Chapter Twenty-Six: Not Again

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ASDFGHJKL. Hello, Alieeens. Haha, I'm kind of cheery right now, because I was reading a very funny novel by Steve Toltz: A Fraction of A Whole. Go check it out if you like. (its not on Wattpad, it's a real actual novel)

Aaaaand to MyBizzle20 who suggested Puerto Rico as the next country my charactets will step on (lmao), wait for me to pm you.



Chapter Twenty-Six: Not Again


I went to look for the caféteria to buy some food for Dana and I, but got lost along the way. This hospital is too big without any reason, ugh. There aren't even many patients here, all they have are a few rich people and a few celebrities.

I sought for help from the guard who was looking out the halls and asked where the caféteria is and found out that I was three floors above my destination.

While I was looking for tge elevators, I thought about Dana and smiled. I loved seeing her smile again after what Lark had done to her, she still held that beautiful smile. I know she's still hurting-I think everyone that got hit thrice and almost died would be-but she kept on hiding it from me.

For the thousandth time this week, I reminded myself to never fuck up again and to protect her always. I will stay by her side and never leave her. No matter what.

I was too busy thinking about Dana, that I didn't even bother looking at where I was going and because of that, I bumped a large man who looked very familiar. I couldn't guess who, but I know, that I do know him.

Come on, who is he? My mind ached for an answer as I felt something bad about this guy.

"Sorry," I asked with my eyebrows furrowed, still wondering who this guy is. But to my surprise, the guy just pushed past me and walked faster, not even answering my sorry to him. "Weird," I whispered.

I entered the elevator and instead of thinking about who the guy is, I just thought about Dana and I's first encounters and days together, thinking that he is plain harmless and I think I was just hallucinating that I really do know him.

I still remember. . . I laughed. I first saw Dana when she accidentally entered the wrong room in the hospital when she was about to visit her friend. I was literally burnt that day and I had a lot of bandages around my body. Then, it was like love at first sight-bam! I just got feelings for her quickly.

The second time I met her was when her father shot Jordan as an attempt to scare me off and leave his business alone. I still laugh at Adam. I was sitting by the woods and Dana just popped out of nowhere, she kissed my cheeks and I was blushing like crazy. And to think, before that, Adam also threatened me to go away from Dana and stop making my people spy on her or else he'd kill me.



. . .

Adam! He was the guy I bumped into!

Shit! How the fuck didn't I remember that face! I'm an such idiot!

Dana. He's here for Dana! I'm sure about that. And I'm also guessing that he was the one behind the Lark disaster. Fuck! Holy shit!

I quickly pressed the elevator's button back to Dana's floor, but there were so many people, this would take too long.

How can you be so stupid! Argh. My conscience spoke.

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