Weightless Lullabies | Chapter 21

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Sorry for the delay, I have the next chapter, but I am pretty sure it doesn't make sense with the rest of the story, so it'll take me a while to post another one. Not only that, but this is the last week of school for the seniors so I have to start studying. But I promise to post as soon as I can

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xoxo Natasha <3

A week.

I hadn't talk to any of them in a week. Not Alex, Rian, Lisa, or Zack, and especially not Jack. When Kara had come to school, she caught up with me during lunch and asked why I wasn't sitting with them, when I told her she was shocked. Apparently Rian hadn't told her, and neither had the others. It made me angry that they all seemed to take Jack's side, at least that's what it seemed. They were all hanging around him and talking like nothing had happened, although it wasn't as if I was making an effort to talk to them.

It was the exact opposite, I would go out of my way to avoid them. Jack had tried to talk to me on Monday after school, but I told him I was busy, which wasn't a lie. I was going to get a very needed new phone, I finally got rid of my razor and got a blackberry.

It was Friday, the end of the day, and I had a dinner that I had to go to with Susan and Cole. It was an annual thing, every year around this time they would invite their friends over for a casual dinner, which always just turned into a BBQ. Their friends brought their grandchildren so we would have to make something to feed them, none of them ate the food that the adults did.

"You look good today." Alex said conversationally, when I got to my locker. "Going somewhere?"

"Yeah." I said shortly. "Thanks."

I grabbed my bag and jacket, shut my locker, and turned to face Alex. I gave him a stiff smile and left for the student parking lot. As I walked through the hall I heard my name being called, I turned around and quickly turned back. That fucking prick was trying to talk to me, again.

"Penny, wait." Jack shouted.

I started walking faster and pushed open the doors to the student parking lot. I just wanted to get into my car and to Baltimore to help Susan set up for the BBQ. Once outside, I ran to my car and threw my bag into the back seat.

I wasn't fast enough.

I heard a knock at my window, and knowingly looked up and into Jack's big brown eyes. He motioned for me to roll down my window. I debated what I could. I could either turn on my car and drive away or turn on my car and roll down my window. I was raised to be a polite person, but I was never told what to do when I was in a position like this.

I sighed. I turned the ignition on and rolled down my window.

"What do you want, Jack?" I said in a monotone voice. "I have to be somewhere."

"I want to talk." he said.

"What's there to talk about?" I asked, rudely. "We're not together anymore, you and I both know why, and it's not like we were friends to begin with, so we can't 'still be friends'."

Jack looked defeated. It made me so sad to see him like this, I missed seeing the happy, carefree Jack. He had been like this for the past week, but I was trying not to care. He broke my heart, I didn't do anything wrong, he got his friends to lie to me.

If he hadn't done that, I probably wouldn't have gotten so mad. If he had just told me that it had been a mistake and he didn't ask his friends to lie for him, we would still be together and he would be in the car with me now, we would be on our way to Susan and Cole's BBQ.

"Please Penny?" he pleaded. "I'm really sorry about what happened. I... Just for a while?"

I felt bad for him. "Fine, text me and we can meet up somewhere okay? But I really need to go."


"How did it go?" Alex asked, as I walked to his car.

"Terrible." I sighed. "She hates me, dude."

"Well, you did cheat on her." he said.

"Yeah, but you guys also knew and then tried to cover it up for me. I mean at the time, I thought it was sound logic. I had wanted to sleep with Jessica since the eighth grade and I didn't think Penny would find out."

"You probably shouldn't have gotten so drunk," Alex said. "But is she going to talk to you?"

"Yeah, she said I should text her and tell her where she should meet me."

I hadn't meant to cheat on Penny, when I saw her face at the party, it broke my heart. All of this week she had avoided all of us and went back to how she was before we started dating, but worse. Before she used to at least converse with a few people and would sit in the cafeteria among everyone else. Now she wouldn't talk to anyone, not even the teachers, when you saw her down the halls, she looked depressed, and you never saw her at lunch. On Monday I looked for her at all the places close to the school and on Tuesday all around the school. It was like she had disappeared.

What was worse was that I knew that this was all my fault. When I had talked to her today at her car, she was so cold. She had no life in her, she was just going through the motions and I knew that she has only meeting with me because I had looked so sad when I had talked to her.

"What are you going to say?" Alex asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"I dunno, that it was a mistake and that I love her."

"I'm not sure that'll do anything," he said. "Dude, you broke her heart and she compared you to Jason. You're going to have to do a hell of a lot more then say sorry and you love her. You're going to have to grovel."

I groaned. "I know. God, I am such an idiot."

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