migraine with the gawking students rather than feel the throb each time luke bumped into her, she tries to focus on keeping up with luke's long strides and the feel of his warm hand on her cool arm until they reach the doorway of unfamiliar territory.


a/n: short & shitty af but ayyy

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