Weightless Lullabies | Chapter 28

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On school on Monday Jack, and everyone else, ignored me. They were icing me out. What struck me as weird is that some of the people that we knew, who were outside of the main guys we hung out with, thought I wasn’t in the wrong. A few others were shunning me, as if it would hurt me.

“I know that your friends are mad at you.” a girl said to me. “But I don’t think you were wrong. Jack cheated on you first and now he is acting as if you did something insanely horrible, when he did the exact same thing.”

I was so close to crying that day, that when she said that I broke down. She asked me if I wanted to talk about it and I told her everything that happened at the party, what actually happened. I told her how Jason somehow got into my house and forced me into my bedroom, how he said that if I screamed for my friends he would kill them. How he almost raped me.

She couldn’t believe it, she couldn’t believe that Jack would even think that after what Jason had done to me that I would lie to him about anything. She proceeded to go up to Jack and hand him his ass in front of Alex, Rian, Lisa, Kara and the rest of the school.

“Who the hell do you think you are?” she yelled at him. “You break up with Spencer for supposedly cheating on you with an ex when you did the exact same thing? The only difference with your cheating and hers is the fact that she didn’t actually do anything.

“Why would you even think that she would after what Jason did to her?” she looked at them all. “Why would any of you? You people have got to be the worst friends ever!”

Her name was Katy and she had been in at least one of my classes every year since freshman year, she had been a transfer like me. She had switched schools, but knew a few people who went to Towson. She was just as shy as me, I don’t know why I never noticed her. She said that she had wanted to be my friend since the day Jack and Alex wrote on my locker, but was too scared.

It was strange, but as we ate our lunch together I realized that she was the first friend that I personally had made since I got here.

“So who are you going to prom with?” she asked me as we walked to study hall.

“I’m not going anymore.” I told her. “I was supposed to go with Jack and our, I mean his, friends. But now there’s no way.”

“We could go together.” she said shyly. “I really wanted to go, but I didn’t have the courage to ask anyone and now everyone who is going has a date.”

I laughed. “Sure, I’ll go with you. I bought mine and Jack’s ticket, so it’s now yours.”

Just as I said that, Jack and Rian and Alex walked by me. I could feel them glaring at mea nd really if looks could kill I would have been to hell and back....twice.

I was scared to go to my locker, it was the end of the day and I didn’t want to have to face Jack or Alex. I didn’t know what to expect if I saw them and was even more scared to see them with the rest of my old friends. Katy said she would meet me at the parking lot doors after we both went to our lockers.

“This is stupid.” I said quietly to myself. “I haven’t done anything wrong and it’s my locker. Just put in your earphones and ignore them if you see them.”

I put in my earphones and turned on my iPod. I took a deep breath and turned the corner that would take me to my locker.

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