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Chapter 6

It's 11:55 I'm standing outside waiting for Justin to pick me up playing last night over in my head

Last night after Leah got to the hotel

I'm watching Red Dawn, my favorite movie when I hear a knock on the door. I pause the movie and wait to see who it is.

"Leah? Are you awake?" I hear Harry call

I unpause the movie

"Leah please talk to me, please, please, please, just, just listen."

I turn the tv up

"Leah I'm sorry and I love you and I didn't mean anything I said I was just upset. I was so sad and angry you broke off whatever it was and was becoming. I didn't realize what you may be going through and what may be happening with you I just want you to know I will always love you and you were my first love even though it never became serious I want you to know I want to make you my girl one day. I'm sorry."

I sat there crying the tv was paused. I walk to the door and put my ear up to it.


I open it a crack and peek out. I look at Harry on the floor. I bend down and look at him. He looks up, and we just sit there silently looking at eachother.

"You just keep making mistakes and I don't know how many chances I can give you. And after what you said I'm not sure I can forget that as easily as you'd like me to" I say quietly, I get up and I go inside and the door locks. As I did so he just sat there expressionless.

I finish watching the movie and go to bed exhausted.

End of last night

I'm still waiting outside.

I'm wearing green jeans a navy blue and white striped top and a navy blue blazer. I also have my black peacoat my riding boots and my beanie with my matching mittens and scarf. My hair is in loose curls.

Justin pulls up

"Hey sweetheart."
"that wasn't very enthusiastic. I'm actually trying so if you could step it up that would be great now hug me for the cameras."

Uh what a pig

He took me on a carriage ride around the city and we got hot chocolate at dunkin donuts. We also went to m&m world and we went to dylans candy bar. We made sure to pass lots of papparrazi so there would be speculations of us dating. Then Justin would be asked to be on Ellen probably and he would say yes and all of that

blah blah blah

We arrive to the hotel and Justin drops me off. He says goodbye and he's on his way. I walk to the elevator and I am met by Louis. Crap.

"Leah! You're back! Oh wait you're back! Why the hell were you out with that scum! What were you thinking! How could you do that to yourself! An-"
"LOUIS! Listen this is all just a publicity stunt! Nothing more nothing less. He doesn't want to do it I don't want to do it but his publicist said that if I don't do it she'll ruin the band and I'm not letting that happen"

lies the publicist didn't threaten me.

"And I told him straight up that if he so much as calls me dumb I will walk."

more lies

"Alright but Liam isn't gunna like it" he tells me
"Neither is Harry" I mumble

I get up stairs and into my room all of the boys wait for me on my bed. They yell and I go through the same conversation I had with Louis in the elevator. Everyone talks and is angry except Harry, once again he's emotionless.

I like angry Harry more than quiet no emotion Harry.

The boys just sit there glad it's a publicity stunt when Harry pipes in.

"How do we know she's telling the truth... what if Justin threatened her and shes lying for him."
"Ya how do we know..." Niall asks concerned
"So now I'm untrustworthy? You know what I'm going for a walk" I say as I grab my jacket beanie and gloves.
"Leah wai-"
I run out of the room tears running down my face.

How dare he. He can't just say I'm lying. What an ignorant fool. Trying to make me seem immature and foolish. I cant even understand why he would think I'm lying! Harry is just digging himself deeper and deeper and if he thinks he's going to just sit outside my door saying sorry and crying well he's wrong because today was the final straw.

I go back to the hotel and find Liam watching tv in my room.

"Come here Leah, we gotta talk..." he turns off the tv
"Well Harry told me that he's worried about you... and I am to. I mean I'm sure your just"
"Is this because he accused me of lying? Your gunna take Harry's side over mine? HE'S PROBABLY JUST JEALOUS!"
"Leah, Leah what are you talking about?"
"Nothing just please leave I'm exhausted I, I just want to be alone, alright?"
"No I need to talk to you." he says in a frustrated tone "Do you remember Jared? Huh? Do you remember when I found you raped on the floor?"

I cower back and hyperventilate. I hats it when anybody brings this up. It brings back the awful memories and when he found me...

*Flashback Leah's POV*

I'm sitting in the box seat watching the boys concert. It's May 24th and were in Ireland. This is the finale and right now they're performing "More Than This" from there album "Up All Night" they sound really good. I start singing along when a here a knock at the door.

I go to answer it and am greeted to a slap to the face.

Before I can get up I'm kicked in the stomach. I hear Liams voice behind me on stage

"Thanks everybody we love you Ireland!"

Oh how I wish he would come help me from this stranger I think as I'm punched in the throat.

I cant breath and I lay there gasping for air.

I feel hot breaths on my face "Where's your big brother now Leah? On stage with his pretty little boyband? Funny I always thought he was gay"


It's Jared.

"D-Dont talk a-about m-my big br-brother *breathes deeply* like t-that"

Another kick, this one in the ribs.

I hear footsteps leave the room "Seeya in a couple years slut"

I lay there gasping for air. I think I'm having a panic attack.

I hear someone come in the door. I hear a voice "CALL AN AMBULANCE QUICK!"

I'm picked by a big man with lots of muscles. I think its a bodyguard.

The last thing I remember hearing before I blacked out was Liam scream "THAT'S MY BABY SISTER LET ME THROUGH! I NEED TO BE WITH HER! LEAH IM COMING"

*End of Flashback*


I turn my head frantically fear shaking my body


I still lay there my body shaking uncontrollable, my vision starts getting spotted and I'm gone...

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