Chapter Twenty-Nine: Puerto Rico

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Chapter Twenty-Nine: Puerto Rico


“Ah! Stop, it hurts!” My ‘bodyguard’, Enrique, dragged me to the farmer’s market through my thin arms and hell did it hurt. He’s like a freaking giant with his huge frame and 6'4 height, towering over my small frame and 5'5 height. And he looks like a wrestler-slash-bouncer, too, may I add.

“I’m sorry, it isn’t my fault that you’re so small.” He protested.

“So it’s my fault why I am small now? You shouldn’t even be dragging me everywhere even! You’re here to escort me while I am buying vegetables not make me look like a withered vegetable by torturing me and tossing me around.” I retorted and he laughed a little, I laughed along with him.

“Sorry, I was just doing my job. I need the money and I don’t want to get fired. I’ll never do it again though, just promise to not escape me again.” He said through a small smile. He may look awfully scary but, actually, he is a very nice person.

And it’s true, in my seven days here in Puerto Rico, I tried escaping Adam’s friend, Pedro—an old man, older than Adam—when he said that next week, I will have to work for him and his disgusting club. But, obviously, I severely failed.

I tried to escape the old, bald, dude twice and the first time I did, the guard who was escorting me everywhere got fired, because he got caught by the ‘big boss.’ That’s why they replaced my guard with Enrique, but because I am the stubborn child of the century, I tried escaping again even though I didn’t have anywhere to go. But, then again, I miserably failed. This time though, the bald man didn’t find out so Enrique didn’t get fired.

He has actually been nothing but nice to me for my first past week here, and I am quite surprised. He’s also quite attractive too, he’s 25 and his mother got in the hospital. That’s why he took the great opportunity of working for Pedro Montez, for the huge pay to help cure her mother.

He made me forget a little about Justin with his funny stories and experiences. Yet, I’ve still been lying awake every single night, thinking about my stupid decisions.

What if I just stayed with Justin and listened to him? What if I didn’t move here, far away from him? What if I didn’t stupidly believed Adam’s lies about him killing Justin, when actually—I finally fucking realized—he doesn’t have the capacity to do that. He’s freaking bankrupted, he could get into jail and live there forever, and no one—and I mean, no one—would bail him out.

Maybe we would be happy by now? Maybe not. But, I should have taken the risk.

Now, I regret every decision that I made.

I break free from my emotionally painful thoughts and tapped Enrique on the shoulders as he bought the vegetables on the list for me. Because the lady in the kitchen couldn’t freaking do it herself. “Are those gonna be taking long?”

“No, just a few more minutes and we’ll go back to the house.” I nodded at him and I yawned while he went back to negotiating with the woman in the large vegetable stall. And I heard the woman say something like beinte kuwatro when Enrique pointed at one of her vegetables.

I thought about Pedro‘s words to me when Adam left and never contacted me again after.

“You’re going to work for me, little girl. I heard you’ve been whoring around with different men. You better use it to give me money.” He said with a weird accent that doesn’t even seem like it belonged to a Puerto Rican.

“I am not a whore, I wasn’t whoring around and I’m definitely not working for you!” I yelled, how dare he.

Pedro wanted to make me a ‘special stripper’ for his nasty and disgusting club full of men who were either cheating on their wives or are just ‘living YOLO.’

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