Chapter Nine: Tragedy

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Chapter Nine: Tragedy


Another day, another — *ding* *dong* — I heard the doorbell rang as I was scolding myself, because I woke up very early. Hearing the doorbell ring made me remember Dana and the, 'the almost kiss' that we had a few days ago.

I haven't seen Dana since that day, but we sure had been texting each other, but we really haven't talked about hanging out together again. Neither did we talked about the kiss, too.

I walked towards the doorway and opened the door to see Dana outside — crying — she's wearing a long sleeved shirt and dark jean pants. Weird, she's too covered up. When, reality snapped his fingers at me, I realized that she's crying so hard.

"Dana?" I walked towards her hurriedly and cupped her cheeks. "What happened, Dana? Tell me." I told her, but she shook her head. I was starting to worry so I took her in and I brought her to my room.

By the time we already had entered my room I sat her to my bed, and I sat with her. "Tell me what happened, Dana," I told her, once again, trying to dig for answers.

"H-he.. Justin.. My father.." She couldn't finish her sentence and I just nodded while rubbing her back, trying to comfort her. Even though the thought of her father making me cry brings the dark side in me, I tried to calm down. I stopped rubbing her back when I saw a large bruise planted on her right wrist.

"Dana? Did he did this to you?! Did he hit you?!" I angrily asked her making her flinch a little. She stopped crying and nodded. "Fuck. Dana, take your shirt off!" I ordered her.

"W-w-what? Why?"

"Just take it off!" I shouted at her making her back off a little. Anger dominated my mind so I had no control in what I was doing, but after, like 2 seconds, I calmed down a little and gave her a sorry look. "S-sorry, I didn't mean to shout at you like that. I was just angry. Please, Dana, just take off your shirt," I forced smiled at her.

"I can't..." she muttered almost a whisper.

"Why, Dana? Don't worry I won't try anything on you," I blushed at what I had said. She looked at me and saw my face turn into a dark shade of red. She stiffled a laugh and smiled.

"I know, Justin. But, I still can't do that," and with that, she frowned.

"Why?" I asked getting pissed off, she looked at me like I was a bipolar asshole that grew another head. Well, I am one — except for the 'another head' part. I really need to go to one of those anger management classes, someday. "Again, I'm sorry, don't mind me. I'm just really angry. Please?"

"I can't take it off..."

"You have bruises all over your body, don't you?" I calmly asked her, sighing loudly, like a child that had just lost his toy gun.

"H-h-how? how did you know?" She asked me back.

"You're too covered up. It's pretty obvious, well, it isn't really that obvious until I saw that bruise on your right wrist," I stated. She started to cry again.

I pulled her into a bone-crashing hug and gently kissed the top of her forehead. "I care about you, Dana." I whispered against her hair. She backed away from our hug and looked up at me.

"You do?" She asked, curiously.

"I do. I really like you, Dana." I smiled at her whole heartedly. "Now, tell me what happened. Please? Without the sobbing, it pisses me off." I said with a fake pissed off looked that looked a lot more like a dirty snorting pig. She laughed, but it's not that satisfying. Her laugh sounds dull, it's not like one of those joyful laughs I always hear — and I would also love to hear, forever.

"It all happened this morning.. I was walking around the park when I saw one of dad's gangman follow me. I was really beyond pissed off already because he always does that, and it's so annoying. So, I left the park and drove to the police station, trying to scare dad's minion away," she said emphasizing the word minion. I laughed at her words as she did the same. She never fails to make me happy.. Not even in her darkest days. I nodded at her signaling her to continue.

"But, I became a little.. just a little," she said while forming her thumb and index fingers into a look that looks like a pinching one. I laughed at her, making her smile widely. "You know, angry. So, I went inside the building and told them that someone was stalking me. The police saw my father's gangman and they found out that he was involved in a large bank robbery a few weeks ago and is currently hiding from the cops. So they, punished the guy into 24 years of imprisonment. And, unfortunately, my father found out, he took me home and there he hit me.." Suddenly, her laugh went off and was replaced with sobs.

I want to comfort her, but I don't know how to. Maybe, I know.

I wasted no time and took her face into my hands and smashed my lips against hers kissing her as passionate as I could. At first, she looked shocked so she didn't kissed back. But, that didn't made me give up.

I kissed her more harder and this time she kissed me back with the same effort. Our kisses were filled with sparks and my stomach made sommersaults as the kiss went on and on. I moved away from her lips and began trailing down to her jaw, until my lips reached her neck.

I sucked on her neck as I looked for her sweet spot. When I reached the top of her collarbone she released a loud moan that made me groan in pleasure. God, this woman makes me feel so good and she wasn't even touching me, yet. Keyword — yet.

Her hands reached for the hem of my shirt and quickly took it off of my body. Then she flipped me over. She is now straddling me. She kissed my jaws, my neck and before she could reach my chest and gave me a lustful look making the bulge in my pants grow bigger and laid me down on the bed.

She kissed me here and there while slightly licking my abs. She then reached for my belt to unbuckle it, but before she could unbuckle them, my door slammed open and I saw his father came in.

Yes, his father as in, Adam Martins.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.


And.... Ta-Da! Lol. All the hardcore action will start by the next chapter :L mwahaha. lol

I hope you liked it.

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