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“Hey, princess,” said I, to Dana—my wife—through the phone. “Where are you? I’m heading to the cemetery, meet me there?”

“Sure. I love you. So much.” I could feel my lovely wife’s grin through the other line and I’m quite sure that she could hear mine, too.

“I love you. Soooo much.” I replied, dragging the ‘o’ in ‘so’ a little more longer than it should have been. I couldn’t help it. I love her so much, there’s nothing that can explain it.

Yes, you’ve read that right. Dana is my wife. We got married a few months after Adam was killed. And now it’s already been two years after that. And yes, I’m alive. Scary, right?

Apparently, when I was about to get killed in Puerto Rico, the shot that I heard wasn’t directed to me. It was directed to Adam. It makes sense that I didn’t know that it wasn’t me who got shot, because my vision was all-black during that time. It explains the absence of severe pain during those times. And when I thought I got shot, I only passed out due to severe anxiety that I experienced.

How those happened? It was Enrique who saved my life. He was with Dana before Adam kidnapped her and while we were shooting bullets at one another, he didn’t stop looking for Dana. He knew about me—Dana told him about me. Maybe he figured that if I die, Dana would be hurt. He’s the one whom I thought would take Dana away from me, two years back. But, he didn’t, he wouldn’t and he couldn’t even if he wanted, too.

Because, he’s gay. Too bad, Steven would have been perfect for him. Enrique was one of those gay men that didn’t like to show that they were gay. Thinking about Steven and George made me tear a little.

God, it’s been two years since I last talked to them and I could never do that again. I can only relive those moments in my head. I miss them so much. Sometimes, I’ll just cry and blame myself for their death. If it wasn’t for me, they wouldn’t have died. If I didn’t brought them with me to fight some heartless person, they would still be alive right now.

Sometimes, I think that I am actually the heartless person.

Because, of me his fiancée—Bella—mourned for weeks. However, she didn’t lose their child. I made Bella take care of her son—George Brooks Jr.—and I supplied her all the support that she needed. From money, to food and shelter and etc.

I owe it all to George. I have to take care of his son.

Bella and Dana got along well and I am glad. I became George Jr.’s second father—I am glad about that, too.

A teardrop came out of my wet eyes as I stepped foot infront of George and Steven Brooks’ graves.

George Brooks:
November 4, 1990 – August 24, 2016

Steven Brooks:
November 4, 1995 – August 24, 2016

Ironically, they shared their birthdays. And they also shared their death anniversaries. I am proud of them. They never left each other—til the end.

I thought about my siblings in Canada. They’re all grown up now. Dana and I—also Bella—is living in Canada and visits California every year to visit George and Steven’s grave. I am sad for George Jr., but I really couldn’t do anything about it.

Enrique also moved to Canada and worked as our personal bodyguard since the dynamite duo—also known as George and Steven—aren’t here anymore. Apparently, Pablo isn’t actually that bad of a person. We just had to throw money on his face, and he already let Enrique and Dana go without any problems.

And they say money can’t buy happiness.

Well, it’s true, but if you’re practical then it isn’t.

And the gang; I also gave up on it completely. I decided that I don’t need trouble anymore. I’ve had enough. I left it to Jordan, though. He can handle it.

“Justin,” I recognized Dana’s voice behind me and I turned around to smile at her before looking back to my old friends’ graves. “I’m with Bella.”

“I miss them.” I smiled sadly as I told this to my wife for the thousandth time now.

“We know. You’ve been saying that ever since they passed away. I miss them, too, you know.” Bella retorted. “Especially George. That guy.” I heard her sniffle behind me and I can’t blame her for it.

“No, actually, I didn’t know that you miss him until you said it for like a million times.” I chuckled, trying to lighten up the mood and my best bud’s supposedly wife slapped my arm lightly.

I lowered down to George’s grave and whispered, “I love you, bro. With homo and all. You too, Steven. I hope you find cute angels up in Heaven.”

As I said those words, I felt the air hit my body and in that instant, I knew that they were smiling at me. Laughing at my silly words and teasing me back.

Just like the old days.

I’m sad. Yes, that’s true.

The persons that has been here for me when I needed them is gone. That’s true.

But, that doesn’t mean that the old Justin Bieber is gone too. I’m coming back as a new person. A better one. I’ll mold myself for my future kids. For Dana. For our children.

Until now, I still believe that everything happens for a reason. I’m this young Catholic kid who has mad enough mistake to replace Luficer in his throne. Silly, pitiful, I know.  But, I can’t do anything about it anymore.

I’m like a cloud in the skies of sunny california. I have my own dark days. Beneath the light that my physical appearance is showing, is a sky full of stars and a sky filled with darkness. And when that darkness shows, the only light that I have are the beautiful stars surrounding me. I am greatful for those stars. Even in days that I know I can handle myself, they are still there to look after me.

But one day, I know that those stars will fade. Stars are meant to live for a long time, but they still have their limitations. Once they blow up and fall, they’ll never live again.

In spite of that, the sky will have to go on, until the biggest of the stars explode and leave the world lifeless. But, as long as it still has something to hold on to—it has grip hard to hold on.

I have to go on, because I have something to hold on to. My story is not yet done. Life continues to go after me and it will keep going after you. You can never escape life even if you wanted to.

I am Justin Bieber anyway, why would I escape? After all the chase—nah. If you are life, you will never have to chase me, because I’ll probably go just after you.

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