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philophobia: the fear of falling in love or emotional attachment

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philophobia: the fear of falling in love or emotional attachment.

>>>>>month six<<<<<


"let's get married." luke whispered tangling his fingers messily between luna's. chuckling softly luna shook her head, shifting her bare body to look at him lying comfortably next to her. for a moment she almost agrees, forgetting all about her illness and the impending reality bound to knock on her door any day now. instead, she simply gazed at him, looking at him as if he placed all the stars in the sky just for her. his cobalt eyes danced with nothing but pure bliss laced with just a hint of insecurity; an expression luna never wanted to forget.

"you're insane, luke." she sighed with a pitifully fake laugh, which she knew immediately he would catch.

propped up on his elbow he met luna's dark, dark eyes. "i'm serious."

"what," luna snorted humorously, "you wanna runaway and get hitched to a train wreck like me?" luna's heart was racing with what could have been fear or excitement; although her mind settled on fear causing her to sit up so quickly her head began pulsing, while her heart did summersaults of joy.

"would you run away with me?" luke was so quiet it was deadly; the only sound was the beat of their hearts and the ragged breaths they took. "let's be runaways, baby." luna was silent, yearning to say yes but knowing it would be one of the worst decisions she made if she did. she wanted desperately to follow luke to the ends of the earth and never return, she wanted to be with him even if it meant constantly running. luna would run for the rest of her short life if it meant luke would be by her side.

luke sat up, watching luna desperately. "this is a terrible idea," luna mumbled glancing sideways at the blond boy. "like, a terrible, incredibly stupid, horrible idea you know that, right?"

luke's response was whispered with such certainty, a quiet "i love you" that took luna's breath away. the tremble within his hands and the erratic beating of his heart were the only thing feasible between the two as luna gawked at him, wide eyed with bewilderment, for no one had ever professed their love to her before this moment. she didn't know what to do, what she wanted to do and the right thing were two completely different things. she foolishly wanted to admit to luke that she felt the same way; there was no denying it, no way to fight it anymore.

luna knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was in love with luke and suddenly her world was imploding in on itself. she didn't want to be in love nor did she want luke to be in love with her. she was a ticking time bomb waiting to explode and ruin the structures within the people who built their lives around her; no matter how small the tower was it would come toppling down with such vengeance luna feared no one would make it out alive.

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