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athazagoraphobia: the fear of being forgotten or ignored; the fear of forgetting

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athazagoraphobia: the fear of being forgotten or ignored; the fear of forgetting.

>>>>>month six<<<<<


luna wasn't easy to forget. luke noticed every moment she wasn't there, he felt as though he was missing an important piece of himself as he sat in the lunchroom wishing she was the one seated next to him rather than his green haired friend. michael had just returned to school and he was already on the verge of fighting. or at least that's what he had been jabbering on about before luke decided to tune him out. frankly he didn't understand michael's constant need to be in some sort of trouble, luke would much rather keep his head down and away from the dramas of high school. however, that's what made him the best target for half the football team despite his best mate being on the team.

originally, they joined together both being athletic enough to make it, although luke was a bit clumsier than calum he was good. practice would have made perfect but each time luke missed a goal or stumbled on the field his teammates gave him hell so he quit. his self esteem didn't need anymore damage than it already had. someone always had something to say about his nymph like features or his lanky frame. it was always something that didn't make luke good enough for his peers so instead of using michael's method of pummeling anyone who made a negative comment about him he simply faded into the shadows of his own self loathing.

that's what luke preferred, repugnant invisibility. until luna showed up finally making him want to be recognized again.

but it had been two weeks since he had seen the dark haired girl. he counted every second after dropping her off at her appointment, staying up until the early morning hours just to see her come home. her parents came home, her father paced the front yard for over an hour and her mother sat in the window the majority of the night, but never once did luke see luna. it's as if she dropped off the face of the planet and no one in her home really seemed concerned. luke noticed that the day he met the girl; she was an only child but her parents treated her more like a burden than their kid.

perhaps that's why luke couldn't get her out of his mind. he wondered what she did when she couldn't sleep at night, how she took her tea, if she enjoyed ice coffee over hot, what her favorite band was, if she had been to any concerts. luke wanted to know everything she was willing to tell him. that is when he realized he needed this girl in his life the way he needed the trees to produce oxygen and his hands to strum a guitar.

luke wondered if luna thought about him half as much as she had been on his mind. days have gone by without a peep; no school, no going outside, her bedroom light hasn't even been on. luke questioned if he was to blame, coming up with the worse possible scenarios in his mind as to what could have happened to her. was she attacked? did she get abducted? is she still alive?

luke feels the pressure in his chest, the guilt of not waiting for her has been eating him alive. he knew if something did happen to her he's the only one to blame for he was the last one to see her.

luke sighs, shaking away his dark thoughts hoping desperately that she is the next person to walk through the cafeteria door. of course she isn't and luke was well aware that it was an idiotic fantasy to believe she would just show back up as if nothing occurred. so instead of focusing on the missing girl he tries to pay attention to what calum is saying. which mostly consists of his plans for tonight and how luke should accompany them to this ashton guy's party.

luke declined the invite earlier in the week. he knew about ashton, he was just some frat boy who threw parties every weekend with unlimited amounts of drunk girls and drugged up freshman high off their asses and he just wasn't in the mood to deal with a party, he had more important things on his mind than getting shitfaced with his mates.

"lucas, you've been in outer space for weeks now mate. come back down and live a little." michael urges with a snicker and luke is more than aware that he won't stop bugging him until he agrees to go.

luke blinks at him, flinching as he bites down on his freshly pierced lip. "i'll think about it." luke shrugs standing with his uneaten lunch, more prepared for his history test than this conversation with michael.

"see if that luna chick wants to come." he chuckles, nudging calum who has basically forgotten the girl's existence in her absence. luke rolls his eyes, doubting she'd want to participate in such crude activity but then again he doesn't know very much about her. she could be the epitome of a party girl for all he knew. "nicole is coming, maybe they'll like each other."

nodding luke sighs a faint "maybe" before dumping his tray and exiting the loud room without another word.


groaning luke sets down his paintbrush glancing once again at the landscape luna created her first and only day in art, he searches for some sort of inspiration in it.

michael is seated next him sketching various superheroes and nodding along up whatever is blasting through his headphones, completely oblivious to the world reminding him of how invested luna became when painting.

"you know forest green would probably look a lot better than sea foam." luke instantly recognizes her voice and nearly jumps out of his skin. he looks up slowly, cracking a grin at her good charlotte t-shirt and bright green choker. his smile fades at the dark circles beneath her eyes and the lack of color in her face.

luna gasps, grinning wickedly. "you pierced your lip."

"yeah," luke blushes sheepishly, running a hand through his messy hair. by now michael has noticed the shadow blocking his drawing light and has prepared to take down whoever is interpreting his art. that is, until he realizes who has approached them.

removing one headphone michael flashes a bright smile at luna, introducing himself as luke's "better half" making luke's face flame.

"luna." the girl giggles, glancing down at his notebook. "you're very talented michael." she compliments sweetly causing petty jealousy to erupt within luke and before he can stop himself he's injecting himself into their conversation.

"hey, there's a party tonight," luke swallow thickly realizing what he's said. "do you wanna, ya know, go with me?" he struggles getting the rest of his question out. what with michael gawking at him and luna's eyes going wide at the very thought of accompanying him anywhere.

"one condition," luna smirks and luke screams internally. "it has to be a date."


a/n: i apologize for this garbage lol

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