Chapter Fifteen: Gangster

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Sorry for the late update, guys. I have a week-long exam this week and I had to review.

But, I do hope this is long enough. :)

Chapter Fifteen: Gangster


“Justin Bieber? You mean the famous musician and producer?! Why the hell would you want to kill such an amazing guy? I can’t do that!” Blood rushed through my veins at the thought of killing the guy. I mean, he’s been helping a lot of people and he’s really a great guy. And even though, it’s not Bieber, I still wouldn’t be able to kill anyway.

“Turning gay now?” He retorted.

“I don’t really think this is a perfect time for jokes. Are you serious! Even if it wasn’t Justin motherfucking Bieber, I still wouldn’t be able to kill anyone! I’m not a killer!”

“You will need to be. If you want to see your little girlfriend of yours alive in the next twenty four hours.” He replied with a smirk appearing on his face.

“You wouldn’t dare.” I gulped aas I said my words. I won’t be able to live if Dana dies—especially, if it’s because of me.

I sat down the dark and empty road as I ran my hads through my hair, furrowing my eyebrows at the same time. I felt like crying and I just wanted the world to crash on me right now. Call me dramatic, but why does this things need to happen to me? Why?

“B-but, why me? Why? Tell me why! Tell me..” I cried and tears ran down my face.

“Why you? Ha, well I think you should know. Justin Bieber was the former gang leader. Before he became a gang leader, he was the right hand of Brent—or also know as the former leader of The Venomous Virgos. Ju—” I cut him out.

“Why do I need to know about this?! I don’t know a shit about all this gang and mafia stuff! I—” I was also cut off by Lark.

“That’s why I am telling you all the shit about us. Now stop cutting me off, if you want your brain to remain where it is.” I frowned, but just nodded out of fear. “Justin Bieber, before Brent died, was ordered by the dead soul himself to kill someone. I’m pretty sure you know who he is and he’s pretty close to you.” He smirked and my eyes widened.

“! He didn’t! He didn’t..”

“Yes, he did. He killed your father.

“B-but why?” I sobbed and the tears in my eyes flowed heavily like rivers.

“Your father owes Brent big time, kiddo. Didn’t he tell you that? That’s why.”

“I don’t believe you.” The Justin guy is a good guy, he helps children all around the world. He couldn’t be able to do those kind of stuffs, could he?

“Then look at this.” He held a huge picture up which shows a young kid—maybe 16—with a  gun in his hand. The picture was a little blurry, but I could tell the kid was, indeed, Justin Bieber.

My jaw clenched tight and all my blood rushed through my veins. Anger had conquered my mind and all I could think of was one thing—revenge. I will kill that guy and no matter what, I will get the justice I’ve always wanted for my father. I swear Justin will pay for this.

“When will my job start?” I asked. My eyes darkening and my jaw remained clenched tight. My fists worked on it’s own and I had the strong urge to just punch and destroy everything I see.

Lark smirked and let out a winning look on his face. “Tomorrow, kiddo. Meet me here, early in the morning. Goodbye for now, though. I still have a lot of things to take care of. Don’t be late!” He chuckled.

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