Chapter Twenty-Eight: Humorous Chase

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Chapter Twenty-Eight: Humorous Chase


It had been a rough week for me, very rough indeed. It had been seven days after Dana had left me to go to an unknown place. And let me tell you what happened.

Thursday (Day 1)

I cried and cried all day, I didn’t do anything productive and I barely ate the food Steven gave me. George had left back to America the moment Dana left, to check up on Bella, I completely understand that. He did tell me that he was sorry that Dana had to leave like that and that he would do anything to help me find her if I wanted to.

Of course, I want to. But she doesn’t. With a hurt expression and a shrug on my shoulders, I answered him, “Maybe not. I love her, and if she doesn’t want to be with me, I will respect that.”

However, Steven stayed with me. He tried talking to me and comforting me but it was no use. It doesn’t make sense. My whole life didn’t make sense. Not without Dana.

She was the only person aside from my family that I ever actually loved. It hurts to know that she can just throw it away—our feelings for one another, our far from perfect relationship, and practically, my life—like that. That easily.

No comfort, talking, counseling, or experts can make me go back to normal. She was my everything—my lover, my friend, my fucking everything!—and this is what happens to you when you lose everything.

It hurts, and it would hurt over and over again.

I am not a love expert or anything like that. In these kind of things, I’m like a twelve-year-old. Before, I would laugh at men who cry over worthless, women and call them a waste of time and that they are weak and crazy to cry over just someone. Like, they are men, right? They are not supposed to cry.

Oh, well. Look at me now, though. I am pathetic. A girl left me twice, hurt me continuously and I still keep coming back to her and I keep chasing after her.

Well, isn’t this funny? Maybe I should make my own book with my life story in it and name it Humorous Chase. They all say the chase is fun anyway.

Friday (Day 2)

I barely slept last night and I figured that I would be sleeping like this for most of the next in the next several days. I can’t sleep with my head thinking about the most stressful things and things that I want to forget. Or rather, things that wants to forget me.

I don’t know what to do. It has been only two days since she left and it’s funny because, I remember her telling me before that she couldn’t go a second without me.


I sat beside Dana’s hospital bed and reached out to give her a long open-mouthed kiss, pulling away I laughed when she complained about the saliva in her mouth. “Ew, Justin.” She laughed.

When the noise, that our laughing made, turned down, I said, “Dana?”


“I love you. So much.”

“I love you, too. So much.”

“Promise me you won’t leave me again.” I gave her my pinky finger and she twirled hers around it.

“Oh, I swear. If I leave again, I’d die the second I go 3 metres away from you.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

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