Weightless Lullabies | Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I heard my alarm go off, and contemplated just not getting out of bed.

Not only did I think I was coming down with something, but I was sore from last night.

I had gone out to a party in Towson, I had gotten drunk and high as hell, and then had come home and gotten a beating from my dad. I was in so much pain, I hadn't even been able to change out of my clothes from last night.

After a few more minutes of my alarm ringing, I decided that I may as well just go to school. I had a project to hand in, and a test that I couldn't miss.

Sorely, I got out of my bed, and walked into the bathroom across from my room. Quickly, but gently, I stripped out of my last nights outfit, and stepped into the shower. The hot water felt like a massage on my skin. On my bruises, it felt so nice. The water massaged to knots out of my back and neck.

I reached for my coco butter bodywash, and scrubbed myself, and then rinsed off. I stepped out of the bathtub, and wrapped a towel around myself. I avoided looking at myself in the mirror anymore, if I did, I could probably just wear a potato sack everywhere.

I walked back into my room, and picked out an outfit that went with my mood, and the weather. It was already winter here, but it didn't look too bad today. I grabbed a paid of jeans, a shirt, and shoes dried off, and got dressed.

After gently pulling up my pants, and shirt, I went back into the bathroom and did my make up. Covering up and signs of bruises, and my hangover. Once I deemed myself somewhat presentable, I made my way downstairs, grabbed a granola bar, my keys and bag, and left the house.

I scurried to my car, impatient to get into the warmth once again. I quickly started the car, and fluffed out my damp hair. I put the car in gear, and back out of the small driveway.

There was a spot near the entrance, I didn't have the energy to have to go and find a different spot, and then have to walk an even farther distance, to get into the school. So, I stepped on my gas, and made a sharp turn right, into the space, narrowly missing the car beside mine, and cutting off the other person who wanted it.

As I got out of my car, I heard the person cursing at me. I just laughed and walked into the school. I could feel the stares of my peers on my back as I made my way into the school, I welcomed the heat of the school, and unzipped my jacket as I walked to my locker.

11-47-32, I thought as I spun the lock to my locker. I put down my bag, and grabbed the books I would need for my first period.

"You took my spot, Penny." a voice said from behind me.

I recognized that voice like I did Susan's. "I didn't see your name anywhere, Barakat." I said turning around to face Jack. "Too bad for you, you should have got there earlier." I shut my locker and walked away.

"I'll get you back." he called to me, he said it playfully, but I knew he meant it. Everyone within a listening distance turned to look at us.

I was sure he would. Sadly, I wouldn't be able to escape him for first period. We both had English together.

When I had first come here, he and Alex liked to tease me. It wasn't anything really, I mean they were teenage boys. Fourteen year olds that had acted like they were four, they both still didn't act their ages, but they had matured somewhat.

They had started a band, Jack bugged Alex into doing it, and he has stalked Rian and Zack into doing it too. Zack, I didn't know, all I knew was that he went to Towson. I, and a few others, just thought it was a phase, and they would get bored of it soon, but they didn't. They even went out to do little tours, and out of the state for shows. Apparently, they were pretty good, now. But they still acted like kids, Rian, was kind of like the odd one out. He hung out with all the jocks, even though he was a bit chunky.

But it was Jack that bugged me the most. He was so childish, it was kind of cute, but also annoying he was 17, but didn't act like it. And that name he came up with for me, 'Penny'? Where did he get that from? It wasn't like I called him 'Ben.'

I paid for my food and went to sit down at my table. I sat at a table full of people, but at the far end. I didn't talk to anyone here. I never saw the need, we will all forget each other once we graduate, and they all gossip about one another. I pulled out my iPod and started listening to "Suga Suga".

I was so out of it, I didn't notice that someone had started a food fight, until a meatball landed on my tray. I took out my headphones, and heard the shouting and screaming. I looked around, people were covered in food, and some were running out of the cafeteria. I think I was one of the only people that didn't have food on them...that is until someone threw pasta and a cupcake at me.

I looked up, and saw that it had been Jack and Alex. Alex had thrown the pasta, and Jack the cupcake, but it was obviously meant for the other person. They went quiet, before they started to laugh uncontrollably. I was fuming, how immature can you get? I thought.

I picked my pizza, and aimed it at Jack, but before I got get it out of my hand, he was there, taking it from me along with my glasses. The pizza was okay, take it, but not my glasses. If I went without them, I would get a massive headache.

"Give me my glasses Jack." I growled, squinting, trying to focus on him properly, and make the headache lessen.

"Come and get them Penny." he taunted.

I tried to walk toward him, but the blurry stick that was Jack, threw them to who I assumed was Alex. It was a game of monkey in the middle, and the monkey was getting fucking angry.

I could tell they were running around me trying to make me chase after them. No one knew that I seriously couldn't see without my glasses.

"Come on Penny." I heard Alex say. "Don't you want your glasses back?"

I couldn't stand all the noise coming from the room, the laughter at my humiliation, the blurs all talking and giggling. It was like there was little men banging around in my head.

"Give them back!" I yelled.

"Only if you promise to not take my spot anymore." Jack laughed. He obviously thought that this was just like a school game, with the four-eyes.

"Fuck you Jack, and you Alex!" I yelled. I wasn't going to give into them, clumsily, I picked up my bag and made my way out of the cafeteria. I just kept walking until there were no blurry lines and sunk down against lockers.

I put my head in my lap, and started to cry. I didn't have another pair of glasses in the school, and my sight wasn't good enough to walk to my car and get out my spare pair. I cried, because everything was going wrong. I just wanted to turn eighteen, and move back with Susan and Cole.

I didn't know how long I sat there for, but every minute, every second, was more unbearable than the last. I put my arm to my mouth, and bit down, trying to focus on a pain other than my eyes. I tasted blood, but only a little.


I didn't look up. "What Jack?" I growled.

"Here." I could tell he was handing something out to me. I looked up, it was my glasses. I grabbed them from me and put them on my face.

How nice it was to see again. The migraine was still there, but it wasn't anything an Advil, or a joint couldn't fix. I looked at Jack, and saw that he had concern in his face. I didn't give a shit, slowly, I got up and made my way out of the school. Ignoring Jack's calls, I needed to change and I had an outfit from last weekend that Susan had bought me.

I changed quickly in the girls locker room. I looked at myself, it was a mini dress and heels. This was something that the popular girls would wear, I only had this because Susan thought it would look cute on me. And since I had that leg spray stuff, you wouldn't see the bruises there.

I took in a deep breath, and walked out of the change room. Classes had already started, so the halls were quiet and sort of empty. I ignored the looks I was getting from guys, and glared from girls. I made it to my locker, and put the food and tear stained clothes in there, closing my locker, I made my way to study hall.

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