Chapter Ten: And It Begins

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Chapter Ten: And It Begins


"Oh, no." Dana whispered as she got up from my bed. I saw the scaried look on her face which is exactly the same that appeared on mine.

"You fucking prick! What the hell do you think are you doing to my daughter?!" Adam shouted as he scrunched his fists angrily, ready to attack me with a punch. I threw my head back to try to avoid the punch, but it hit me—Hard. Ouch. What the hell is wrong with this man?! Can't he just talk properly, he doesn't need to ruin my face.

"What the hell!?" I protested while placing a hand on the side of my mouth—the one he punched.

I backed away from him and took my gun from my drawer to try to protect myself. But, before I could point the gun at him, he pointed his gun at me first.

"You want a real fight, eh?" I thought.

"Father, let me explain!" Dana shouted, blocking his father to attack me again—but this time with a gun. "Father, please, calm down. You were the root of all these, afterall." Dana snapped at him, while patting his father's gun down. Oh God, thank you so much, Dana. Now lemme show you what a real fight is!

"I know, Dana. I'm sorry," her father apologized, his face softened a little, but kept glaring at me.

"Sorry my ass," I butted in that made Adam glare at me angrier.

He turned to Dana again and said, "but, still. You shouldn't be doing inappropriate things with this bastard! Didn't I tell you to stay away from him?!" His face became a lot more angrier.

"I know father, I know. But, you can't just tell me what to do. I'm 21 for God's sake! And you're still controlling me like I am your puppet! I might be your daughter, but you have no right to control my life the way you want it to be!" I stood there silently as Dana's brave words came out of her mouth. Go Dana! God, I sounded like a girl. But, Adam didn't look happy at Dana's talking back, so he slapped him.

He fucking slapped him!

Anger hit my body hard and my blood rushed through my veins. I walked towards him and punched him straight on the face.


"You bastard! She's your fuckin' daughter you shouldn't be doing that to her!" I shouted angrily as I punched him again and again. His back fell on the ground and I turned to look at Dana who is currently crying.

I want to kill this man right now, but I know if I did it will just worsen the situation. Even though Dana and his father aren't in good terms, I know deep inside Dana, she loves him and there's no way any man can replace Adam's place in Dana's heart—not even me.

I straddled Adam and kept punching him, "you heartless piece of shit! Once, you lay your fuckin' hands on Dana's again, I swear you'll regret doing it once you find your dead self in hell!" I kept punching him and I took his gun from his hands. Blood dripped from his face and he stared at me shocked at what I have just done as I un-straddled him—leaving him with tons of bruises. God, his face looks funny now—that's what you get for giving me a bruise, bastard.

"Now, get the hell away from my house if you don't want to die, yet!" I shouted as I pointed my — or his — gun at him. He started getting up quickly as if he saw a ghost. I laughed at his face as he ran out of my room.

I looked at Dana and saw that she stopped crying, she stood still at her place and stared at me shocked. I walked towards her and cupped her cheeks, "are you okay?" I asked.

She nodded. "I'm fine. I-I— I just — was, shocked. I didn't know you'd make a move like that." I smiled half-heartedly.

"Obviously," I chuckled.

She smiled at me and went towards my drawers. "Where's your first aid?" She asked.


"Your face, it's dripping a lot of blood. It needs to get cleaned." I nodded.

"It's at the second drawer," was all I replied before she started to look for the box.

She sat beside me and began cleaning my wound. "You do know that my father will do anything to take revenge on you right?" She gave me a rhetorical question as she cleansed my wound with a little alcohol.

"Ye—Ouch!" I flinched when the liquid stung my wound.

"Ssh.. Don't be such a cry baby,"

"It doesn't look like that back when your father was still here." I retorted, smirking. She laughed at my humorous remark.

"What am I going to do now?" She ask. She's worried I can see it in her eyes, she doesn't know what to do, I don't know either. But, there must be a way. But, I know this will cause something worse—better if I win it though.

This decision will cause a war between his father and I, but I didn't care. I care about Dana and I'll do anything to make sure that nobody hurts her.

By this time I didn't even cared about the consequences this decision would make—whether it's good or bad. 

War or not, I'm doing this.

"Dana, come away with me."


I knooow it's short :( Sorry.

I just love cliffhangers don't I? lol

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