Chapter Five: The Rising Action

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Chapter Five: The Rising Action



"Boss!" Jordan cried as that Adam Martins shot him right in his arm.

"Shit. Steven, come here! Help Jordan! George! Move out of the way!" I shouted walking to Adam Martins' direction.

"Well, well, well. I'm surprised to see you here, Bieber. Shouldn't you be resting at home?"

"I can fight you," I spatted at him.

"With those burns and bandages around your body? Are you joking me?" He answered raising his eyebrows. My blood began to boil with anger and my fists became tight.

"What you did with Jordan hurts more than these wounds, Martins."

"Wow. I didn't know you had feelings, kid." I glared badly at him and I pointed my gun at him, but his men also pointed theirs at me. I saw George point his gun at them, too.

"Put it down or we'll kill you," one of the henchmen said.

I calmed down and held my gun low. "George," I signaled him to calm down. I saw Adam smirk.

"What do you want?" I asked him with my jaws clenched tightly. This guy. I hate him with passion.

"What do I want? Ha. What kind of question is that, Bieber? You know what I want and I won't stop until I get it."

Last month, Adam's gang had a very HUGE client. They offered him 10 Million Dollars to supply them guns, drugs and protection—literally protection not condoms, bitches—for one year. But, unfortunately, being the badass here and the great entrepreneur, I had managed to steal the client from them, and that's when they attacked us.

The little war only lasted for two and a half weeks, but obviously, we won. They would never win against us. Never in a million years.

"What? You want revenge because you had lost to me? To a kid like me?! Wow. Just wow. Why can't you just accept your lose and go away, Mr. Martins?" I said as his jaw tensed.

"I never lost to you, Bieber! Never!" He shouted.

"Oh, really?" I teased him. He pointed his gun to me together with his henchmen. George pulled another gun that was tucked in his jeans and pointed them at the Mr. Martins' henchmen. "What? You're going to kill me? Go on! Kill a kid just because you lost to him in one of your stupid fights! Loser!"

"I will come back, Bieber. I will," he said, "And don't you think that I don't know that, you are making your men spy on my daughter because you like her." He smirked at me, he got onto his car and drove away from our safe house, which is not safe anymore so I'm just going to sell this place and go to another. My jaw dropped at what he had said. How did he know?

Anyway, he's still a loser. I don't give a fuck if he's Dana's father. I always get what I want and I want Dana. I will fight for her and I don't care if it would even manage to drag me to hell.

"Justin, are you okay?" George asked.

"I'm fine, bro," I said and walked my way towards my car.

I drove away from the cottage and parked beside a lake. I always go to this lake whenever I feel sad. I sat there and watched the water flow for 10 minutes when a girl sat beside me. This girl... I know her.

I knew it.

She's Dana.

I stared at her shocked and literally with my mouth wide open. "Wha-what .. what are you doing here?" I asked—stuttered.

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