Chapter Seven: Bestfriends and Girlfriends

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Sorry for the long wait!

Chapter Eight: Bestfriends and Girlfriends


"George?" I narrowed my eyes and stared at the guy, confirming if it was really George. After a few seconds of confirmation, I realized that I am being dumb because, I am pretty sure that the guy is George. No, I am very sure that he is George.

I was thinking about running to George's place and help him with the police, when reality hit my mind.

"The police are also after you, genius." My fake conscience told me. But, he's right. If I go there aand help George, I can offer no help, too, because the police are going to send us both to jail.

I was thinking about a way to help George, when someone behind me tapped my shoulders. "What?!" I answered, shouting. I didn't hear a response so, I turned around and saw who it was. "Oh, Dana.. S-sorry, I didn't mean to shout at you." I said trying to make her feel better, because she looks scared.

"It's okay." She answered with a weak smile.

"Are you alright? What are you doing here? I thought you already went home?" I asked.

"My driver left me."

"What?! And he didn't left the car to you? What a jerk." She nodded.

"Anyway, can I ask a favor from you?" I asked as an idea on how I could get George away from the cops popped out from my mind.

"Sure. What is it?"

"Uh.. I.. Uh.. C-can you.. No wait.. Uhm.." I stuttered.

"What?" She asked raising an eyebrow at me.

"My friend. He's there," I said to her pointing at the cops who where talking and taking some notes, obviously, interviewing George and an anonymous guy. "C-can you help me get him out of there? I couldn't go there and help him, because.. uh.. You know, the police are after me, too, because I jail-broked last month.." as she heard the words 'jail-broked' her eyes widened at me. "Sorry, you know I'm a gang leader.. Please don't be scared.. And also if you can't help me with George it's okay."

"No, no! It's okay. I'm not afraid of you. Did you forget that my father is a gang leader, as well?" She said. Ooh.. Smart. I like that.

"Oh." We laughed together.

"So, can you help me?" I asked.

"Sure, what will I do?" she answered grinning at me. God, she's so beautiful.

"Ugh," I gave her my wallet. "Just give the cops the money they need."

"You're bribing them?!" She shouted, eyes widened.

"What?! No! You'll just pay whatever is needed to be paid there. You need that to get him out of there right?"

"Oh, ok." She agreed.

I looked at my back and saw that the police vehicle is already gone.

"C'mon I'll drive you to the station." I said, smiling.

We drove our way to the police station and Dana went inside to pick George up. I waited for almost an hour inside my car before, finally, Dana amd George came out of the building. George's eyebrows were furrowed and he looked sad.

Dana sat at the back while she forced George to sit beside me. "You guys need to talk." I nodded at her.

"George, first of all, I am very sorry for acting stupid infront of you yesterday. I didn't mean to do that, I was just angry——," I said, but George cut me before I could even finish.

"No, Justin. It's not your fault. I shouldn't have done that. I was just furious about Jordan betraying you. I understand if you don't want me in your gang, anymore."

"No. Why would I do that?! George, you're like a brother to me, already. You know you are always welcome to come back, anytime," I assured him.

"Really? So, am I back in the gang now?" He asked raising an eyebrow. We laughed together. Even Dana did.

"George, dude. Of course not!" I joked, but my face was serious so he and Dana thought that I was being serious. Dana looked at me shocked. "What? I'm just kidding! Of course you are, bro!"

And we all laughed.


Guys, sorry if you waited so long for such a shooort chapter. :( I feel real guilty about it. I promise to upload faster now.

I have a few questions here:

1.) What do you think will happen next to Justin and Dana?

2.) What happened to the girl that George met in the club?

3.) Do you guys have suggestions?

That's all and if you guys would like to make covers, banners, trailers and etc. Send them all to me! :)

Tweet and kik this girl if you want --> @yanamangahas

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